Lil dicky 3. De afrikaanse jongens namen is samengesteld door de bezoekers van brabbels. Your guess is as good as ours! Afrikaanse namen en hun betekenissen. Apoko Nyang’au. Als je maar wel wag tot verkeer staan. So good they named it twice thrice. sup viewers! Bingo Sorta funny to most. Soulja boy tell ‘em 10. What could […], On February 4, 2019, the first Naira Life went up. for girls. The tasseled wobbegong smiles for the camera. Wij helpen u op weg met diverse leuke voornamen, baby namen, meisjesnamen, jongensnamen, Afrikaanse namen en hun betekenissen. Jimmy Chew Though chewed shoes are never funny, the name is. Also Watch. What about names like Christmas Island, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, and … Lil’ scrappy 7. Clown Names Rated 42 points - posted 9 years ago by kris in category Other. My own introduction to money was with coins, and this was in 1990. South Africa boasts a variety of cultures, traditions and languages, and parents often choose to name their children according to these distinctions. Big pun 12. Rather than looks or behaviour, the name relates to the fact that this turtle from the Southeast United States apparently tastes like chicken, and used to be a popular food source. The tasseled wobbegong is a carpet shark that looks as weird as its name, with a long, flattened body patterned with colorful blotches, and a fringe of tassels around its head. Lil dibbie 8. any masculine feminine unisex-Usage, language or place. Lots of “old” British surnames have been disappearing in recent years; names which have been used for generations are being lost.We think the reason may be that nowadays, people have become increasingly embarrassed to have hilarious or funny last names that may make other people laugh.. Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart So without further ado here are our 30 favourite funny animal names in alphabetical order, along with a photo and brief description of each animal: Funny, and creative! Wij helpen je graag om een mooie Afrikaanse naam voor een meisje te vinden. Teacher. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Funny country names include names like Swaziland, Papua New Guinea, Belize, Panama, Hungary, and Niger. Afrikaanse jongensnamen. It’s actually one of several pun names for species of Agra beetles, including Agra vation and Agra phobia. !ÌLÈKÉ ÒGÉ (@soreks_Diva) October 19, 2015, @soreks_Diva @zikokomag I once had a driver named Ability. In Afrikaans you can play with the names a lot as traditions has changed from giving all the family names to maybe giving one or two. Take to find out: 2020 has been the year known for a global pandemic, closed doors and remote working. The struggle is real—and it's time for the struggle to be over. April 21, 2014. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Deciding where to eat and get the best lifestyle experiences, isn't something you should stress about. Browse Afrikaan baby names and meanings. The deliciously named ice cream cone worm. QUIZ: Get More Than 6 Right To Prove You’re A Real Marlian, 5 Nigerians Share What They Love About 2020, 8 Ways To Treat People Who Did Not Give You Christmas Food, 5 Nigerians Share Their Best Christmas Memory, If Mary And Joseph Were A Nigerian Couple, Love Life: His Ex-Fiancee Felt Like The Second Wife, 9 Of The Most-Read Sex Life Compilations Of 2020, My Relationship Is Over And I Can’t Wait To Leave, My Abusive Boyfriend Hit Me And Our Relationship Ended. “Wunderpus” is a combination of the German word “Wunder” which means “miracle” or “wonder”, and the English “octopus.”. Perhaps it’s this tiny size that accounts for the ‘fairy’ portion of its name. There are over 2,000 different species of pleasing fungus beetle, named after their habit of feeding on fungus, along with plant matter. I cannot believe some parents would call their children these names, but they did! QUIZ: What Food Should You Eat On Christmas Day? The Aploparaksis turdi is a type of animal that you hopefully haven’t met – it’s a type of hermaphrodite tapeworm that relies on ciliary gliding to move around… and is found in faeces. Get Best WiFi Names ideas, Clever wireless network names, Funny Wi-Fi names, Creative, Good & Cool Wi-Fi Names list for your SSID Router 2020. 