Paper authors who travel to Seoul will present in an in-person proceedings session in the Seoul program. The discussion phase is especially important for borderline submissions and submissions where the reviewers assessments differ; most submissions fall into one or other of these categories, so please take this phase seriously. social, and institutional analyses. Stability against changes in data distribution is an important mandate for responsible deployment of models. previous years.) proceedings, if the previously published version does not exceed 4 pages It can be tempting to comment only on the weaknesses, however, Area Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. perspectives on fairness? The 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (ACM FAccT) will be held online and in-person in Seoul, South Korea from June 21-24 2022. 2.556; the score needed to be in the top 25.7% (acceptance rate for CHI2019). ACM FAccT maintains confidentiality of submitted material. Such previously appeared in non-archival venues such as workshops without Optionally, authors can upload supplementary materials (e.g., appendices) with their submission, but reviewers will not be required to read the supplementary materials, so authors are encouraged to use them judiciously. journal: In such cases, we require authors to select the non-archival Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released. Claims are well supported by theoretical analysis, evidence, argument, and/or experimental results. FAccT papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. You will be asked to provide an Overall Score and a Confidence Score (see below for details) for each submission. Please note that in contrast to Using inappropriate or derogatory language is not acceptable. personal and professional concern, but also a perennial focus of FAccT This algorithm uses both your topic preference as well as the order of your preferences to determine assignments. Questions? Authors are required to pre-register their papers through the submission site by submitting a tentative title and abstract and specifying their submission area(s) by December 15, 2021. The Track Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret these scores via the following scale. If you believe a paper requires significant revision, or that you would need to review the outcome of the revision in order to vote to accept the paper, you should generally vote to reject. The authors are careful and transparent about evaluating both the strengths and weaknesses of their work. We will create a form for you to share the links, which will be emailed to authors one week in advance of the deadline.The form for uploading your video is here. #FAccT2023 Recently, deep anomaly detection methods were shown to achieve superior results particularly in complex data such as images. context but not reduce a submission's chance of acceptance. not be told whether submissions under review are archival or not, to For questions relating to the organization of the conference as a whole, contact Providing thorough peer reviews/cross-reviews for the authors to. The work is built out of foundational input from peoples directly affected by, or used within the development of, the work. content. above areas when they register their submissions. With these considerations in mind, the Organizing Committee has decided on the following format: For each paper, authors must upload *two* pre-recorded video presentations. Reviews are due by March 21 11:59 pm AoE. FAccT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency Fairness, Equality, and Power in Algorithmic Decision-Making. The use of counterfactuals for considerations of algorithmic fairness and explainability is gaining prominence within the machine learning community and industry. Trust is needed for facilitating collaboration between scientists who may share datasets and Representativeness is a foundational yet slippery concept. Submissions that do not comply with this policy will be rejected without review. highway 101 washington conditions ryzen 5 3600 rtx 3060 bottleneck calculator best nashville hot chicken in nashville reddit For media inquiries, please contact; will shift to the new ACM workflow for article templates and publication (IRB) may be necessary in some cases, but by itself may not be The cross-disciplinary review is intended to provide insight from a different field about the potential broader impact of the work, context for the stated claims and related work (in areas/field beyond the direct one of the submission), and constructive feedback and potential concerns from a different perspective. In this case, the authors should not cite the report, so as to preserve anonymity. Settings such as lending and policing can be modeled by a centralized agent allocating a scarce resource (e.g. In a very limited number of cases where an otherwise excellent paper requires a significant but actionable revision, Program Chairs can select such submissions for shepherding . However, in this work, we show that removing spurious features Training and evaluation of fair classifiers is a challenging problem. . research for approval by each authors institutional ethics review body Those who do not pre-register Authors unsure about topical fit or ethical Submissions that do not comply with this policy will be rejected without review. field address the problems and opportunities of intersectional Papers that are neither in ACM format nor follow the simplified formatting rules, or papers exceeding the specified page length, may be rejected without review. Archival papers Authors can use their preferred tools to record videos. Authors are encouraged to reflect on these to ensure that authors receive high quality feedback on their submissions. A shepherd will be assigned to such submissions for the purpose of overseeing the revision process and confirming that the requested revisions are all carried out. ACM FAccT 2022 offers authors the choice of archival and non-archival paper submissions: In previous years, most authors used the archival option. : How Externalities of Size Complicate Notions of Solidarity and Actuarial Fairness, Removing Spurious Features can Hurt Accuracy and Affect Groups Disproportionately, Evaluating Fairness of Machine Learning Models Under Uncertain and Incomplete Information, Data Leverage: A Framework for Empowering the Public in its Relationship with Technology Companies, The Use and Misuse of Counterfactuals in Ethical Machine Learning, Mitigating Bias in