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Can gatling from 5K, 2K, or c.S for a mix-up. Trying doing a grounded approach via dash blocking to get in because he has very solid reward off of his anti airs. Data in [] represents values on Clean Hit. Can also be kara canceled into from 6S to move Sol forward before launching the projectile. Anji has an array of frametraps and mixups to open up Baiken on defense, but is weak to HiiragiGuard:Startup:1Recovery:32Advantage:. Do one of 3 things on reaction during a forward empty hop: FD if there's a Rensen below you so that Up-Rensen isn't plus after it pulls you to Axl, Air dash or land and dash if you jumped over a winter mantis/2H, Block a 6K/2S/5P, get pushed back a bit, and reset. Will force a Wall Break if the opponent touches the corner. It's 31 frames meaning it's very much reactable. Most things Leo does round start loses to Ram's. As a rule of thumb, it's more reliable to dash cancel the move when anti-airing with it, as additional landing recovery from air blocking will give Sol follow-up pressure while still allowing for a combo should it actually hit. The hard knockdown can grant good okizeme. The hard knockdown leads into strong okizeme, including OTG c.S into pressure in the corner, though it can be sacrificed in exchange for even more damage with an OTG 6H (useful for closing out rounds). Roman Cancels allow this attack to continue into further pressure or convert into a combo without charging it. All three of them do excellent against Axl which is Goldlewis worst MU, but GL does good against May and Millia and not as bad against Chipp as against Axl. Popularity. I don't have time to do any Eddie setups at all, he's rushing me down 24/7, and taking advantage of Zato's weak defense (as . But some people in support of -STRIVE-welcomed lowered difficulty barrier for newbies (in the series . An input method to perform a special move in the air as fast as possible after you leave the ground. On Counter Hit, the ground bounce can link into a dashing 5K for a combo. Just be mindful that Chipp has. Ram has to stay alert of more aggressive pokes with 2H (to catch with its high active time) and 6H (bigger range), riskier but do threaten the neutral. Air dashing in neutral vs. Axl is dumb and risky but I see people do it all the time for some awful reason. Concerns:12,000 matches is a fuck-tonne and took way too long, but it's actually a super tiny number. Ram plays in about the same ranges and spaces Ky plays, but she does it better. I have no plans to increase the sample size or make new ones for future patches. The opponent can also opt to use Faultless Defense to push themselves further away on block, making it harder for Sol to continue pressure safely. Key tool in frame traps, leading to some of Sol's highest damage. His Slash normals become much better when he's at high blood to compensate for the fact he can't utilize specials as freely when he's at high blood. Vote for Leo's tiers . Press J to jump to the feed. - Difference between the tier scores from today and . When Axl has Tension to burn, attempting to jump in on 2H will likely result in the Axl using PRC to defend himself. It can also be kara canceled from 6S for another range increase. While the round start can feel Baiken favored, you can bait out her Far Slash and play around her 2H. So happy to see that program finally get some use, I've been waiting years hoping to see it applied to more games. As both hits are overheads, during air dash setups it is possible to cancel the move into j.D to land early and 2K instead, which makes for a mix-up that is fairly hard to see. This technique transfers the initial forward movement of 6S into the special move, giving it more range (useful for making Clean Hit Volcanic Viper more consistent). Try to preemptively hit where you think Chipp will be so you can try keeping him locked down. Combos into 6S against crouching opponents for both better damage and a knockdown. You don't like characters with highly interactive pressure. Created by Daisuke Ishiwatari and developed by Arc System Works, "Guilty Gear -Strive-" upholds the series' reputation for a high octane soundtrack, groundbreaking hybrid 2D/3D cell-shaded graphics and intense . Games Nago starts to out range even your normals once he starts getting into higher blood levels. High reward on air hit or Counter Hit, leading into Gun Flame (or Gun Flame (Feint) on Counter Hit) followed by Night Raid Vortex for good damage and corner carry. Browse our network 9 . Has significantly faster recovery than the real version, making it useful for resetting pressure or baiting jump-ins from an opponent who was expecting Gun Flame. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site. First hit launches the opponent, second hit knocks them away, hard knockdown upon landing. H KabariGuard:AllStartup:18Recovery:19Advantage:-3. It loses to throws, so try to only use it if the opponent isn't at point blank range. An easier MU for Ram due to the fact that her normals control a large chunk of space. Only 100 matches per match-up. Both characters struggle to stop the other when they get going. With his own parry and Autoguard properties on his specials, Anji presents a unique threat to Baiken's normal gameplan, Overview | Frame data | Matchups | Strategy Return to Top, Frame Data Counterstrategy Reverse Matchup Videos. Sol is a character who likes to get up close and personal, but does not sacrifice a balanced toolkit to do so. On air hit, it can combo into specials that lead into additional follow-ups (such as the first hit of Bandit Revolver or even Gun Flame in the corner) or it can combo into Bandit Bringer for a hard knockdown if it hits high enough. As Ram, avoid using f.S and 5H, because Millia can easily stay outside their range and just get in when they whiff. Use it over Wild Throw if follow-up pressure is a higher priority over raw damage. An offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. Weird that I'd have them exactly reversed. Hes the best overall balanced character in this game vs the rest of the cast. Sol leans forward and slams his sword into the ground. Exceptional close range offense with plus on block standing Slash normals and highly damaging Counter Hit confirms. Delay its follow-ups to create oppressive frame traps and mix in dash pressure and throws for a deadly strike/throw mix-up. Wanna see me combo into 5K on Counter Hit? by 25% before applying R.I.S.C. Gatling Options: 6P, f.S, 2S, 6S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D. Axl's fastest Abare option is his 2K, which also has a generous low profile that can duck under Baiken's f.S, so keep a close eye on that move and pay attention to when and where they use that button. . High damage off almost every hit, as well as an endorphin rush with Clean Hit Volcanic Viper. this move removes on hit. You can hit Eddie with Mortobato to extend it's active frames which can catch unsuspecting Zato's by surprise when they try to get in after seeing the effect fade. However, as it hits the floor and is lower commitment, it still has its place as a poke when compared to 2S, allowing Sol to check low-profile attacks with less risk of whiff punishment. Guilty Gear Strive is the latest entry into a more than two-decade old franchise, . However, thanks to its slow start-up and lack of combo utility, this Overdrive is rarely used at all. Sol lunges forward half-screen with a flaming straight punch. Leo's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. The time before an attack is active including the first active frame. Only 100 matches per match-up. Works on: Sol, Ky, Axl, Chipp, Potemkin, Zato, Leo, Nagoriyuki, I-No, Goldlewis, Baiken, Sin, Does not work on: May, Faust, Millia, Ramlethal, Giovanna, Anji, Jack-O', Chaos, Testament, Bridget. Both hits are air jump and air dash cancelable. 21 sec 18-May-2022 What are the worst matchups in Strive at the moment? While H Kabari is minus, this doesn't mean you can just mash on Baiken though. If she comes in with a deep j.S jump in, she can decide to Yosanzen to hit you with another overhead or she can simply not do it and go for a low via 2K. Used to call out opponents who make predictable jump-ins or keep chicken blocking. Sol's faster strike invincible reversal. (2018 and Ragnarok switching Gameplay Style compared to OG GOW and Strive changing and . Nagoriyuki - 5.6. They have a ton of po. Despite the animation, j.H does not actually pull Sol's hurtbox upwards, and the hitbox does not reach below the bottom of his regular jumping hurtbox, making it a worse jump-in than j.S in terms of speed and reach. How much R.I.S.C. Links into c.S on Counter Hit for a decently powerful conversion. Very fast start-up, can potentially throw the opponent out of sloppy pressure or okizeme. Much like with Gun Flame, Fafnir can carry dash momentum to increase its range. The opposite of hoping your main will be buffed, ________ thinking. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own.s, and Kabari at longer ranges. Frames in the middle of multi-hit attacks which cannot hit the opponent, but are after the move has become active at least once. This can be exploited by air-dashing and immediately cancelling into Faultless Defense, to trick the Axl into spending his meter while keeping Baiken safe. 6P the dolphin so you can use rekkas to get your hard knockdown. I haven't been running from fights and usually opt to fight characters I know I'm terrible against with Zato (see: Axl, Chipp, Sol, etc. Loss, similar to regular strikes. On top of that, Ram has a much easier time dealing with dolphin RPS, meaning May has to work harder to actually get her hits. I am not going to be able to explain it nearly as well as he does, so if you are interested in what I have done, please watch his talk. Worst Match. She wears black shoes with red soles, black gloves, a black mask with glowing green eyes and mouth, an ankh necklace, and a ball and chain attached to her leg. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. 5[D] is also Sol's most damaging normal and launches the opponent if combo'd into, granting it some situational use as a combo extender in certain routes. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. 