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While it is typical to want to dichotomize something, addiction affects everyone in a different way, whether they are addicts or otherwise. Hmm, well Im not quite sure where to post this but I found an interesting thread from a cameraman for the show. WHO MAKE PRESUMPTIONS IN THE CASE OF A FORMER CLIENT? I have a question about Brittany (S18E14). Just not like the one you see on TV. Seeing the faces of those who succumb to whatever their illness was makes my heart hurt. I have a terminal illness & would be in agony with a doctors help. I have wondered about he since her episode aired. Im happy to hear you were able to make memories before she passed. the disease of addiction is real! I have been clean for 24 plus years and have seen my share of successes and failures in recovery. My family is trying to help him but it seems useless. my name is Roberto, i would to reach out with Troy season 1 episode 5. Its so sad these people finally lost there battles with drugs or alcohol. Kaila is alive and well. Ill update again when Tiffany runs the death notice. My Google search yielded nothing. Ive struggled for years with drug abuse, and my story is far different to anyones on Intervention to date. I think 90 day rehabs in general have a 10-20 (max) chance of someone sticking it out for a year. I do not think he got better or even wanted to . I always thought that might be the case. But I hope he is sober (and alive). I just watched Intervention episode on Donny for the 2nd time. Sincere condolences to her family and friends. Some of these episodes are so heartbreaking to watch especially when its a young person my childs age. The gap between Taylor and Betsy was much longer, so I wouldnt worry too much. Now I am sending prayers of love and healing to you both. Just a quick post to pass along condolences to the Boulter family. She seems to be doing well; looking well; and more importantly, feeling well. I saw that episode and was touched very much by your twin sister who was beautiful. I was very curious about Betsys progress after watching her episode on youtube (huge thanks to Ramoin) and found an online obituary for her that is different from the one listed above. Dizzy, I love how you keep this site up to date and respectful. I do kind of wonder about unsuccessful interventions getting pulled. I have been sober over 6 years now but I know all it takes is one bad day and it can all come back. Does anyone know how Mafcel is doing? And I am a huge fan of the show, despite by opinion above about statistics. I notice the last death of anyone from Intervention was listed as July of last year. so much love to all of them , So sad Amanda Thompson from the heroin Hub passed away December 17 2022 just a few weeks ago her story was so so sad .. she often said throughout the show she didnt deserve to live or be in rehab she had the twin sister that loved her deeply and a little boy whom she lost custody of to her dad and his wife in the end of her story line there was Amanda who had just been beaten and raped looking so so broken REST EASY AMANDA, So very sad to see Amanda has passed away. Alcohol is so scary when abused. He was in rehab until Easter Sunday 2020, He used when he got a day pass on Easter and failed a drug test when he came back to rehab. :/, Stefan- Do you have an update on Gina? She is still living with her grandmother and attending college again. Vanessa Marquez, the compulsive shopper who was an actress on E.R. And it saddened me terribly that someone speculated she died from overdose. Brieana, your familys story hit home when it first aired and I am so sad to find out of her passing., Scroll down and see her comment from July 22 . Pray and love, pray and love.Keep fighting the good fight, all. She just seemed so sad and close to death at the time of the show. Id still like to know what happened there. I wish the government would do something to provide hope in a society where addiction is thriving.this includes everyone not just military as a society we have got to do something that does not numb pain but help overcome heart goes out prayers for who struggle with this and hope that I can find myself and maybe help others. Do you have an obituary for Lyndsey? I truly hope you can find some peace. Difficult to get to know, and not entirely pleasant. I am a teacher and always show my classes the season 2 episode with Antwahn and Billy. We completely understood why you said and did certain things as we have been through it quite a few times. Im so sorry for your loss and I regret that I added to your pain in any way. For several weeks I have been watching Intervention from the very first episode. I was just wondering how he was doing. . But I never needed an intervention. I believe he never dealt with the issues from that animal of a stepfather who by in my opinion hurting him as a child in actuality ended up killing Charles along with the heroin. Does anyone know who Im talking about? Opioid withdrawal is so miserably godawful to experience, and its pretty instantaneous. Intervention Cast: Where Are They Now? Age: 21. I would love to see them do an episode on that drug!! I googled searched several