25 People With The Funniest Names Ever. You get Nigerians talk. Bear witness to technological proof that laughter is the best medicine because these physician names will totally make you LOL. Press J to jump to the feed. Attempt below: Get to know more about the clique behind your favourite content. Smh. Eat anyhow You’ve had a long year, and honestly, you should take it out on all the food you come across this Christmas. Chesck these out. Sometimes you wonder what people were thinking of when they named animals.Take “manta ray” for instance. Freely,” then you are familiar with the joy that comes from a particularly funny dirty-ish name. Give it a shot: 2020 is almost over, and while we spent most of the year indoors, we are sure that didn’t stop y’all from increasing your body count. Score above 11 to defend your bragging rights. Agra cadabra. Funny nicknames in csgo. The wonderfully named – and coloured – sparklemuffin. This ground beetle is part of the Agra family and named after the magician’s favourite catchphrase. gender. The name is of Gaelic origin for handsome if you did not know already, and does not have to do with gay or cursed in any way. In addition to Afrikaan baby names, at Baby Name World you will find thousands of other unique and popular male and female baby names … You could opt for classic names such as Lassie, Patch or Spot; but, if you're after a unique name, OneHowTo is here to help! 3. usage Close. On March 10 2020, I published the first-ever “A Week In The Life” story. I was shocked. But even these worst names cannot compete with the funny names list that we have compiled. The moustached puffbird has small tufts of white feathers around its beak (hence the ‘moustached’) and is plump, round, and fluffy (hence the puffbird). Out of water the blobfish is aptly named, as it’s one big gelatinous blob, but in their high-pressure deep-sea habitats, they look a little more like normal fish. Saviour. You’re not alone in looking for some inspiration in that direction. Biejanka. Is 71 good? You know funny names like: Steven Siegheil, Jean Claude VACban ? The reason for the ‘strange-tailed’ portion of this bird’s name is obvious enough, but why is it a tyrant? Lil yatchy 4. Why pleasing? There was the 50 kobo coin. What if Jesus was born to a Nigerian couple? Adem is the Afrikaans version of the Biblical name Adam, which means ‘red earth’. “Look at a child I sent to school,” she adds, “he came back with a broken anus.”, Have you ever wondered if you were adopted because of the way your parents treated you? When threatened handled by humans it has a tendency to squeal loudly in distress, hence the funny name. Goddey. It is widely spoken in South Africa, a fascinating country that gave us many artists and performers, as well as other important historical figures, so wanting Afrikaans to be the inspiration for the name of your pup is surely not a surprise. Names such as Mwanajuma “Friday”, Esi “Sunday”, Khamisi “Thursday”, and Wekesa “harvest time” refer to the time or day when the child was born. User account menu. Green Crack. Quickie is a video series where everyone featured gets only one minute to rant, review or do absolutely anything. Dan voegen we die zo snel mogelijk toe. When your mum gets home and you haven’t taken out the chicken from the freezer. If, like Bart Simpson, you were a fan of prank calling local establishments and asking to speak with individuals like “I.P. The incubator for love, sex, lifestyle and nostalgia. Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest. The World’s Most Funny City Names. A collection of videos documenting some of the events of the EndSARS protests. What’re the funniest Nigerian names you’ve heard? — Dami Odufuwa (@dami_odufuwa) October 19, 2015, Oridota. Enjoy! Do you suspect that maybe your parents aren’t real parents after the flogged you? They talk about Kayode’s attachment to his former fiance of 8 years, Yinka’s need for setting boundaries and how they handle being married and living in different timezones. Zikoko is a Big Cabal Media brand. The boops boops is a species of seabream fish native to the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean and Black seas. It’s thought this rather cool name comes from the salamander’s incredible size and strange appearance – a creature straight out of hell! Some of these animal names are weird, some funny, and some just downright rude. 69 boys 13. Like English, Dutch and German, Afrikaans is a West Germanic language.. If you know this to be true, please leave a hint at what we’re missing in the comments below! So, we’ve created a quiz that knows how many people you slept with this year. Vanilla ice 14. As for crazy, they’re known to chew through electrical wires, causing short circuits, which is pretty crazy behaviour…, The wide open mouth of a sarcastic fringehead. There are literally no other doctor names in the world that are funnier than these names of actual doctors. Log In Sign Up. Let VRSUS do that for you. Find out here. None of them are made up, and all names are either the real scientific name or the real common name for the animal. We hebben ze allemaal voor je op een rij, meestal met de betekenis van de naam erbij If they did, then you’re probably around 6’0″ and above. Went to school with an Almighty and a Forgiveness — Ogbenyealu (@notgonnabeawest) October 19, 2015, Surveillance — Hazel❤️ (@__Th3v1rtu0us) October 19, 2015, “@zikokomag: Orimogunje, Takeagoodposition, Triumphant