Beef Jerky .. Hunters use Morton Tender Quick to make cured venison deer sausage or jerky. 5 lbs. Wiki User Answered . Top Answer. Morton Tender Quick is a blend of salt, sugar, and other meat curing ingredients formulated for a fast cure action, improved flavor, and development of color. Use to cure meats and fish like poultry, spareribs, bacon, shad, salmon, and sablefish right in your kitchen. Morton® Tender Quick® mix can be used interchangeably with Morton® Sugar Cure® (Plain) mix. A jerky marinade works well because, being a liquid, it coats all the meat that you are turning … My Best All-Round Jerky Marinade Recipe Read More » It gives meats a tasty cured flavor and characteristic pink color. It's also an especially good recipe to use with meat other than beef. Jun 3, 2013 - Morton Tender Quick: to help meat dry out faster when dehydrating it. Morton’s Tender Quick 1 tbsp. 3 cups soy sauce . 5 lbs. Morton Tender Quick is a blend of salt, sugar, and other meat curing ingredients formulated for a fast cure action, improved flavor, and development of color. If using regular salt, expect the meat to be a darker brown-black color when dried. brown sugar 2 lbs. Morton's Tender Quick Salt (containing nitrate and nitrite) may be used instead of regular salt. Cut meat into thin strips. Do you use tender quick in your deer jerky mix and if so, where do you get it? Mix all ingredients. Follow package directions. All Jerky & Sausage Making; Casings; Curing; Jerky Seasonings; Sausage Seasonings; Other Seasonings; Additives; Mixes . Ground beef jerky in the oven? Their entry into the quick-curing game delivers on all the levels you would expect, nothing more and nothing less. Ingredients: 6 (salt.. sauce.. smoke...) 2. Place 1 cup of mixture on a sheet of aluminum foil. Posted: (13 days ago) Ham in a Hurry | Pork Loin Ham Recipe - Here's the fourth installment of Morton Salts superior booklet, A Complete Guide To Home Meat Curing. You once could purchase Morton's Tender Quick at the online store at the Morton Salt website, but not anymore. 3 cups soy sauce . Drawing Out Moisture: Using salt in a marinade in the form of soy sauce or just a spoonful of regular table salt will quick start the process of drying the meat out. 1 level teaspoon Prague powder #1 or Instacure #1 or 2 teaspoons Morton Tender Quick Curing Salt. Morton's Tender Quick Salt (containing nitrate and nitrite) may be used instead of regular salt. of lean beef or venison strips**: Jerky … Morton Tender Quick Meat Cure - US. Available in most grocery store spice isles. Posted: (5 days ago) Best Venison Sausage Recipes from Scratch US. You can use Tender Quick on meats, game, poultry, and fish. Morton Tender Quick Or half to one tsp pink curing salt 2 1/2 tsp. Re: Substituting Morton Tender quick for cure #1 « Reply #5 on: October 20, 2011, 01:45:37 AM » For future calculations, you use 1/2 Tablespoon per pound (1.5 teaspoons). If you’re ready to start curing, here are a few different processes worth considering. Lay marinated strips over oven racks. Tender Quick is available at most larger grocery stores, or can be purchased online. ½ cup honey warmed in microwave. It gives meats a tasty cured flavor and characteristic pink color. You can remove the pan from the meat package after it has frozen, and just store the wrapped jerky block until you want to use it. Form the jerky strips by your favorite method and dry them as you would a whole muscle beef jerky recipe. The only way to be sure of that is to prepare it yourself. Put an appropriate amount of your prepared jerky mix onto the paper-lined pan, and cover it with another sheet of waxed or parchment paper. Meat and Game Beef Stick or Jerky Gun Beef Jerky Recipe Mendenhall Outdoors Smoked Beef Stick or Jerky Gun Recipe This recipe is delicious with any kind of ground meat, including: Ground Beef Ground Deer Venison Ground Elk Ground Bison Buffalo Ground Lamb Ground Pork 5 lb. thinly Sliced meat. Sep 30, 2012 - How to make jerky, ham, bacon and other cured meats using Morton Tender Quick. allspice Mix altogether, shape into long rolls. Put in refrigerator. Dry cures are often measured by weight of the meat your are curing (typically 1 teaspoon will cure 5 pounds of meat), but since this is a wet brine method the correct ratio will be the amount of cure suspended in the liquid. Place a meat ball between 2 sheets of waxed ... Cut strips 1/2" thick, 1 1/2" wide and 6" long. Morton Tender Quick is a fast-cure mix so you can cure meat, poultry or game right in your own kitchen. This curing agent will help the meat retain a deep red color even when dried. From there, put your meat in the refrigerator and let the curing process take place. Worcestershire sauce . Posted: (3 days ago) Step 2: Make the brine: Place the warm water, brown sugar, salt, Tender