with just the first name, so and so from intervention, and when you scroll to the bottom of the page in the other searches part, it listed a lot of the first names with the last name. I thought you all were very patient and very supportive. There is no conditional love taking place there. Hold yourself gently, you cannot go around the pain, you gotta go through it, but you do not have go through is alone. Im not sure I can watch this show again. I just finished rewatching Brooks story. Best wishes from the South shore <3. He has a girlfriend and looks healthy. My mother has almost died twice from drinking herself to death. She lives with all 4 kids. She lives in Texas now, after the show she relapsed and moved to Prescott, AZ for treatment. that was a series on nat geo called drugged. We were all trying to force her to get help. I so hoped she would pull through. She was in Season 11. Addiction affects the entire family and families who have never been through it will never understand. TAYLOR DIED FROM NATURAL CAUSES WITH NO DRUGS IN HER SYSTEM. If I find out more Ill post it here. For anyone as hungry for updates as I am, I thought I would post this somewhere on this site. After so many years of neglect, can Kaylene's family finally step up and help her get the live . I am currently 27 and suffer from severe chronic pain and I could 100% sympathize with what Brooke was going through. I was really rooting for him. Until addicts realize that we are damaging our brains..i.e. Hes great. Hope I answered some peoples questions! Your family is not bad or mean, you did what you had to do to survive for your life, your families life, and your sanity. (In Brookes situation, that drug being opiates). Im childhood really sucked from my parents not paying attention when other men were around. Doing good stuff, back in school, moving on with her life. The episode was one of the most touching Ive seen, and I hope you realize how much it helped others to see Brookes story. Cant wait to see whats in store and hopefully get more help for these addicts. Another reason that makes me think that this meth is not crystal meth but methadone is that, statistically, the odds of overdosing on crystal meth are orders of magnitude lower than it is than overdosing on meth-methadone. I do not know if that is the policy. When she was strapped for cash, the camera crew caught her asking her kid sister if she could borrow her money, lying and saying that it was for gas. Such a tragic ending for such a beautiful soul. Left after 30 days of treatment and was sober another 3 weeks before relapsing. Updates on individuals can be seen on their pages. If you need someone to talk to, please mail me. The episode just aired tonight? Looks like she is doing well, great for her! Its like I want to scream at the tv youre going to die if you dont stop because I already know what their fate is at this point. Congratulations on nursing school! He was so sad but yet angry. Yes, as many know, an amphetamine does NOT help ease physical pain, but when pain medications stop working for one reason or another, ESPECIALLY when someone abuses them by overmedicating, the abuser will switch to another drug, almost using it as a crutch to get over their original drug of choice. He was from Langley, B.C. I have finally sat down to watch the new episodes of Intervention. So terribly tragic. I messaged Marcel on fb and follow him on Ig,hes doing great and has been a lighthouse in the darkness for me.hes a kind and big-hearted guy,that supported me,even if he didnt know me in person.his story of addiction and his bond with his brother were similar to my story,and I could relate.So glad hes clean, sober and happy. Please dont give up hope! Donations can be made through Paypal to [emailprotected] and will go toward cremation as we think he would prefer that to a burial. Any updates? I prayed for years, first to be freed from my addiction, and then (I realized eventually that more specifically) I needed to pray to WANT to be freed from my addiction. Ill pray for you. She is working as an aid at a rehab facility. He and Vanessa have been scrubbed everywhere, though I wonder if maybe its really due to Vanessa as there was a followup to Gabe. They communicated clearly that their love was dependent on my behavior. I cried when I saw her fragile 80 pound body. How is that wrong/weird? Just wanted to leave an update: according to Katies Facebook page, shes been sober for 18 months! I watch Intervention occasionally, as many of us do, I guess, to remind me what an insidious condition/disease addiction is. She is clean from everything except pot. I am heartbroken over Brooke, she was one of the most memorable.its a shame she turned to meth after overcoming the pillsmy condolences.. Brittany, your family did what they could. She touched many lives including mine. sad. And this is coming from someone who knows a little bit of what theyre talking about, late 20s but 3 1/2 years now clean (: I cant emphasize enough that I was ready when I was ready. He reminded me so much of my son who, at the time, was around Billys age and was also addicted to heroin (and is now almost 8 yrs sober.). I am so sad to hear about Brooke. << Linda, the fentanyl addict. Katherine C.'s intervention almost didn't happen When she goes on a "date" her parents wait for her to come home for dinner. Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. Thanks so much for your work on this page. To be ignored by peers as a child and adult , to have Type 1 Diabetes and depression . Just thinking about his children makes me tear up. Im in Utah and I heard that a famous skier with anxiety problems killed himself. It breaks my heart! Thanks for letting us know Megan. I want to say her name was Megan but dont think it was the same Megan who is listed as deceased from the show. I should be able to find something eventually. Brought me back. Obviously we cant always tell from an Instagram page but I hope she is doing well. RIP , ROCK HARD ist nicht einfach nur ein beliebiges Heavy-Metal-Magazin, das zufllig Erfolg hat, sondern eine wichtige Institution im musikalischen Bltterwald der Bundesrepublik. Dana is still sober, but does not have custody of her surviving son. John from season 4 died in January. Words feel shallow, but its the best I can do. If you have another source confirming alcohol as a cause of the wreck then please post. It absolutely breaks my heart that now 3+ years later now Im sober and he lost his sobriety and is now dead. I just watch her intervention I am happy to know she is ok .. Im just curious if anyone has herd of AMY P, she sufferd with bulimia, i herd rhumors that she had passed away but not sure if they are true. This comment was two years ago where are you now? So very sad to see how badly Vanessa deteriorated over the years. Chyna, the late former wrestler, was apparently almost on Intervention. Can someone get accurate information about how she is today?,, Sebastian Ramirez (he was on with his twin, Marcel) died last year. I think it is reprehensible that A&E removed episodes of people featured on Intervention that have passed away. I would like to thank Dizzy for keeping this going. My heart goes out to the families. Anyways he looked ok. I thought wow I want to see how she is doing and was wondering if there was some way to help her and then this , the search reveals she is dead. I had heard he went to Florida. Lana, from St. George, Utah, was 24 years old at the time of her Intervention episode. She is one that sticks out in my mind, her and Cristy (season 2, episode 18). I recently saw Ben Lowes episode on VICE and he passed last Fall, as well as Brittany Howard (I sat for literally 10 minutes reading the last black screen of her overdose with tears running down my face). Why is this? Wondering if hes finally sober. It doesnt make life perfect, but sooo much closer to it. Does anyone know if they are airing the same episodes on LMN and A and E? Does anyone know what happened to Katherine? Just checking on her for a friend that knew her and is now 12 years sober. Omg Courtney I remember thinking, this girl needs serious help and she just slipped through the cracks, but I do wish best of condolences to her family, friends and loved ones. What happened to Gabe from Season 1 episode 2, whose episode seems to have been taken out of all circulation? sad. Maybe Mike and Jenny could get a profile? I was also wondering about Kaila. Eyes that show they are not long for this world at the rate they are going. You are all important. She is no longer in pain and thats what matters. Sebastian passed away from a heart attack. Looks like she might be doing better? At the end of her episode it says she had been sober since early May, 2016. Addiction: Pain meds (Percocet mostly) and Xananx. That was back in 2009, does anyone know how hes doing? He is sober and happy. Im not sure what season he was on. Im happy that she is at peace finally even if it means shes no longer in physical form. My best friend Josh from 201 just died. Its almost like fetishizing peoples suffering for monetary gain isnt the best way of helping them. Megan from season 15 episode 18 passed away the 28th. She looked very sickly and frail. My grandmother is a recovering alcoholic, and I wake up every morning just praying something doesnt happen to make her take a drink. Very sad. 14 months sober and loving every minute of it! Brookes is in a special place in heaven. I did a search and found a list of all the ones whove passed on and was surprised Corinne passed earlier this year. i recently spoke with Donny on Facebook (he was season 7 I believe). Found this follow-up to the guy who was arrested for lying in Megans death: I hope you accept the apology. Trauma (and ACEs- Adverse Childhood Experiences) has a big hand in facilitating a path to use and subsequent addiction. my heart goes out to the families. Its so hard to see them struggling and some even getting clean but then find out they died from their disease. Words can never express how devastated we are. It also could have been Sylvia Sylvia has been sober since her intervention and was even the interventionist for Erin, Episode 201. AMAA. Im glad shes doing so well, shes really an amazing person. But how unbelievably unfair!!!!!!!! I do want to say this. If you Google "Intervention Mike Jenny" you will find the first results are from the A&E site with the episode number being #70, Season 4 Episode 22. Nick and crystal have a baby together and dont care to provide any other updates. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Im watching Intervention and wondered how many of these people addicted end up dying, so here I found all these, and remembered many of them in the show! Eric McDonell passed away over the weekend. I dont want to update on where shes living now. I came on here looking for an update for her. Im so sorry Colin. But to answer your question, it was his cousin that he called his little brother. I know you said you wouldnt be responding to update info posts but I just wondered if you were still maintaining this list, or if not if theres someone else doing one. It happens. Heres what were going to do, lets get some folks that are at rock bottom, expose all their dirties secrets and put the under the pressure of having the whole world watch the hardest thing theyll ever do. I wish they gave more information. Air date June 20th 2013. It was mentioned at the end of the episode. Sorry I cant give you the ep. Yes, still keeping this updated and as far as I know there have been no deaths since July. Pretty sure if Kaila or Dana had died, Intervention would have told us at the end. Brittany, I cant imagine what its like to lose a sister, especially a twin. I have never been high, passed out or blacked out due to pain meds. It can be seen as the final display of conditional love, as it was for me. Its usually because filming stops while the addict is still in rehab and is sober. I do what I have to, to have a somewhat normal life. (sorry,its a bit long list:/), -Anthony(season 5),the alcoholic from Michigan,whose brother died of leukemia his episode was so sad:(, -Kim(season 3) the anorexic from Northern California, -Nicole(season 5), with Dyspahsia (she was who didnt swallow anything and had a feeding tube), -Tyler (season 7) ,the alcohol and crack addict who lost his brother and sister also because addiction, -Jessa&Skyler(season 11) ,Jessa was the alcohol and meth addict and Skyler used bath salts, -Sean(-||-) , the alcholic from Salem, Massachussettes who came from a religious family and his father cheated but Im so sorry to hear this. Thats the problem with a lot of these pain medictations. Her comment broke my heart, What if it doesnt work? So tragic, she was so depressed and her family let her get worse. Well said, Nivey. Brookes story is so similar to mine.Same disease,same pain,same things that she said and she was going through.Watching her episode made me THINK and scared me about what I was doing with my pain meds.I briefly abused them to find some relief,but as soon as I realized I was going down the path of addiction,I decided to flush them down the toilet and never take meds ever again.I prefer the pain and being crippled,than end up killing myself with drugs and tear my family apart.I want to thank Brooke for her example;she tried to beat her addiction and deal with the pain, and she has been as strong as she could.Im sorry it didnt work out,I understand why.Your story has been an eye-opener and will be my strenght during my battle with the disease.My thoughts and prayers go to her and her loving family every day.So sorry for your loss,brittany. The second time, it turned out to be too late. In Brittanys case, she died from an overdose almost immediately after finishing rehab. I dropped one tab once in the US and sure enough I could not sleep for hours and hours after coming back from the club. Take life one second at a time. I cannot find anything about her death on Google. It was posted by her friend Holly the one who was at the intervention on facebook. I found the missing episode for Mike Fisher/Jenny. I too have grandchildren and am very close to having one of them graduate high school. I cant get those poor babies out of my mindi know it said husband kicked her out and has sole custody of kidsbut then what? If it becomes a problem at any point then I will discontinue that pain medication so I can be a very old woman one day. May she rest in peace . I dont remember Kaila saying anything bad about her mother, actually I remember thinking she had a twisted perception of her parents making me feel she wasnt just anorexic but something more like you said. Wow, I feel so bad I listened to whatever troll disseminated that information but thank god shes alive!!! Brooks episode was just on the night before last. Tracey Frederick, Tiffanys brother, from The Heroin Triangle series passed on the 23rd or 24th of August 2021. ET on A&E). Wow! Thank you so much. I hope he turned things around. Certainly, everyone who undergoes an intervention and treatment on the A&E network's popular television show Intervention doesn't commit suicide, but this guy in the video below did, and maybe we should think about what he was taught in rehab. Tragic stories. There is on episode(cant remember which or the name) but it was about a guy who was an addict.. if I recall he already had a sister and a brother die from the same issue..I know he worked at his dads company..bless his dads heart he was so devastated.. anyway I was curious if anyone remembered that one and knew what happened to him.