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Universal Law Community Trust. 6:24. tcm409 2 years ago $3.41 earned. One million served! Loading 180 comments. I'm thinking specifically about predictions people make. Your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, identity is a Legal Fiction in commercial law, a false person or corporation, a Capital Corporation Identification, [not your real name at birth given under God by your parent(s)]. The Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a securities exchange and bought by the Federal Reserve Bank which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; alossor curtailment of amans statusor aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications. The bond is held in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. I can not wait to read far more from you. Your name that is in all capital letters on all government documents proves you are a STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, (unnatural, commerce, corporate, made up fiction) name that represents your trust account or reserve account that has millions of dollars waiting for you to claim, that was assigned to you at birth with a social security Taggingand Tracking number. Why are they charging you with an income tax? Birth certificate and SSN - December 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect This is why the Banker Boy Cartel is able to maintain control. British Constitution Group These accounts do not exist now, and have never existed in the Treasury system. The original sense is obsolete; the meaning document issued by competent civil authority granting permission to the person named in it to travel in or out of a country or authenticating his right to protection while abroad is from 1540s. YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND IS WORTH BILLIONS - United Truth Seekers Please send me copies may resonate with. PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using The CAP Security Instrument! JFK Green Hilton Agreement A short certificate . I had one guy bring the Phoenecians (!) Commercial Lien I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars at your birth when your mother unknowingly gave her baby, you, away to the UNITED STATES Government. I suspect though that that's the visible tip of the iceberg - the stuck true believer. Your ID is not acceptable. Many thanks. Little Johnnie is now owned by the state and is considered a state/government employee. 04-13-2017, 12:53 AM . In other words, all our money is worthless! This is why the UNITED STATES on your marriage and birth certificate, as well as your name, is printed in all CAPITAL LETTERS. In the Western Australia State on the 1st January 2004, because of the concealed United Nations Order both Crown and Monarchy were removed from law without either a State referendum or a Commonwealth referendum the overt act that did this was. No lawyer will bother with them, and most refuse legal representation because "that would grant someone power over them in legal matters". Make sure the top two drop-down menus are 'MUTUAL FUND' and 'FUND NUMBER' BEFORE you perform the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. So why dont you want the money? PIMCO Total Return II Instl Fund Thanks. The UNITED STATES has been a private corporation since 1881 as defined in Blacks Law dictionary, Act of 1881, and 28 U.S.C. For more information: Thanks for the help. Because The United Nation Orders was concealed from the people and the vote went contrary to the world government plan or program, all constitutions within Australia, State and Commonwealth were suspended on the same day, 6th November 1999. As a U.S. citizen you must know that there is no monetary value adhered to your birth certificate or to your social security number. I never really understood how they brought Maritime law into it though. ), frompasse, imperative ofpasserto pass (seepass(v.)) +portport (seeport(n.1)). Thanks. of writing at this place at this weblog, I have read all that, Net Assets: $253,260,000.00 as of 3/31/2014 A certified copy (a "certificate" ) is a true copy of what that register entry contains. Every Birth Certificate within 72 hours of a live-birth is being converted into a "Bond" with a calculated starting amount of money and then traded onto the world Stock Exchange Markets, without the knowledge nor consent of the person named on the Birth Certificate Bond. How Do I Get a Copy of My Birth Certificate if Born Abroad? Nonetheless, no U.S. citizen has ever gained any anything from these false services. Decide how much you want to invest Just wondering. @M0mma0f48O8, Common Law Court I have a question. For more information, please see our Those numbers are a security stock exchange number on the world stock exchange. The birth certificate number is formed by three digits of area code and two-digit digits for the year of registration which is your date of birth. When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into the Billions of Dollars without your nor your Mothers and Fathers knowledge. Idiots like this guy would prefer to shoot down what they don't understand rather then just doing their own research. Fantastic goods from you, man. To access your money you would need to contact the company trading your funds accounts to get your money. (With these government forms by his side, the police could not give a man a speeding ticket, because his STRAWMAN was not in The SYSTEM.) We use some essential cookies to make this website work. I CHECKED MINE AND MY WHOLE FAMILY, NOTHING. We went on a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace and the queen still has her royal emblems on the main gate . We are a processing company and not attorneys nor accountants and do not practice law or give legal or accounting advice!. His name is Joseph Gregory Hallett.He is an excellent researcher, and has some vital info that the world is not being told. Hi there, what law are you referring to under common Law? If you are able to access this site please let me know. She's also in HI. Something is wrong with the U.S. birth certificate you submitted. You also don't pay that amount up front; you pay for each course separately. Common Law Court It is very important that you are aware that trying to defraud the U.S. government by claiming rights to false securities is a violation of federal law. This is the entire Freeman/legalese concept summed up, a big misunderstanding. Now the corporation can take out a loan using your Birth Certificate as collateral. I knew I had seen this calim before this is old bunk, lol, I love these theories, they are so daft. Unless of course he presented them with his newly renegotiated terms of conditions that said he now wishes to be paid any amount his little heart desires to continue his employment at the company, and they agreed.Now you understand why CPS (Child Protective Services) can come into your home and take your (scratch that) .. THEIR property/slave/tax payer, if they feel you are abusing Little Johnnie. Exclusively at Freemason Collection. A complimentary certified copy is provided to the parent of newborns, free of charge, shortly after the birth record is registered. Some of these online businesses falsely offer to sell you a video, webinar, or coaching session on how to get your money. Furthermore, the Savings Bond calculator is a tool used to calculate the value of a bond based on an issue date and denomination entered. If you decide to pursue the entire STRAWMAN termination procedure, there are processing costs for our processing company to process the government forms to get you STRAWMAN MONEY DEBT CREDIT FREE without government intervention. ASK a legal question; POST an issue. The documentation of births is a practice widely held throughout human civilization, especially in China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Persia. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is simply the inherent way that people conduct their affairs together. i think some of the confusion does lie in business law, but they got it the wrong way round. An entity (such as a corporation) that is recognized by law as having the rights and duties of a human being" [Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th Edition] The straw man may also be said to be an "artificial person" which is also defined in the legal dictionary. is my birth certificate worth money uk - It is illegal to impersonate someone else by using birth certificates and is defined as identity fraud. 555 162K views 12 years ago Instruction 8 Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to You decide! Explaining what a Strawman is and how to deal with mortgage arrears, how government and taxation work, dealing sensibly with debt and understanding the issues with attending a court hearing. Or make enough money to buy your own island. Cash In On Your U.S. Birth Certificate!! - HubPages (Rod Class also explains this if you listen to his archived shows below).Youre not receiving the FULL benefits of your new job title, but you sure are paying the membership feesWhy arent YOU getting paid? Different platforms have made claims that a United States birth certificate is a negotiable instrument that can be used for several purposes, including making purchases that will be charged to a Exemption Account or request saving bonds held by the government in your name or owed to you. Birth Certificate Bond - a Freedom of Information - WhatDoTheyKnow . is my birth certificate worth money uk . This United Nations program of gathering all nations is caused by. The IMF is center of the world of International Banking.