Quick, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, star anise, peppercorns, fennel seeds, and hot red pepper flakes in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . I like the way it was packaged Read more. Spices of your choosing 1 cup liquid smoke (if you don t have a smoker) Marinate the meat for 20 to 30 minutes. It is NOT a meat tenderizer. This curing agent will help the meat retain a deep red color even when dried. Best Sites About Morton Tender Quick Ham Recipes. Voila! I made a batch last weekend using the HM stuff and although it came out pretty good is was a bit too salty. They have nozzle attachments that squirt out a flat 1 or 2 inch wide line of jerky mix. See Answer. You want it to be about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick. Liquid Smoke 1/4 tsp. All my clients have rated my product A +. I was gonna try out that soy jerky recipe everyone here seems to like, and was curious if cure #1 and Morton's Tender Quick are the same thing. It is a combination of high grade salt and other quality curing ingredients that can be used for both dry and sweet pickle curing. They are: The jerky extruding machines that I have seen look a lot like large caulking guns. Fold the extra plastic wrap over the top of the pan (add another sheet if you need to) and put the entire pan into the freezer. Posted: (3 days ago) Step 2: Make the brine: Place the warm water, brown sugar, salt, Tender Quick, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, star anise, peppercorns, fennel seeds, and hot red pepper flakes in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. 1 Tbsp. Put into cooking or baking bag. Brush on. 1 c. water 2 tbsp. According to the package label, it's a … Remove wrapper and cool. 2 tablespoons Morton's Tender Quick salt 1/2 lb brown sugar . Morton Tender Quick is a fast cure product that has been developed as a cure for meat, poultry, game, salmon and other fish. Years ago you could find Morton Tender Quick at any major grocery store but the last two times I bought it I could only find it at Albertson's, they still had it 2010. Cover bottom of oven with foil. Jerky. Many types of cured meat products can be made with Tender Quick. Many types of cured meat products can be made with Tender Quick. Take a large sheet pan, spray it with a lubricant like Pam, and cover it with waxed or parchment paper to fit the pan bottom. The bag states the contents are salt, sugar, 0.5% Sodium Nitrate and 0.5% Sodium Nitrite Morton is a big name in the world of salt products, as anyone who’s ever outfitted a simple spice rack can attest. Jerky & Sausage Making . 1) in my pantry just for sausage making as well as Morton Tender Quick. For 2 lbs. The Morton brand makes a few different products: - Morton® Tender Quick® Mix (interchangeable in a recipe with Morton® Sugar Cure® Plain) - Morton® Sugar Cure® Plain (Interchangeable in a recipe with Morton® Tender Quick® Mix) - Morton® Sugar Cure® Smoke Flavored (used for dry curing bacon and ham) **SEASONING** The process of seasoning your meat involves using herbs and spices to make a … Best Sites About Morton Tender Quick Sausage Recipes US. Morton Tender Quick For meats, poultry and fish, Morton Tender Quick is a mixture of curing salts and other ingredients. Marinate 24 hours in a covered container in the refrigerator. 2 Food And Drink. This section tells you to how to cutting beef, curing beef, making jerky, and preparing wild game. We hope you find what you are searching for! Not sold in Canada. I live in SWF and I'm able to find it at Publix super markets. I Googled it and you can not … I have to admit that I've never tried one of these gadgets. … Making a good jerky marinade is important because this is your chance to introduce all the flavours you want to incorporate. Posted: (4 days ago) BEST VENISON SAUSAGE RECIPE 6 lbs venison, ground 2 lbs pork, ground 1/4 cup Morton Tender Quick 1/4 cup homemade brown sugar, packed 3 TBS rubbed sage 1 TBS homemade garlic powder 1 TBS homemade onion powder 1/2 tsp fennel or caraway seed … Mix all the ingredients very well with the ground meat (as you would for sausage). Compare this Product; Add to Wish List; Add to Cart; Showing 1 to 1 of 1 (1 Pages) About Us One Stop Jerky Shop, … Place in covered bowl. Mix liquid smoke and water; brush on meat. Saved from Asked by Wiki User. 2 tbsp. If you are at all concerned about the safety of the jerky that you will be serving your family , or you wish to store it for more than 2 weeks, then you will need to use a curing salt. If you are a hunter (or just a lover of game meat), you'll really appreciate being able to make tender deer jerky with this method. Corned Beef Cure Ratios!! Gamegetter, Dec 19, 2018. Cover and put into refrigeration for 6 hours or up to over night. Points to remember: This product is not pink like other curing salts, so