Jane Austin Cunningham Graham, Can Shingles Kill A Cancer Patient, Articles N

Section 40:54-29.18 - Capital improvements; certification of sums needed; apportionment of costs, Section 40:54-29.19 - Appropriation for capital improvements; borrowing, Section 40:54-29.20 - Consent to capital improvements; expenditures, Section 40:54-29.22 - Discontinuance of participation in joint library; notice; joint meeting of governing bodies, Section 40:54-29.24 - Discontinuance; form of ballot, Section 40:54-29.25 - Discontinuance; effect of majority approval; participation in joint library by remaining municipalities, Section 40:54A-1 - Authorization to create seaquarium authority; name, Section 40:54A-2 - Appointment of members; qualifications; terms; vacancies; conflict of interest; oath; compensation; officers; quorum; bonds, Section 40:54A-3 - Employees and assistants; compensation; selection; civil service; offices; records, Section 40:54A-6 - Resolution of governing body; investigation and report by authority. Section 40:55D-88.5 - Powers, duties of commission. The Section 40:8-2 - Municipal airports; general powers. Section 40:55D-9 - Meetings; municipal agency, Section 40:55D-10.3 - Completion of application for development; certification; completion after 45 days if no certification; exception; waiver of requirements for submission. Title 40A. Section 40:8-2.1 - Operation of airports as public utilities by municipalities. Section 40:43-66.56 - Filing of final report, recommendations. Section 40:54-29.3 - Joint free public libraries. Section 40:9D-8 - Payment of prevailing wage rate. Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Section 40:41A-35.1 - Filling of vacancy, interim selection pending election of successor. Section 40:55D-32 - Establish an official map, Section 40:55D-33 - Change or addition to map, Section 40:55D-34 - Issuance of permits for buildings or structures, Section 40:55D-35 - Building lot to abut street, Section 40:55D-37 - Grant of power; referral of proposed ordinance; county planning board approval. This website was designed to provide as much information as possible about your Police Department and to make access to our services easier and more user friendly. Section 40:48-1.3 - Holding DUI arrestees in protective custody, certain circumstances. Section 40:14-5 - Work done as local or general improvement; notice. Section 40:41A-125 - Adoption of the administrative code. Section 40:48-1.1 - Removal or demolition of hazardous buildings; recovery of costs. Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Section 40:66A-25 - Competitive systems; State's pledge and agreement with bondholders. Section 40:55D-163 - Construction of act relative to Burlington County municipalities. Section 40:12-15.8 - Propositions deemed approved by voters of municipality. Section 40:14B-21 - Water service charges. Section 40:14B-22.5 - Credit toward certain fees provided by municipal authority. Section 40:48-2.60 - Definitions relative to charitable clothing bins. Section 40:48-17.1 - Surplus revenues or anticipated receipts; use for school purposes; budget, Section 40:48-17.3 - Surplus revenues or anticipated receipts; use for school purposes; budget, Section 40:48-17.5 - Financing project; bonds; use of proceeds to repay federal advances, Section 40:48-17.7 - Establishment of special reserve accounts for school building construction; transfer of funds, Section 40:48-17.8 - Transfer of funds to school district, Section 40:48-18 - Joint municipal and county work; referendum when a public utility, Section 40:48-19 - Joint contract for work; amendments, Section 40:48-20 - Joint acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment; officers and employees, Section 40:48-21 - Financing joint project, Section 40:48-22 - Organization of municipalities for mutual welfare; officers, Section 40:48-23 - Representation in joint organization; contribution to support; representative's expenses, Section 40:48-24 - Special meetings of governing body, Section 40:48-25 - Municipal investigation committees; power to issue subpoenas; service of, Section 40:48-26 - Refusal of witness to testify; punishment by Superior Court, Section 40:48-28 - Oaths administered; perjury, Section 40:48A-1 - Acquisition, construction and maintenance of public improvements, works, etc. Section 40:48-1 - Ordinances; general purpose. Whether you're looking for Section 40:55D-68.4 - Certain senior citizens permitted to rent, lease rooms. ", Section 40:33-13.2k - "Tax Base Sharing Option. Section 40:49-1 - "Ordinance" and "resolution" defined, Section 40:49-2 - Procedure for passage; "governing body" defined, Section 40:49-2.1 - Land use ordinances; publication; transmittal to tax assessor, Section 40:49-3 - Ordinances in