. This excludes any content that is repeated across multiple pages (such as navigation bars, headers, footers, etc). Beispiel Beachten Sie: Die früher verwendeten Dokumenttyp-Deklarationen für HTML 4.01 oder älter und XHTML 1.x sollten Sie nicht mehr verwenden. To get the usage right, refer back to the original definitions as provided by W3C. The HTML
tag is an HTML5 element that defines the main content in the HTML document and there should only be one element in a document. Generally, the content within the element will be content that expands upon the central theme of the current page. All of this content should be unique to the individual page, and should not appear elsewhere on the site. In the HTML, or hypertext markup language, a fundamental Web programming language, these markers are called tags.HTML structure includes specific “open and close” tag elements that help define the parts of a web page. The element should not used as a child of an ,