be sure to store and label it carefully. Meat Snacks. There are 3 basic techniques you can consider for forming your ground meat into jerky. Wardee, am very glad you posted a good recipe for jerky, because I was having trouble finding one. I do love some spiced up fancy jerky every once in a while, but sometimes you just can't beat a good Midwest style original jerky. It is a combination of high grade salt and other Venison Jerky Marinade (for 5 pounds of meat) Mix together one half cup each of water and soy sauce. Most of my jerky never makes it past 3 weeks, but I do have curing salt (Prauge powder no. Morton Tender Quick mix contains: Salt, the main preserving agent; sugar, both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, curing agents that also contribute to development of color and flavor; and propylene glycol to keep the mixture uniform. Quick Tip to Make your day a little less complicated!-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Mix thoroughly. Tender Quick can also be used as a dry cure or a pickling cure. The Morton® products mentioned in this guide cannot be … Mix ground meat thoroughly with the spices. MORTON® TENDER QUICK® - Morton Salt. As with whole muscle jerky, it really doesn't matter what method you choose to use for drying this jerky. I often have 2 or 3 blocks in my freezer at any given time. To this, add one tablespoon of Morton's Tender-Quick®. In the case of making dried ground beef, cut the amount of Tender Quick you use to half a tablespoon per pound. The bag states the contents are salt, sugar, 0.5% Sodium Nitrate and 0.5% Sodium Nitrite Morton Salt can make curing your own meats as enjoyable as eating them. You will also have to choose a way to form the ground meat into jerky. However, there might be myriad reasons why you’d want to look for a Tender Quick substitute, most notably due to the product’s unavailability or the fact that it does contain a tad bit of sodium nitrate. Best used to cure hams, bacon and smaller cuts of meat, dry curing involves applying the cure mix directly on the meat. Where to by tender quick by: Bob . Works particularly well with small cuts of meat, such as pork chops, spareribs and poultry. Report abuse. Morton Tender Quick is a curing salt made of sodium nitrate (0.5%), and sodium nitrite (0.5%), sugar, and propylene glycol (water absorbent) that can be found in many local grocery stores. According to the package label, it's a blend of "salt, sugar, and meat curing ingredients. This is what your jerky will taste like once dried so taste your marinate before you use it. Simmer until the salt and sugar dissolve. I was gonna try out that soy jerky recipe everyone here seems to like, and was curious if cure #1 and Morton's Tender Quick are the same thing. This Midwest Ground Beef Jerky recipe has the flavor and an easier chew for those who don't like tough jerky. Kept dry, the product should last almost indefinitely. … Dec 20, 2018 #17 . © Copyright 2017 | All Rights Reserved. Morton Tender Quick mix is a fast cure product that has been developed as a cure for meat, poultry, game, salmon, shad, and sablefish. YES! Posted: (13 days ago) Ham in a Hurry | Pork Loin Ham Recipe - lean hamburger Combine all ingredients, except hamburger. 2 Mix together to prepare seasoning: 1/4 cup soy sauce . So many of them require Tender Quick, and I don’t want to use that. Then put the slices on racks and dry them by your chosen method. And that works very well. I did use the pictures on another page explaining how to make ground meat jerky, check it out for more detail. Shave vigorously until Tender Quick is dissolved and cool to below 40 degrees before injecting. I'm going to reserve my judgment for now. Your post prompted us to take out our venison to get started tomorrow. Jun 3, 2013 - Morton Tender Quick: to help meat dry out faster when dehydrating it. The complete listing of ingredients includes: Salt … Best Sites About Morton Tender Quick Ham Recipes. The salt will pull moisture from the slices of meat. Morton® Sugar Cure® (Plain): Like the Tender Quick® above, this product from salt purveyor Morton® contains both sodium nitrite and nitrate. It gives meats a tasty cured flavor and characteristic pink color. Mix all ingredients and marinate meat overnight. Butcher & Packer Morton (R) Tender Quick (R) [MSTQ] - Morton Salt has developed a family of curing salts especially designed for curing meat in the home. Tender quick is a very useful salt, nitrate and sugar mixture used for curing meat such as canadian bacon. Shape in 2 (10") logs (cracker size). After curing, remove excess salt by rinsing your meat. Usage: Ground meat / sausage at the … From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. Morton Tender Quick is a fast-cure mix so you can cure meat, poultry or game right in your own kitchen. Morton® Tender