effect in 1917 unaffected, Section 40:49-4 - Revision and codification of ordinances. Section 40:66A-7 - Incinerator, environmental services authority as political subdivision; powers. Section 40:75-2 - Subsequent commissioner; election and terms. Section 40:54-9 - Trustees; number, appointment and term; alternates, Section 40:54-11 - Trustees; corporate name; organization; officers; certificate; recording and filing, Section 40:54-12.1 - Purchases not requiring advertisements for bids, Section 40:54-12.2 - Free public library administrators, duties, Section 40:54-13 - Trustees; treasurer; bond and duties, Section 40:54-14 - Trustees; compensation; limitation on amount of indebtedness. Municipalities and Counties Current as of February 19, 2021 | Updated by FindLaw Staff Welcome to FindLaw's Cases & Codes, a free source of state and federal court opinions, state laws, and the United States Code. Section 40:65-13 - Sidewalks on land under control of county; cost; assessments and collection, Section 40:65-14 - Sidewalks in municipalities; ordinances for imposition on abutting landowners of expense of construction, repair, alteration or maintenance; procedure, Section 40:65-15 - Reimbursement of account used to pay costs connected with sidewalk improvement, Section 40:66-1 - Street cleaning; solid waste disposal; ordinances, rules, and regulations. Section 40:52-10 - Licensing of rooming, boarding houses. Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. Section 40:45-7.2 - Arranging ballots for general election. Section 40:55D-27 - Citizens advisory committee; environmental commission. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning Section 40:55D-68.5 - "Senior citizen" defined. Section 40:66A-16 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of State or local unit. Section 40:56-83 - District management corporation; powers. Section 40:20-35.11b - Selection of interim successor, Section 40:20-35.11c - Nomination of candidate from floor, Section 40:20-35.12 - Vacancy in offices of all or majority of members, Section 40:20-35.13 - Appointees; qualifications, Section 40:20-71 - Director; selection; substitute, Section 40:20-71.1 - Designation of another freeholder, Section 40:20-71.2 - Appointments by county executive. Section 40:69A-25.2 - Alternative under 40:69A-25.1, transition provisions, Section 40:69A-25.3 - Group C alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-25.4 - Group D alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-25.5 - Group E alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-26 - Laws governing after adoption of optional form of government, Section 40:69A-27 - Municipality remains body corporate and politic; name, Section 40:69A-28 - "General law" defined. Section 40:9B-5 - Ratification, validation and confirmation of prior appropriations, Section 40:9C-1 - Mass transit or freight line services; counties and municipalities; subsidies; appropriations. Section 40:8-6 - Control of airports; regulations; fees. Section 40:37A-115 - Actions or proceedings; standing of authority; jurisdiction and venue; receiver; reorganizations, Section 40:37A-116 - Foreclosure action; parties; powers of court; sales, Section 40:37A-117 - Judgment against qualified housing sponsor not pertaining to foreclosure; written notice to authority, Section 40:37A-118 - Bonds, bond anticipation notes and other notes and obligations, Section 40:37A-119 - Resolution authorizing issuance; provisions; inclusion in contract, Section 40:37A-120 - Pledge of revenues, moneys, funds or other property; validity; lien; recordation, Section 40:37A-121 - Members of authority or persons executing; nonliability, Section 40:37A-122 - Purchase; power of authority, Section 40:37A-123 - Housing finance funds; limitations on issuance of bonds or other obligations, Section 40:37A-124 - Pledge and agreement of state not to impair rights or remedies of bondholders, Section 40:37A-125 - Bonds as legal investment and authorized security for public deposits, Section 40:37A-126 - Tax exemptions; property and revenues of authority; interest and income of bonds, Section 40:37A-127 - Exemption from execution or other judicial process, Section 40:37A-128 - Insurance or guarantee of loan; agreement with department or agency of federal government, Section 40:37A-129 - Insurance or guarantee of bonds or other obligations; agreement with department or agency of federal government, Section 40:37A-130 - Annual report; audit; contents, Section 40:37A-131.1 - Payment in lieu of taxes not to exceed 20% of annual gross revenue; determination of assumed assessed value, Section 40:37A-132 - Services to authority by units of state and county governments, Section 40:37A-133 - Discrimination; prohibition; violations; penalty, Section 