Grandeur. level 1. From Batman to Brest, Fukui to Fort Dix, Skyscanner has scoured its database of over 10,000 airports and picked the funniest airport names in the world. Usually these days the parents would do a combination of all the family names such as susanna petronella and then make it sunel. Will your December be dirty? Ruth, 21 In November 2019, I got the news that my hip bones were dying. Bark Twain A funny author plus a funny name equals a funny dog! I Can't Stop Laughing! Copyright © 2018 - 2020. The beautiful simplicity of both African locals and European settlers is reflected in the naming of towns across the country. This name is funny in this area of England as Heck is a synonym for Hell. Adiel: Good Time is a limited video series showcasing lifestyle across different African countries. Kind of a funny name, but suitably descriptive for this lizard that does indeed have a large frill around its neck. The aye-aye is not a gremlin come to life, but rather a nocturnal lemur found in Madagascar. Olodeoku — Flawless Milo (@midnightsun84) October 19, 2015, @zikokomag have you heard of UpJesus?? Another example of a straightforward descriptive – if unattractive – name for a species. — Biniboy (@gemernestein) October 19, 2015, @zikokomag All CU students my set can attest to this, I did not make this up. These are the Funniest Nigerian Names You’ve Probably Never Heard. What even is that? ‘Father Christmas’ seemed a little off and this December still does not appear to be interested in being ‘detty’ even for a minute. The pleasing looking pleasing fungus beetle. Is it a plant? Each sunnyside up jellyfish has an orangy yellow dome surrounded by a white ring, and can grow up to 40 centimeters across. So, we created this quiz to figure out which […]. After hearing Excel (brightest guy in class), Appearance, Best and Paymaster (he really was one)… — dayo b (@i_am_dayoB) October 19, 2015, @SistaSparkles @zikokomag Kai! A few of these species have gained notoriety as significant pests. Geographical nuances determine most names, but … Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Is the ‘slippery dick’ an insult, a cocktail, or a fish? *Yinka, 31, and *Kayode, 32 have been acquaintances for 13 years, dated since 2019 and married in 2020. No, it’s a leafy seadragon. Posted by 5 years ago. I suppose it’s possible that we’ve forgotten one or two of the world’s most funny city names. Sex Life is an anonymous Zikoko weekly series that explores the pleasures, frustrations and excitement of sex in the lives of Nigerians. There are a lot of different names to call your dog. — Adenike Lanlehin (@omotomilola) October 19, 2015, Heineken, Saturday, Suffernomore — Miss B. Okojie (@BellaRoseO) October 19, 2015, Manager, Bonaventure… — Fifi (@ineffablewaters) October 19, 2015, @zikokomag Divine Increase — Asa Nwa (@AfricanCeleb) October 19, 2015, MagnifytheLord, Jehovahisthekingofkings, ChildofGod — barefootCountessa (@AjikeSpecial) October 19, 2015, Souvenir, Improvement, Opportunity, Yuletide — Oladayo (@oladayo01) October 19, 2015, Thywillbedone — IEO (@SistaSparkles) October 19, 2015, Sendoff — IEO (@SistaSparkles) October 19, 2015, Finedaughter, EvidenceofGod’sLove — Nonso ~Swesh~ (@NonsoEagle) October 19, 2015, @zikokomag Goodluck (we all know who that is lol), Sir Louis ( yup, the Sir is included), Boniface, Bonacristus, hallelujah, fortunate etc? We bring you six ways to know that you’re not the biological child of your parents. hope u understand this lad's informative words about football.cheers! Let us know in the comments section below! Waka foka flame 16. chioma. >> Arsenal of God. I was 5, and my mum gave me money to buy a crate of eggs – ₦1 coin. *sigh* Yes, COVID-19 has scattered so many things but we must find a way to enjoy this month. “They [senior students] will remove his boxer and push their legs and hands into his anus,” she said. 1. Is it just us or the ‘banger sounds’ didn’t even bang as well? It’s just a collection of sounds. Leave me alone to die. We’re not sure if this name is funny, cool, or just evil, but it certainly stands out. Follow us for instant access to all of our best safari & wildlife content: Bioluminescent Animals: 11 Incredible Glowing Species. If we’re doing Latin names too, then it has to be the Western Lowland Gorilla, … 666K views. Albinobeef - Tauren Warrior One of the least tasty ice creams around, the aquatic ice cream cone worm lives in a home that it makes from sand and shell fragments. I'll give you a hint and say it involved a female body part and a word meaning appeal or appetite. 