Quick® mix contains salt, the main preserving agent; sugar, both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, curing agents that also contribute to development of color and flavor; and propylene glycol to keep the mixture uniform. By following these steps, you will prevent bacteria growth and have plenty of safe jerky for everyone to … All Specialty Shops; Baking Supplies; BBQ & Grilling; Brewing Ingredients; Cajun Shop; Canning and Pickling; Coconut; Gluten Free … Mix all the ingredients very well with the ground meat (as you would for sausage). I don't know of any curing mixes that are an exact substitution for Tender Quick. Next day, add another wrapping of saran wrap. It works quite well, and it doesn't require any special equipment. Spices of your choosing 1 cup liquid smoke (if you don t have a smoker) Marinate the meat for 20 to 30 minutes. I use this for my beef jerky. Home Whatâs New CONTACT US Privacy Policy & Disclaimer. Morton® Tender Quick® mix can be used interchangeably with Morton® Sugar Cure® (Plain) mix. 2 lbs Bag. For a generous two-pound package, the price is certainly nothing to argue with. When you're ready to dry jerky, take the now-frozen block of meat out of the freezer, unwrap it, and slice it into 1/4 inch thick strips on your electric meat slicer. You want VERY lean meat, and you want it coarsely ground. Take an 8 or 9 inch square baking pan (the kind that is 2-3 inches deep) and cover it with a large sheet of plastic wrap. Cover and put into refrigeration for 6 hours or up to over night. All Mixes; Bread and Baking Supplies; Dip Mixes; Marinades ; Salad Dressing Mixes; Soups and Chili Mixes; Specialty Shops . Morton Tender Quick mix is a fast cure product that has been developed as a cure for meat, poultry, game, salmon, shad, and sablefish. Click Here if you want a Review of Jerky Drying Methods. What is the shelf life of Morton's Tender Quick? 1.1/4 cups Morton Tender Quick. It can also be used for sweet pickling, too. lean ground beef or other meat 5 rounded tsp. Set aside a separate plate near each plate that indicates the beef's weight. It is a combination of high grade salt and other quality curing ingredients that can be used for both dry and sweet pickle curing. Combine for sauce to marinate.... the wood burner stove, he says, he heats the house, dries the clothes and makes jerky all at the same time. This recipe has a little liquid smoke, sugar, black pepper, salt, and a couple other familiar ingredients often found in jerky. Morton Tender Quick For meats, poultry and fish, Morton Tender Quick is a mixture of curing salts and other ingredients. Add Tender Quick to warmed honey and water in a quart or 2 quart container that you can seal. The company’s recommended formula for dry cures is one … Best used to cure hams, bacon and smaller cuts of meat, dry curing involves applying the cure mix directly on the meat. Roll the meat into balls (about 1 pound each). I wanted to make my own beef jerky and other items which are then smoked so it was a natural choice to purchase Morton tender quick. Explore. Take your prepared beef jerky recipe mix and pack it into the plastic lined pan until it is level with the top. Morton Salt's recommendation is to use 1 tablespoon of tender quick per each pound of raw meat in your recipe as … Make sure to pack it so there are no voids or air bubbles. See all reviews. W ell, I live in Radcliff, KY and you cannot find Tender Quick here! Morton® Tender Quick® mix can be used interchangeably with Morton® Sugar Cure® (Plain Cook at 175 degrees ... FLAVORINGS, EXTRACTS AND LIQUEURS (COOKING SCHOOL). Works particularly well with small cuts of meat, such as pork chops, spareribs and poultry. Use to cure meats and fish like poultry, spareribs, bacon, shad, salmon, and sablefish right in your kitchen. Once the jerky has been dried, you take the entire sheet and quickly cut it into strips with a kitchen scissors. Morton Tender Quick mix contains sal.. 5 lbs very lean coarse ground beef (or venison), 1 level teaspoon Prague powder #1 or Instacure #1. lean ground beef or other meat 5 rounded tsp. They look like they would work, but I suspect they aren't as easy to operate as they are represented to be. Dry Curing. Use a rolling pin to roll out the jerky mix. Morton Tender Quick mix contains: Salt, the main preserving agent; sugar, both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, curing agents that also contribute to development of color and flavor; and propylene glycol to keep the mixture uniform. Even though I'm a great proponent of using store-ground meat in some of my sausage making, when you're making jerky, you really should grind your own. It is a combination of high grade salt and other quality curing ingredients that can be used for both dry and sweet pickle curing. It is less concentrated than other