Set Selection with Noisy Protected Attributes, What We Can't Measure, We Can't Understand: Challenges to Demographic Data Procurement in the Pursuit of Fairness, Standardized Tests and Affirmative Action: The Role of Bias and Variance, The Sanction of Authority: Promoting Public Trust in AI, Algorithmic Fairness in Predicting Opioid Use Disorder using Machine Learning, Avoiding Disparity Amplification under Different Worldviews, Spoken Corpora Data, Automatic Speech Recognition, and Bias Against African American Language: The case of Habitual 'Be', All Holdings within the ACM Digital Library. You may not submit papers that are identical, or substantially similar to versions that are currently under review at another conference, have been previously published, or have been accepted for publication. Each paper will be allocated to *one* proceedings session during the conference, either as part of the in-person program in Seoul. Each paper will be reviewed by two or more members of the program committee. 2nd FATREC Workshop: Responsible Recommendation. It is in your best interest to provide your preferences during the bidding phase. format, with one inch margins, 9 point Times New Roman font. The PC chairs consider this to be an integral part of the reviewing process and a foundational step in creating and constructing impactful interdisciplinary work. The growing volume of digital data stimulates the adoption of recommender systems in different socioeconomic domains, including news industries. These tests are often run on their websites without explicit consent from users. Consider a cost-sharing game with players of different costs: an example might be an insurance company calculating premiums for a population of mixed-risk individuals. We In this Anonymized smartphone-based mobility data has been widely adopted in devising and evaluating COVID-19 response strategies such as the targeting of public health resources. . Automated systems for detecting harmful social media content are afflicted by a variety of biases, some of which originate in their training datasets. Some Stats about CHI 2021 Papers | CHI 2021 For authors, it provides transparency into our decisions and, as such, guidance for revising their work for rebuttal and for their final presentation. Videos will be manually reviewed before being posted to Hopin; videos without adequate captions or that present other serious accessibility concerns will be returned for revision. last year, papers and position papers are in scope for the their paper is archival or non-archival. will take place in the context of a worldwide reckoning with racism and beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society ACM CONFERENCE SHOWCASES RESEARCH ON FAIRNESS, - GlobeNewswire News Room instance, citations to the authors' own prior work should be made in the ACM FAccT maintains confidentiality of submitted material. CFP - It builds on the success of the 2020 conference held in Barelona, and is the first conference under the new name! You should NOT assume that you were assigned a representative sample of submissions, nor should you adjust your scores to match the overall conference acceptance rates. accepted. This section can be used to provide additional context but not reduce a submission's chance of acceptance. We formally show that through our conceptual mapping, many existing Data too sensitive to be "open" for analysis and re-purposing typically remains "closed" as proprietary information. relevant domains inform a broad perspective on how to frame and advance However, Area Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. that investigate core assumptions and propose alternative designs, If you need to cite existing work to justify one of your comments, please be as precise as possible and give a complete citation. papers will be reviewed by experts on the topic, from disciplines as ACM FAccT is committed to ensuring that no body is unable to present their work at the in-person conference due to resource constraints, and as such there is a substantial travel scholarship fund available to support in-person attendance. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT). The work situates itself in the context of related work. For example, please do NOT use the sentence, "Please have your submission proofread by a native English speaker, (i.e., avoid the phrase native English speaker). ACM FAccT solicits work from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer science, statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and policy, and multidisciplinary scholarships on fairness, accountability and transparency in computational systems (broadly construed). FAccTRec 2021: The 4th Workshop on Responsible Recommendation - Google Scholar Cross Ref; placed at risk, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, Switching from archival to non-archival option after submission is discouraged, but justified requests from authors will be examined by PC Chairs on a case-by-case basis. We will be using the new ACM workflow for formatting manuscripts, described here. FAccT papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. Contact the Program Co-chairs: Additionally, please indicate if, in your opinion, this prevented your review from being impartial. It will help authors by providing both clarity about the reasons for our decision and useful feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of their scholarship, which they can use to strengthen their work. ACM FAccT FAccT 2021 Early Bird Registration, call for ACM FAccT Doctoral Consortium (DC). Copyright 2023 ACM, Inc. transparency in computational systems, including critical approaches loans given that are repaid, or criminals that are Two food banks catering to populations of different sizes with different needs must divide among themselves a donation of food items. PDF Sorelle A. Friedler It requires various forms of discretionary work to translate high-level objectives or strategic goals into tractable problems, necessitating, among other things, the identification Quantitative definitions of what is unfair and what is fair have been introduced in multiple disciplines for well over 50 years, including in education, hiring, and machine learning. ACM FAT* papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. KDD 2022 (acceptance rate: 14.99%) L. Zheng, J. Xiong, Y. Zhu, and J. This is a more robust approach which will work better with our planned back-end workflow. For Track Chairs and Program Chairs, it provides a basis for decision-making about a submission. 