28. Ground bounces on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. Luckily for you, Ram has an annoying combo and great ways to get in. If performed low enough to the ground on an airborne opponent near the corner, the Clean Hit version can link into 5K for a full combo, though this is only possible early on in a combo when scaling is low, and the link is tighter against heavier opponents. Primary Frame TrapAn offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. It's risky but can work. Bridget vs Sol Badguy Matchup Knowledge. Try to use it as a round ender or to punish an opponent's throw or Throw Clash attempt. This is because she loses to Sol and Chipp, two of the best characters in the game. "Guilty Gear -Strive-" is the latest entry in the critically acclaimed Guilty Gear fighting game franchise. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site. You can pretty much do what you usually do on offense, except you'll need to watch out for his crawl shenanigans. Also links into 2K against crouching opponents, even at max range. Essentially, by running the matchup data through the code that he wrote, you can get a projection of how much each character should be expected to be played in that game's meta. Otherwise, Baiken has the advantage with fast buttons like f.s and 5K for close range poking, along with the larger pokes like 2S, 2H, and H Kabari to check approaches. ShitsuGuard:AllStartup:29Recovery:Total 52Advantage:-6 on a Hard Knockdown has amazing utility for Anji as it avoids risking a Meaty attack getting parried while enforcing a Strike-Throw scenario or a High-Low with Fuujin. Ram gets to play neutral as usual due to Faust not having a strong answer to, This all being said, Faust gets a bit more quirky once he has meter. 23. 6H is very helpful in particular match-ups where Sol can punish moves which are normally safe due to pushback, such as Ky's uncanceled 2DGuard:LowStartup:10Recovery:18Advantage:-10 and even Stun EdgeGuard:AllStartup:13Recovery:Total 46Advantage:-15 at some spacings. On Counter Hit, it can link into either itself, c.S, or Night Raid Vortex. Be ready to jump! Universal Sweep. Business as usual but just make sure you stay aware of Testament being able to use. It also combos into 6S on crouching opponents, but note that the second hit will whiff against crouching opponents if Sol isn't close enough, so don't use it as a poke from far away. Hits slightly behind Sol, allowing it to be used for cross-ups. Can be Purple Roman Canceled for tricky mix-ups, such as using Wild Throw before the attack is blocked or jumping over the opponent right before it hits for a cross-up. Yeah this is 100% accurate. Has high damage and incredible disjointed range, albeit with somewhat slow start-up. Vote for May's tiers . Matchups. Axl just doesn't get as much leeway in neutral because the range she can start threatening him is much larger than most other characters. Sol grabs the opponent and headbutts them. Best Match. Just based on my own experience, Id expect Chipp and Ram to be much worse matchups than May here. At close range, 5K is an extremely fast knee with 3 frames of startup, making it Sol's fastest button and tied for the fastest normal in the game alongside Chipp's 5PGuard:AllStartup:3Recovery:10Advantage:-2. Level which makes it useful to use after a 2D knockdown. 5H has moderate horizontal range and a surprisingly tall vertical hitbox, but it shouldn't be used as an anti-air as it is very unsafe on whiff. Remember that the longer you block, the higher the Risc gauge will be, which in turn makes any stray hit from Axl do a ton more damage. They are still quite awful on whiff however, and proper baiting of moves like Nago's, Keep an eye on his blood! If you land 6S on the first active frame, the remaining duration is the same whether you cancel into Gun Flame (Feint) or not, so doing so allows you to build more Tension and pull your hurtbox back, rendering the move more difficult to punish in neutral. If she does the follow up right after, she'll frame trap your mash, if she delays it, she can either go right through you which will leave you advantageous due to Baiken being in endlag. Your goal is to attack extremely close to when you land so that, if the character performs an invincible reversal attack, you will land and be able to block. Sol's main combo ender mid-screen when Volcanic Viper won't Clean Hit. This forces you to either find your opponents habits or keep your pressure very tight, leaving little gaps. Overview. This is especially true for multi-hit projectiles, as they keep Sol pushed away for longer. Good for frame traps as most light normals can cancel into it and immediate cancels leave a very small gap in blockstun. It's obviously subject to change, but right now, what are the matchups that you most struggled with. Sol is a character who likes to get up close and personal, but does not sacrifice a balanced toolkit to do so. Usually something like to a. The attack launches higher and deals more damage at full charge, launching even higher on Counter Hit. Every other poke is 40+. The opponent is then forced to block your jumping attack, since reversaling doesn't work, which will give you some nice pressure and hopefully an opening.s (including Tatami GaeshiGuard:AllStartup:15Recovery:5Advantage:-3), Frame TrapAn offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. Unsafe on block or whiff while being barely plus on air block, so consider using less committal anti-airs like 5P or 5K instead in most situations. Useful in air combos for comboing into j.H or directly into j.D when both hits of j.H won't connect in the corner, delaying as necessary to adjust Sol's height relative to the opponent. 