Honey bees are one of nature's best friends. Without the help of honey bees, specialty plants like almonds, berries and other fruits would see a dramatic decrease in productivity. 2021 Packages. All of our queens are bred from our overwintered queens and are open mated in our Dover mating yard. Saskatraz or Italian available. We have limited quantities so once we sell our allocated quantity, we will be out of bees for the rest of the 2021 season (we don’t have an order deadline). Pickup Date: May TBD. Our 2021 Packages and Nucs are now on Sale. Our queen bees are available for sale from mid-June through August. Our queens … Italian $128.00. of bees, which includes nurse bees, forager bees, guard bees, and drone bees. +/- 3 lbs. Kelley Beekeeping As you know I am very particular about providing quality queens. Bobby Carter – 931-526-7981 is taking orders for 3# package bees to be delivered around May 22. Package Bees . First come first served. These come with either an Italian, Carniolan or Saskatraz Queen. If the item is sold out, please click “Join Waitlist” and provide an email. ***Arrival Date for 3 lb. Our prices are the same as last year at $175 for Italians or Carniolans, and $179 for Saskatraz. See the "Order" page for details. Bruce Wilson – 931-445-3821 / 931-644-9871 – is taking orders for 3# package bees to be delivered near the end of April. Getting Your Bees Through The Winter . Pennsylvania Packaged Bees for Sale - Beekeeping Supplies – Mountain Sweet Honey | For the highest quality beekeeping supplies or to purchase bees, contact our excellent staff at 706-886-1322. by Olivarez Honey Bees (OHB). Honey bees are pollinators, so where there are bees a-plenty, there are thriving plants producing healthy fruits and vegetables. You, the customer, will have to pick these packages up and inspect the package in front of your postmaster to insure your Honey Bees arrived in good condition. ... Our Carniolan package bees include: a screen box, sugar water container or fondant block, approx. Bees. Please call to order. That's approximately 10,000 honeybees, enough to get a brand new hive off to a good start. 2020 mated Queen accompanied by 3lbs of nurse bees. I've put together my "QUEEN DREAM TEAM" consisting of three of us that will be raising queens for 2019. A 3# package of live bees ships in a screened/ventilated box. Packages that are shipped will be stopped at your local post office and you will be given a phone call from your local postmaster letting you know they are there for pick-up. 1-3days. 2020 Mated Queens: We will have mated queens available April 1st. We have had the pleasure of working with OHB for 15 years and supplying the intermountain area with a superior, quality honey bees. The package will also contain a … We are one of the only distributers in the tri-state area to offer OHB Northern Californian packages. The package will contain roughly 3 pounds of honey bees. The queens will only be advertised for sale when I have some available. Special ground shipping USPS shipping available east coast only. The package includes about 3 lbs of worker bees, one caged queen, and a can of food. Top-Rated Bees for Sale. Saskatraz $138.00 2021 Queens. We can provide you with top of the line Italian bees, hive ware, starter … I'm excited about offering packages and queens for sale again this year. James Murph – 5 frame deep nucs for pickup only in Lebanon TN, 615-519-2975 henrysforkhopper@att.net. 1-10 = $41.00 (Ships in 3-hole cage, marking included at no charge) 11-20 = $41.00 (Ships in California mini cage, marking included at no charge) 21+ = Phone orders only Shipping charges will be applied to … They are a combo of Fergusen Buckfast/ VSH Carniolan, and our hardy overwintered bees. This will give us time to do more testing and research to be able to improve our selective crossing of our preferred genetics from the best colonies only. The colony of bees will consist of one or more Italian, Carniolan, and Russian worker bees. Thank you for your interest in our packages and queens. April 24th 2021 *** These premium-quality package bees and queens are raised in Northern California . Pricing and availability subject to change without notice. It will look much like the one in the picture. 3lb packages.
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