Broadleaf evergreen shrub for informal hedges, screens, barriers, foundations, borders or open woodland areas. Potential disease problems include bacterial leaf spot, mildews and crown gall. Ihr süßer, angenehmer Duft ist unwiderstehlich und bereits aus mehreren Metern Abstand deutlich wahrnehmbar. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Das hauchzarte Farbenspiel der Blütenbüschel entsteht aus der Kombination von rosa Knospen und aufgeblühter weißer Blütensterne. Fragrant late spring flowers, fall fruit and evergreen foliage make this an interesting and attractive landscape shrub.‘Reifler’s Dwarf’ is a dwarf cultivar which grows extremely well in foundation plantings. Gardenality allows its members to upload photos to our site. 9. Großblumiger Schneeball - Viburnum carlcephalum. Viburnum O Reiflers Dwarf #3. Notify me of new posts by email. Der Gewöhnliche Schneeball treibt schnell wieder aus. Spread: 3.5 to 4.5 Feet. Der Lorbeerschneeball hat im Winter und im Frühjahr zunächst viele kleine rosafarbene Knospen, die sich später zu hübschen Blütendolden entwickeln. Facebook Posts. A lovely compact shrub with attractive glossy, deep green foliage and multi-season interest. Viburnum obovatum'Reifler's Dwarf'. schiller’s delight’ Viburnum Obovatum ‘Mrs. Added 9 years ago. Small-leaf viburnum is in part noted for its large size and very small leaves. Der Duftschneeball ist eine der Eltern-Arten des viel bekannteren Dieser Schneeball hat große weiße, stark duftende Blütenstände die von April bis Mai in großer Zahl erscheinen. 76846-103. This message is only visible to admins. Grow in most moderately fertile, well-draineds soil in sun or shade. Reifler's Dwarf Viburnum - (Viburnum obovatum 'Reiflers Dwarf') Shrubs Other Common Names: Walters Viburnum, Small- Leaf Arrowwood Family: Caprifoliaceae … Plant Finder; Lawn, Landscape & Garden Design. PALMS Botanical / Common Name Rhapidophyllum hystrix, Needle Palm Viburnum is the name given to a very diverse and populous group of plants native to North America and Asia. This article will explain how to plant and care for these wonderful shrubs and offer advice on which varieties to choose. Small white flowers in clusters, April. Lesezeit: 2 Minuten Mit traumhaften Blütenbällen bezaubert die Familie Viburnum zu jeder Jahreszeit. Tiny, white, 5-petaled flowers in dome-shaped clusters (2 1/4” diameter cymes) bloom March-April. Another large, yet magnificent, shrub is the European cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus), with eye-catching flowers, generous crops of berries, and fiery autumn color. Viburnum obovatum, commonly called small-leaf viburnum or Walter viburnum, is an evergreen to semi-evergreen to deciduous (depending on winter temperatures) large shrub that typically grows with a dense rounded habit to 10-12’ tall and as wide, but will occasionally soar (sometimes in small tree-like fashion) to as much as 20-25’ tall. Wood has a rank odor.Genus name comes from the Latin name of a species plant.Specific epithet is in reference to the obovate shape of some of the leaves.‘Reifler’s Dwarf’ is a dwarf selection which grows to 4-5’ tall with a spread to 5-6’ over the first 5 years. Check other stores. BPD274: VIBURNUM OBOVATUM REIFLERS DWARF. In Stock at Nearby Branch Buford GA. Pickup or delivery options to be provided. List Price. Plant in rich, moist but well-draining soil. It grows to 15 feet (4.5 m.) tall though. Tolerates wet soils in the wild. Panama City Beach, FL 32413 . Name * Email * Website. Leaves add varying amounts of purple color in fall (depending on geographic location) but remain semi-evergreen to evergreen in warm winter climates. Für ihr problemloses Gedeihen mit nur wenigen Pflegemaßnahmen, finden Sie hier die nötigen Informationen. This cultivar does not produce fruit. Characteristics: Height: 3 to 3.5 Feet. Steht ein immergrüner Schneeball voll im Saft, schneiden Sie halb verholzte, nicht blühende Kopfstecklinge mit einer Länge von 10-15 cm. It was introduced into commerce by Steve Reifler in Florida. Bis zu acht Zentimeter lange dunkelgrüne Blätter geben dem Strauch im Sommer … Today we shall talk about the new viburnum garden. Tolerates close to full shade. Location.
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