40:37A-134 - Broad construction of powers, Section 40:37B-3 - Creation of authority; membership; filing and publication of resolution, Section 40:37B-4 - Dissolution of authority; grounds; filing of resolution, Section 40:37B-5 - Appointment of members; terms; filling of vacancies, Section 40:37B-6 - Election of chairman and vice-chairman; appointment of other officers, agents and employees, Section 40:37B-7 - Vesting of powers; quorum, Section 40:37B-8 - Compensation and expenses, Section 40:37B-9 - Unlawful interest in contracts, Section 40:37B-11 - Creation of other authority for same or similar purposes prohibited, Section 40:37B-12 - Body politic and corporate; powers and duties, Section 40:37B-14 - Compliance of facility charges with terms of lease or other agreement; adjustment of charges, Section 40:37B-15 - Issuance of bonds and notes; contents of bond resolution, Section 40:37B-16 - Purpose of issuance; series bonds; maturity; interest; denominations; execution; redemption; types of bonds, Section 40:37B-17 - Act as sole authority for issuance of bonds; inapplicability of other laws, Section 40:37B-18 - Sale of bonds and notes, Section 40:37B-19 - Bond anticipation notes; sale; report, Section 40:37B-20 - Public sale of bonds upon sealed proposals; exceptions; deposit; confirmation of private sale, Section 40:37B-21 - Notice of public bond sale; contents; publication, Section 40:37B-22 - Terms and conditions of sale, Section 40:37B-23 - Sale of bonds by treasurer; report, Section 40:37B-24 - Unlawful acts in issuance or sale of obligations, Section 40:37B-25 - Failing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice, Section 40:37B-26 - Covenants with bondholders, Section 40:37B-27 - Default by authority; appointment of trustee; powers and duties, Section 40:37B-28 - Appointment of receiver, Section 40:37B-29 - Negotiability of bonds or other obligations, Section 40:37B-31 - Acquisition of property; eminent domain, Section 40:37B-33 - Aid and co-operation of counties or municipalities; powers, Section 40:37B-34 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance of, or permit to use, real or personal property of county or municipality, Section 40:37B-35 - Appropriation of money by counties or municipalities; loans or donations to authority, Section 40:37B-36 - Lease by county or municipality for use of public facilities, Section 40:37B-37 - Mortgage, pledge, encumbrance or other disposal of public facilities, Section 40:37B-38 - Exemption of property of authority from levy and sale, Section 40:37B-39 - Annual payments to municipalities in lieu of taxes, Section 40:37B-40 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:37B-42 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:37B-43 - Undertaking for deposits of authority, Section 40:37B-45 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:37C-2 - Legislative findings and declaration, Section 40:37C-4 - Industrial pollution control financing authority; purposes; creation by counties; approval; dissolution; filing of resolutions; members; organization, Section 40:37C-6 - Sale or lease of facilities; minimum amount of payments or rentals, Section 40:37C-7 - Inapplicability of chapters 32 to 36 of Title 52, Section 40:37C-8 - Bonds; issuance; redemption; terms; sale; refunding bonds, Section 40:37C-9 - Security for principal, interest and premiums, Section 40:37C-10 - Nonliability of state, political subdivision thereof, county or municipality; guarantee of rights and remedies of bondholders, Section 40:37C-11 - Certification of facilities; condition precedent to adoption of resolution for authorization for bonds, Section 40:37C-13 - Disposition of facilities after payment and retirement of bonds, Section 40:37C-14 - Independence of authority, Section 40:37C-15 - Legal investments; security for public deposits, Section 40:37C-16 - Powers conferred by act as additional and supplementary, Section 40:37C-18 - Annual audit of accounts; filing, Section 40:37D-2 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:37D-4 - Creation of county food distribution authority, Section 40:37D-5 - Powers of authority, general, Section 40:37D-6 - County food processing and distribution center, Section 40:37D-7 - Powers of authority relative to highways and lands, Section 40:37D-8 - Exercise of power of eminent domain, Section 40:37D-9 - Issuance of bonds, notes, Section 40:37D-10 - Additional powers of authority relative to bond covenants, Section 40:37D-11 - Pledges by authority immediately valid, binding, Section 40:37D-12 - Establishment of additional reserves, funds, accounts, Section 40:37D-14 - Investment of funds, moneys in authority bonds, Section 40:37D-15 - Conveyance of governmental real property to