30 People Share The Funniest Pet Names And They’re Beyond Creative . More Filters. And if you see one or many funny city names that are just dying for a tank top design, let us know that, too! Funniest NFL Names. It is a relatively new language, having been developed in the 18th Century among the Dutch colonists that settled in the Cape. Mooie Afrikaanse namen voor jongens of mannen. Share this story. Did your parents give you enough beans when you were growing up? What can we say, other than ‘chicken turtle’ is a pretty funny name! Others…well, other names are funny, so funny that they might even embarrass the wearer and be part of an article like this one, feature 60 funny names that are so unfortunate, it’s just laughable. Now, we want to know just how high you rank on that ajebutter scale, using your food preferences as a (very accurate) measure. It addressed the struggles of a female Keke driver who was punching her weight in a male-dominated field while also doubling as a breadwinner. Have we left any great animal names off the list? Every week, Zikoko asks anonymous people to give us a window into their relationship with the Naira. Endemic to central Argentina, this armadillo is nicknamed the “sand-swimmer” because of its ability to “burrow through the ground as fast as a fish can swim in the sea”. This is a chronology of major films produced in South Africa or by the South African film industry.There may be an overlap, particularly between South African and foreign films which are sometimes co-produced; the list should attempt to document films which are either South African produced or strongly associated with South African culture. Funniest Clown Names 34 items ranked. I would have changed my name. Life is already hard. Christmas is an annual celebration of the birth of Christ, characterized by gifting, being around friends and relatives, and making beautiful memories. Lil pump 2. This theme of understanding people’s work struggles set the tone for the rest of the episodes in the series. Funny Team Names., Saturday November — IEO (@SistaSparkles) October 19, 2015, I’ve heard of “God is Good”, “Abuja ThankGod” and “Sokoto”. Perhaps, but the name of this small antelope from eastern and southern Africa makes us smile. London's Nightingale hospital has already being mostly dismantled, shocking pictures reveal (top). Why it’s sarcastic nobody knows, but the sarcastic fringehead is an aggressive small fish with a giant mouth that it uses to battle for territory with other fringeheads. However, for avid Swahili speakers, this name means a dirty dog or bloody brute. Then you can easily create but the big challenge is to find a good type of team name for that group or team. — Adebola Rayo (@adebolarayo) October 19, 2015, @zikokomag won’t be surprised. Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa and Namibia, as well as in some areas of Botswana and Zimbabwe.However, its origin is Indo-European. 1. Report. The ‘lump’ portion of their name relates to their looks of being a round lump of flesh. Subscribe. This is an example of an animal name that’s just plain weird. Meaning: To have a great conversation. Dat de Afrikaanse taal voor Nederlanders tijdens hun vakantie in Zuid-Afrika vaak grappig is om naar te luisteren, weten we. From Johanna Susanna to Janneman and so forth, South Africans have the most innovative and unique names. But, if it had been named “majestic sea flap flap” then people would get the idea as soon as they heard its name. Afrikaans male given names from Semitic languages (1 c, 0 e) Pages in category "Afrikaans male given names" The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total. Below is a list of 500 excellent funny team names you can call your team. Funny Male Team Names. What happens when a group of chatty young Nigerians talk about things they're passionate about? This is an example of a beetle with a great name! Now, we want to see how well you know the flags of those same countries. It’s quite an amusing name as it is, but even funnier when you consider that the tufted titmouse is not a mouse, but instead a bird! Each year the list of baby names keeps getting more eccentric with such contributions as Miso, Emperor, and Kale (as in the salad) for boys, and Monet, Heiress and Amen (not kidding!) Their leaf-like appendages act as camouflage, allowing them to look like a piece of floating seaweed. Never saw em again though so I dunno if they got far beyond that without being banned or not. The subject of today’s Sex Life is a 22-year-old heterosexual woman who not only has vaginismus, but is also demisexual. My Favourite Names! Via de Karbonkelberg en de Aftrekplek naar de Hoërskool en terug. Fabunni – A sophisticated Afrikaans name meaning “God has given me this”. also hrd “God knows” “ability” “intergrity” “forward” — HBD HONEY! So, when it comes to naming your little boy, you might choose the most relevant name that is unique and distinctive. The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing a Funny Name: Here are some of the guidelines which can help developers generate funny names for their games. These names are so funny you won’t believe some of them are real. The 20 best malaria-free safari destinations, The 6 greatest animal migrations in Africa. 