curing salts, and unlike the salts above, is not pink. Jerky Recipe No. Start with a lean ground beef, 10% fat at the most. Helpful. We used a recipe 2 years ago that was way too salty for us, and even our dog wouldn’t eat it! Posted: (2 days ago) Morton Tender Quick is a blend of salt, sugar, and other meat curing ingredients formulated for a fast cure action, improved flavor, and development of color. Morton Tender Quick, just as the name would suggest is a fast cure product that’s packed with all the essential ingredients to cure meat, poultry, fish and game. Use this second set of plates to keep the measured amounts of Tender Quick and brown sugar, checking the number you've marked on the plate to keep your measurements correct. Works particularly well with small cuts of meat, such as pork chops, spareribs and poultry. Morton Tender Quick is a fast-cure mix so you can cure meat, poultry or game right in your own kitchen. Quick Tip to Make your day a little less complicated!-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Where To Buy Morton's Tender Quick by: Bill . Roll meat between sheets of waxed paper into 1/4 inch thickness. If using regular salt, expect the meat to be a darker brownblack - color when dried. You can use tender quick as a direct replacement for the salt listed in your jerky recipe. Morton Tender Quick 1 tsp. CAN NOT FIND by: krickett . 1 level teaspoon Prague powder #1 or Instacure #1 or 2 teaspoons Morton Tender Quick Curing Salt. Mar 26, 2017 - is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Wrap each one in saran wrap and refrigerate overnight. 3 ½ cups clean room temperature water. Cover with wax paper and flatten mixture. Tender Quick can also be found on This curing agent will help the meat retain a deep red color even when dried. of lean beef or venison strips**: Jerky Recipe No. The most common bacteria growths in poorly made jerky are Salmonella and E. Coli. Morton Tender Quick is a fast cure product that has been developed as a cure for meat, poultry, game, salmon and other fish. When making homemade jerky it is really important to follow strict food safety precautions to prevent any foodborne illnesses. I have to say that I've tried just about every way I can think of to slice the frozen jerky, and the only thing that works well for me is the electric slicer. Morton Tender Quick, just as the name would suggest is a fast cure product that’s packed with all the essential ingredients to cure meat, poultry, fish and game. Please watch: "Kitchen Tip!" Morton Tender Quick mix contains salt, the main preserving agent; sugar, both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, curing agents that also contribute to development of color and flavor; and propylene glycol to keep the mixture uniform. Remove the top layer of paper, trim the edges of the meat so you have a rectangle (more of less). … Thanks! Beef Jerky Beef Sticks Recipe Jerky Gun Recipe for Beef Jerky and Beef Sticks Meat and Game Beef Stick or Jerky Gun Beef Jerky Recipe Mendenhall Outdoors Smoked Beef Stick or Jerky Gun Recipe This recipe is delicious with any kind of ground meat, including: Ground Beef Ground Deer Venison Ground Elk Ground Bison Buffalo Ground Lamb Ground Pork 5 lb. For 2 lbs. Then mix with hamburger. Morton quick curing salt is used during the drying and curing process of the meat. You want enough wrap to line the entire pan bottom and sides, with some left over. Quickly and easily cure beef, poultry, pork or fish with the help of Morton Home Meat Cure. Don't be confused with … Cover and put into refrigeration for 6 hours or up to over night. Rack_Hunter IDGAF. Snacks. After the application, place meat into a plastic food storage bag and tightly seal. It can quick start the drying process as well as tenderise the meat you are using. Step #2: Season the Beef. Hunters use Morton Tender Quick to make cured venison deer sausage or jerky. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. 24,573. thinly Sliced meat. Tender Quick is available at most larger grocery stores, or can be purchased online. This is my favorite way to prepare a ground beef jerky recipe, but it does take at least one piece of more specialized equipment to make it work easily: An electric meat slicer. These can be deadly, making food safety extremely important when making jerky. 2011-10-28 01:34:02. I made a batch last weekend using the HM stuff and although it came out pretty good is was a bit too salty. Americanspice.Com US trimmings i often have sheet of aluminum foil beef, 10 % fat at the online at! For bacon, shad, salmon, and it does n't matter what method you to... Quick on meats, game, poultry or game right in your kitchen it coarsely ground the! Cup each of water and soy sauce 1 1/2 '' thick, 1 1/2 '' thick, 1 teaspoon. 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