authority, Section 40:37D-16 - Tax treatment of authority facilities, property, bonds, Section 40:37D-17 - Annual report to Local Finance Board, Section 40:38-28.1 - Cost of living bonus or longevity program; participation, Section 40:41A-1 - Submission of charter study question, Section 40:41A-2 - Election of charter study commission, Section 40:41A-5 - Organization meeting of commission, Section 40:41A-8 - Advisors to the charter study commission, Section 40:41A-9 - State participation in charter studies, Section 40:41A-10 - Expenses and compensation of the commission, Section 40:41A-11 - Dissemination of information, Section 40:41A-12 - Report and publication of findings, Section 40:41A-14 - Additional recommendations, Section 40:41A-15 - Date of charter referendum, Section 40:41A-16 - Form of the referendum question, Section 40:41A-17 - Petition for special charter, Section 40:41A-18 - Discharge of commission, Section 40:41A-19 - Adoption of optional plan, Section 40:41A-20 - Petition; contents; filing; election; ballot, Section 40:41A-21 - Election; time; ballot, Section 40:41A-22 - Moratorium on other petitions, Section 40:41A-23 - After adoption or rejection, no vote on change for 3 years, Section 40:41A-25 - Government of county after adoption of optional plan, Section 40:41A-27 - County powers generally, Section 40:41A-29 - Municipal or regional advisory councils, Section 40:41A-30 - Grant of powers to county, Section 40:41A-32 - Elected officers; governing body defined; exercise of administrative or executive functions by county executive, Section 40:41A-33 - Qualifications, election, term. Section 40:44-15 - Report on ward boundaries; filing, format. Section 40:12-15.12 - Proposition authorizing levy to support arts and culture. Section 40:14B-23 - Municipal authorities. Section 40:56-1.4 - Clean energy special assessment, financing by municipality. with municipal governments, Section 40:54D-44 - Prior obligations unaffected, Section 40:55-21.15 - Municipalities qualified to receive certain state aid; urban growth zones; determination by ordinance; exemption of projects from land use ordinances, Section 40:55-52 - Authentication before filing, Section 40:55B-2 - Legislative finding; purpose of chapter, Section 40:55B-3 - Creation; official title, Section 40:55B-4 - Body corporate; number of members, Section 40:55B-8 - Purposes, functions, and additional powers, Section 40:55B-8.1 - Contracts relating to transfer of interest in real estate; veto by mayor, Section 40:55B-8.2 - Restrictions or conditions on real property sold or leased by commission, Section 40:55B-9 - Study of tax structure, Section 40:55B-10 - Limitations on powers; appropriations; records and reports. Section 40:12-1.1 - Appointment of alternate members to local boards of recreation commissioners, Section 40:12-2 - Additional commissioners in certain municipalities, Section 40:12-3 - Acquisition of property; costs estimated and determined, Section 40:12-4 - Acquisition of property; authorization; condemnation, Section 40:12-5 - Games and exhibitions; admission fee; no charge for children. Section 40:66A-23 - Bonds as legal investments. Section 40:43-66.50 - Duties and function; report of findings and recommendations, Section 40:43-66.51 - Meetings and hearings; application of Open Public Meetings Act; subpenas, Section 40:43-66.52 - Compensation of members; reimbursement of expenses, Section 40:43-66.53 - Budget; apportionment among municipalities; acceptance of aid; facilities and employees; audit. Section 40:55D-8.6 - Inapplicability of certain provisions of law imposing fee upon developer of certain non-residential property. Section 40:41A-145.1 - Election to fill vacancy on board of chosen freeholders; exception. Section 40:55D-38.1 - Solar panels not included in certain calculations relative to approval of subdivisions, site plans. Section 40:55D-66.11 - Wind and solar facilities permitted in industrial zones. Section 40:48-2.12r - Complaints, proceedings against landlord, recovery from tenant. Section 40:56A-6 - Studies and recommendations, Section 40:56A-7 - Conservation commission as environmental commission, Section 40:56A-8 - Joint environmental commission; creation by ordinance; members; compensation, Section 40:56A-9 - Chairman; qualifications; term of office, Section 40:56A-10 - Expenses; apportionment; appropriation, Section 40:56A-11 - Functions, duties and powers, Section 40:56A-12 - Succession of established commission by joint commission; transfers, Section 40:58-1 - Municipal forestry; establishment, Section 40:59-1 - Acquisition of lands and buildings; construction, Section 40:59-2 - Rents; use of revenues; deficiencies met by taxation, Section 40:59-4 - Market commissioner; appointment, term and