03 Mar 2023 23:47:00 . Please keep in mind the matchup chart is subjective and not all players may agree. The Ram with more swords equipped in neutral is favoured, Ram struggles to deal with her own corner pressure without meter, This is a very momentum based matchup, first to break the wall usually wins, Ram has access to a few safe jumps making her Mortobato super easier to bait, Ram can always use her Mortobato super between rekka (, Jumping in Neutral can heavily change the R.P.S (Rock, Paper, Scissors). His best poke is 5P/2P at 31/34 frames. Competent neutral and approach tools that get even stronger with meter. Pressure has been significantly buffed which gives Testament a much more threatening corner presence that's almost comparable to Ram. Laskeese 2 yr. ago. 14 comments. Has no additional combo delay on initial hit, unlike other overheads (usually adding +5 on initial hit). Low profile sweep that beats or evades moves that don't cover the ground while being safe on block. Sol rushes forward low to the ground and delivers an uppercut. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own. A decent option on defense, it can force the enemy to get closer, which opens them up to 2P and 2K. Giovanna is a playable character in the Guilty Gear series who makes her debut on Guilty Gear -Strive-. Dustloop Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to games developed by Arc System Works. This is for Floors 10 and Celestial.I wanted to focus on Celestial, but there were not enough players to measure certain match-ups fairly, so I had to expand it to include Floor 10. Best Video Games of All Time - Page 70 - Metacritic . Crow beats Sword Toss but this is more of a general inconvenience than a game changer. Combos directly into c.S, though 5K should be used instead if the forward movement doesn't bring Sol close enough for c.S or the gravity is too severe. Discord: (if preferred): Streaming Sunday 12:30 AM ET - Join to fight me!This is a tier list video based on Jack-O's matchups in Guilty Gear Strive If you enjoyed this video please m. Anji does have a projectile in Shitsu, but sending it out in neutral can be nullified by Tatami Gaeshi before Anji can act again. Unfortunately, it is often beaten out by deeper jump-ins, in which case it's better to use 6P due to its upper body invincibility. Wall bounces airborne opponents in the corner. I-No - 19. A vital tool in Sol's anti-air toolkit that has greater startup than 5K but is more effective against deeper jump-ins due to its upper body invincibility. Did you mean? Best Match. Leo likes to have meter in neutral so when he lands a stray hit, he can get a full conversion to get into a wall break for positive bonus. Blazing! Can be done out of a dash to let Sol slide closer to the opponent as the projectile moves forward, making it easier for him to utilize the plus frames of a late hit Gun Flame. I "modernized" the Blinkitys version to be more accessible. Can be varied in usage. Long range and fast start-up kick used for air-to-air exchanges and for air dash cancel combos, normally off a successful anti-air 5K. Can be used when fighting extremely distant and defensive opponents to build Tension, though the amount built is too small to mean much unless it's spammed multiple times. Yo, I did the same:, I have slightly different data, but this could be tipping errors. The recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action. The safest option is attempting to jump out, but it can be predicted and punished. Purple Roman Canceling the throw on whiff allows Sol to punish jumps or backdashes. On air hit, it floats the opponent for a reliable juggle. Sol Badguy vs. Ramlethal - 18. He is playing guilty gear and the other characters are playing strive. Note that non-meaty timings for okizeme will render it vulnerable to throws at close range, and later timings will render them vulnerable to a 6P. Doing this can allow Sol to potentially take his turn, forcing the opponent to bait it by giving up space instead of blocking. Overall much harder than your usual Ram matchup, but not unwinnable by any means. More than other characters at least. Your goal is to attack extremely close to when you land so that, if the character performs an invincible reversal attack, you will land and be able to block. Dustloop Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to games developed by Arc System Works. which can be used to challenge pressure, and 2D, a Low ProfileWhen a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. Please keep in mind that while c.S is +3 on block, it is functionally +2 (5 frame gap) if staggering into itself due to gatling limitations, as Sol needs to have recovered for at least one frame before he can use c.S again, or you will cancel c.S's recovery into f.S. Bridget. I spent one month straight learning I-No. In general, use low-commit moves like your K and P buttons. Using the data that OP collected, I attempted to put it through a "metagame analysis" that Alex Jaffe went over in his GDC talk from 2015, as seen in the following video. Search. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own., and wall bounce combo tool. Keep in mind that while this Overdrive cannot be blocked, it also cannot be canceled into or used during a combo.