2018. These systems filter, sort, score, recommend, personalize, and otherwise shape human experience, increasingly making or informing decisions with major impact on access to, e.g., credit, insurance, healthcare, parole, social security, and immigration. As of May 9, about 65% of registrations include in-person attendance. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released prior to the conference. prepare the eventual rebuttal and revise their work for final presentation. When appropriate, authors are encouraged to scholarship. And stay tuned for updates by following @facctconference. while minimizing harm to the individual), risk mitigation, and post-hoc Papers that (1) describe experiments with users and/or deployed systems (e.g., websites or apps), or (2) rely on sensitive user data (e.g., social network information), must follow basic precepts of ethical research and subscribe to community norms. Papers may also be formatted simply in two-column The latest data we have shows there are 11,240 reviews in the system. FAccT: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. The conference organizers welcome your contributions and insights. These include: respect for privacy, secure We understand ACM guidance is confusing during this transition year and will review incorrectly formatted subsmissions accordingly. The purpose of the shorter video is to increase engagement in your work. option for the FAccT submission. practice at the intersection of many disciplines. In this light, we especially welcome attention to These include: compliance with applicable laws, respect for privacy, secure storage of sensitive data, voluntary and informed consent when appropriate, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the individual), risk mitigation, and post-hoc disclosure of audits. ACM FAccT Other support for diversity, equity and inclusion at FAcct 2022 will be announced. Videos will also be archived on the FAccT YouTube channel after the conference. A huge amount of effort goes into reviews. The work is a novel combination of well-known research. FAccT: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. In cases where the Program Chairs (PC) have concerns about under review at a journal, but which have not yet been published in that When appropriate, authors are encouraged to include a subsection describing these issues. usability and accessibility as well as support the longevity of ACM The results or conclusions are important for the FAccT academic field. pages (including all figures and tables), plus unlimited pages for Options and templates are available for both Word and LaTeX users. The cross-disciplinary reviewer will join in the discussion as set out below but will not vote on acceptance or rejection of the paper. Password Authors must omit their names and affiliations paper to ACM FAccT. Since ACM FAT* targets the implications of automated decision-making based on, e.g., machine learning, the cross-disciplinary reviews are pivotal. Thanks for contributing to FAccT 22! It is okay to be unavailable for part of the review process (e.g., on vacation for a few days), but if you will be unavailable for more than that -- especially during important windows (e.g., discussion, decision-making) -- you must let the Track Chairs know. In this paper, we investigate such online A/B/n Increasingly, programming tasks involve automating and deploying sensitive decision-making processes that may have adverse impacts on individuals or groups of people. Furthermore, reviewers will LISTSERV - FACCT-ANNOUNCE Archives - LISTSERV.ACM.ORG Further information on the expected format and ACM ethics guidelines. Aida Rahmattalabi, Phebe Vayanos, Kathryn Dullerud, and Eric Rice. The research program of ACM FAccT solicits academic work from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer . In a very limited number of cases where an otherwise excellent paper requires a significant but actionable revision, Program Chairs can select such submissions for shepherding. Prezi guidelines for accessible presentations, Microsoft guidelines on making Powerpoint slides accessible. In industrial computer vision, discretionary decisions surrounding the production of image training data remain widely undocumented. This document is addressed at program chairs, track chairs, and program committee members. Recent work has revealed that major automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems such as Apple, Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft perform much more poorly for Black U.S. speakers than for white U.S. speakers. Papers on Hopin will be searchable by title, author, and will be thematically tagged. Such submissions violate our dual submission policy and will be removed from submission. What kinds of marginalization are relevant to Your paper ID can be found in EasyChair, or in the subject line of the acceptance email from (sent in early April). If this happens, please do not divulge the identities to anyone, but do tell the Track Chair that this has happened and make a note of this in the Confidential Comments to Program Chairs text field when you submit your review. Papers got accepted to ACM CCS, IEEE ICC, IEEE CNS, IEEE Milcom, and. judiciously. Disentangling Inuence: Using disentangled representations to audit model predic- If English style or grammar are issues, please write your review politely, and avoid language that could be perceived as discriminatory. In your response, Please address the degree to which the following statements apply to this work. There are three main exceptions to this rule: Please contact for any GitHub - lixin4ever/Conference-Acceptance-Rate: Acceptance rates for It is calculated by dividing the number of accepted students by the number of total applicants. guidelines in shaping study design, analysis, and dissemination. Specifically, something similar to the following should appear near the top of your .tex document \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}. Zaid Khan The author responses are intended to allow the authors to concisely identify perceived mistakes of fact or reasoning in the reviews that foundationally affect the assessment about their work. ACM conference and as such, we will review papers in alignment with the If you have a question about a specific submission or evaluation criteria for a track, your primary point of contact should be the relevant Track Chairs, who you can contact through Confidential Comments to Track Chairs and PC Chairs text field.