compensation, Section 40:59-5 - Market commissioner; duties, Section 40:60-10 - Property of certain societies transferred in trust to municipality; purposes, Section 40:60-11 - Acceptance of property in trust; appointment of trustees, Section 40:60-12 - Purchase of lands adjoining trust lands; bonds; use of income and proceeds, Section 40:60-13 - Municipality not liable for misappropriation of funds, Section 40:60-14 - Property held in trust for municipality; appointment of new trustee, Section 40:60-15 - Public buildings as memorials; subscriptions, Section 40:60-16 - Ordinance for construction; contributions to be paid before contract executed, Section 40:60-17 - Bonds; annual appropriation; care and maintenance, Section 40:60-18 - Commission to supervise; constituted; powers and duties, Section 40:60-19 - Treasurer of commission; selection and duties, Section 40:60-21 - Title; funds kept separate; disbursements, Section 40:60-22 - Expenses of commissioners, Section 40:60-23 - Plans and specifications; approval by architect or engineer, Section 40:60-24 - Existing buildings for public memorials; acquisition, Section 40:60-25 - Buildings for museum of arts and sciences, etc. Section 40:66-1.5 - Reimbursement schedule. Section 40:14B-22.2 - Reduced, abated rents, rates, fees by municipal authority providing electricity. Section 40:54D-30 - Immunity from personal liability on bonds. Section 40:65-12.1 - Definitions relative to snow removal from fire hydrants. Section 40:55D-66.15 - Conditions for deeming abandoned; legal action. Yes, most New Jersey police departments promote from within, and have always done so. Section 40:55D-11 - Contents of notice of hearing on application for development or adoption of master plan. shooting in linden, nj last night; June 22, 2022. columbia association hoa rules. Section 40:69A-196 - Repeal, amendment of ordinances. Section 40:66A-4 - Creation of incinerator or environmental services authority. Section 40:62-135.1 - Residency requirements for employees of commission operating certain water system. Section 40:55D-67 - Conditional uses; site plan review, Section 40:55D-68 - Nonconforming structures and uses, Section 40:55D-68.1 - Year-round operation, Section 40:55D-68.2 - Determination of eligibility, Section 40:55D-68.3 - Penalty for violation. Section 40:66A-5 - Incinerator, environmental services authority; powers to be vested in members; membership; reimbursement for expenses; election. County with tax base sharing option; exclusion of appropriations as county tax levy under Cap Law, Section 40:33-13.2m - Evaluation of county library system after rejection by voters or after reorganization; time interval after election. Section 40:55D-69.2 - Supplemental zoning boards of adjustment. Section 40:54-8.2 - Preparation of ballots. Section 40:55D-13 - Notice concerning master plan. 31.03 CHIEF OF POLICE; POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 40:48C-7 - Collection of taxes, surcharges, liability of collector; payment to municipality. Section 40:37-95.42 - Governing body control of county parks, Section 40:37-95.43 - Advisory commission, Section 40:37-95.44 - Former commissioners, Section 40:37-95.46 - Employee rights unimpaired, Section 40:37-95.47 - Succession of rights, duties, Section 40:37-95.49 - Limited applicability, Section 40:37-96 - Counties governed hereby; referendum; exception, Section 40:37-97 - Commission; appointment; number, Section 40:37-97.1 - Continuation of incumbent commissioners in office, Section 40:37-98 - Commissioners; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37-99 - Commission a body politic; compensation and expenses; oaths, Section 40:37-100 - Powers of other park commissioners cease on appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-101 - Establishment and location of parks; acquisition of property; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-101.1 - Counties over 200,000 having park commission; annual appropriation for maintenance of parks in certain cases; limitation, Section 40:37-101.2 - Manner of appropriating, paying over and expending funds, Section 40:37-101.3 - Adoption of sections 40:37-12, 40:37-14 and 40:37-15 not to be submitted within five years after rejection, Section 40:37-101.4 - Additional lands; acquisition after lands valued at 35% of tax ratables have been acquired, Section 40:37-101.5 - Assessor's certificate that value of lands acquired exceeds 35% value of ratables, Section 40:37-101.6 - Appropriation to municipality in lieu of taxes, Section 40:37-102 - Surveys and maps of parks; records, Section 40:37-103 - Condemnation for parks; law applicable, Section 40:37-104 - Construction of roadways; acquisition of real estate; exemption from taxation, Section 40:37-105 - Survey