5 Nigerians share their most memorable Christmas experiences with us. Apelehin. Which is the funniest? […]. 33 points - added 9 years ago by kris - 2 comments . Most of the time the frill is kept folded down, and used only to intimidate predators or other males. A funny name for a funny looking fish (and one that made it on to our list of the world’s ugliest fish). My boxed-up uncle used to give me whenever he visited. The cockchafer is a type of flying beetle, growing up to 3 centimeters long and sometimes called a ‘doodle-bug’ or May bug. So, for those who proudly wear the Marlian tag, we made a quiz to test how well you really know Naira Marley. The login page will open in a new tab. We organize 2000+ popular and funny boat names by boater personality types. 11 x leuke Afrikaanse verkeersborden en plaatsnamen. All the things upcoming gossip bloggers should know. In the video, Mrs Okezie lamented about her son’s status. What are the funniest Nigerian names you’ve ever heard? Since then, […], On December 20, a video of Mrs Deborah Okezie, mother to Don Davis, an 11-year-old JSS1 student of Deeper Life High School, Uyo, was sexually molested and starved at school surfaced on the internet. 1. — Olufemi Adebimpe (@femiadebimpe) October 19, 2015, Election, Perseverance, JesusSaves, Alloysius, Evaristus, Ekwutosi — Nwachinemelu (@cremechic11) October 19, 2015. What are the funniest Nigerian names you’ve ever heard? Money by Zikoko hopes to answer this question in a fun and relatable way. Worry no more. 1. Afrikaans male given names from Semitic languages (1 c, 0 e) Pages in category "Afrikaans male given names" The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total. Door een baby naam te bezoeken of beoordelen kun jij hier ook aan mee doen.Heb jij een mening over een naam. 1. What's the funniest name you've ever seen in WoW? An agra cadabra beetle. Select filters then press SEARCH below + Gender. — Iyawo Djokernole (@honeydjoko) October 19, 2015, Advantage. This ground beetle is part of the Agra family and named after the magician’s favourite catchphrase. Last week, we created a viral quiz that tested your knowledge on the capitals of all 54 African countries and y’all did pretty great. This is the best list of funny animal names, and we’ve got to say it’s rather amusing! The name rolls off the tounge. Sign up for the Complex Newsletter for breaking news, events, and unique stories. We have compiled 40 funny WiFi names including puns, references to your favorite shows, and just straight-up clever names that you can use to rename your network. […]. All rights reserved. Close. Final score: 130 … After I saw someone asking for Gamertag ideas, I thought I'd ask everyone what the funniest tag they've ever seen was.Mine? Close. Clever WiFi Names It has a flattened tail that looks like a leaf, and the satanic part of its name is likely related to its strange appearance, and occasional red colouring. Without further ado, here are the 50 funniest rap songs. Wunderpus photogenicus are typically rusty brown with white blotches forming a pattern unique to each animal, however, as with all octopi they are able to change patterns and shape at will to evade predators. Funny nicknames in csgo. Take this quiz to find out: Do you brag about your sexual prowess? Welcome to the best boat name site on the web. Another example of an amusingly descriptive animal name. It has been nearly ten […], What’s your oldest memory of money? QUIZ: How Many People Did You Sleep With In 2020? Translation: ń Hond uit ń bos gesels. Take to find out: There are two types of people in Nigeria right now: those who are proud Marlians, and those who are still in denial about stanning the divisive star. Afrikaans is a language of Germanic origin popular in countries like South Africa and Botswana, and to some less extent spoken in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Darling Jesus. The introduction of English names for black people, however, has produced some hilarious results This Is Africa We recently came across some a compilation of identity documents from The Apricity belonging to some unfortunate southern Africans who have been blessed with some weird names. Unlikes names with La in the beginning or a ' in the middle, Kyle is simple, and that's the name is. Subcategories. 14. This is the strain you pull out for your friends and then when they ask what it’s called, you tell them and everyone giggles for five straight minutes. From relationship deal breakers to sex education with Nigerian parents to leaving Nigeria, be prepared for a ride. Some species also have spines on them, leading to the full name of spiny lumpsucker. All members of the Cyclopteridae family are called ‘lumpsuckers’. 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