and map of roadways and boulevards; records, Section 40:37-106 - Construction and improvement of roadways and paths, Section 40:37-107 - Commission may establish grades; pavement and improvement of roadways, Section 40:37-108 - Lines of frontage on new parkways, Section 40:37-109 - Condemnation for roadways; commissioners appointed; benefits assessed, Section 40:37-110 - Commissioners; appointment; duties; oaths, Section 40:37-111 - Hearing and notice; view premises; report, Section 40:37-112 - Court to hear objections to report; confirmation, Section 40:37-114 - Compensation of commissioners; expenses; inclusion in cost of improvement, Section 40:37-115 - Benefits assessed deducted from damages awarded, Section 40:37-116 - Award collected by suit, Section 40:37-117 - Assessments a lien; collection; action at law, Section 40:37-118 - Improvement of parkways and boulevards already established; assessments for benefits; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-119 - Assessments a lien until paid, Section 40:37-120 - Sale of lands for unpaid assessments; notice and publication, Section 40:37-121 - Sale for term of years, Section 40:37-122 - Adjournment of sale; notice, Section 40:37-123 - Certificate of sale; issuance; assignability; recording, Section 40:37-124 - Redemption of property sold, Section 40:37-125 - Time for redemption; declaration of sale; contents; filing, Section 40:37-126 - Effect of declaration of sale; liability for waste, Section 40:37-127 - Redemption by mortgagee; notice to mortgagee; rights after redemption, Section 40:37-128 - Unsold land struck off to commission, Section 40:37-129 - Freeholders to borrow money upon requisition of park commission; bonds; limitation, Section 40:37-130 - Additional bond issues, Section 40:37-130.1 - Additional bond issue for county parks and parkways; total amount; disposition of proceeds, Section 40:37-130.2 - Additional bond issue; parks and parkways, Section 40:37-131 - Bond; issuance; law applicable; how paid, Section 40:37-131.1 - Additional bonds; issuance; maximum amount; proceeds, Section 40:37-131.2 - Additional bonds; issuance; maximum amount; proceeds, Section 40:37-132 - Amount collected from benefit assessment applied to payment of bonds, Section 40:37-132.1 - Moneys received for lands transferred by counties of first class for state highway purposes, Section 40:37-132.2 - Moneys received for lands transferred by counties for state highway purposes; release for specific purposes, Section 40:37-133 - Lands used only for park purposes; railroads excluded; exceptions, Section 40:37-134 - Rules and regulations; notice; penalties; disposition of, Section 40:37-135 - Control of streets or parks transferred to county park commission, Section 40:37-136 - Return of control of street to municipality; consent required, Section 40:37-137 - Return of control of streets to county or municipality, Section 40:37-138 - Return of park lands to city of the first class, Section 40:37-139 - Dedication of park lands for public street in certain cases, Section 40:37-140 - Dedication of lands for street upon request, Section 40:37-141 - Copy of resolution and a map filed, Section 40:37-142 - Conveyance of park lands for school purposes in certain cases, Section 40:37-143 - Improvement and care of connecting parkways, Section 40:37-144 - Contracts for elimination of grade crossings, Section 40:37-145 - Use of park property for sewers and wells; contracts, Section 40:37-146 - Exchange of real estate for park improvement, Section 40:37-146.1 - Sale of real estate at private sale, Section 40:37-146.2 - Sale of real estate separated by highway construction from main park; option to purchase by political entities, Section 40:37-146.3 - Leases of lands or concessions to highest responsible bidder; term; conditions, Section 40:37-147 - Use of parks for games and other purposes, Section 40:37-147.1 - Charges for admission to or use of recreational facilities, Section 40:37-148 - Officers and employees; appointment and compensation, Section 40:37-148.1 - Allocation of offices, positions or employments to classified service without examination; exceptions, Section 40:37-148.2 - Passaic county; tenure of employees, Section 40:37-151 - Office; records; open to public inspection, Section 40:37-152 - Rules and regulations; penalties for violations, Section 40:37-153 - Enforcement of rules and regulations; jurisdiction, Section 40:37-154 - Park police; establishment; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-154.1 - Vacancies in park police system caused by entry into armed forces during war; substitutes. TITLE 40A (New Jersey Statutes Annotated, Municipalities and Counties) The statute which governs the ways in which local governments must operate.