Different enemies are weak to different weapon types; when an enemy is we… Remodels when the V1 Besmirched Blade hits maximum level regardless of stats. Some weapons have traits that are not mentioned in the item menu description. (Trophy: Kingly Blessing), Cauthess Depot (Bartering for a Dancing Daggers), Mining for a Cactuar Needle (Free Mining Bug), Crafting Goal #2: Chrome Bits and a Cactuar Needle, The Corsesca: Prelude to a Dragon Whisker, Urgent: Ghost in the Machine (Item Drop Bug), Crafting Goal #3: Laser Sensors and a Level 99 Dragon Whisker, Bros Training: Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis (Trophy: Royal Retinue Rumble), Descent into Darkness: Head to Galdin Quay, Galdin Quay: The Bladekeeper's Trial (Trophy: Cleaving a Path), Descent into Darkness: Retrieve the Royal Sigils (7). Note 3: Be sure to upgrade your weapons at the Lestallum’s crafting station for more power with each level. It's required to get anywhere in this game and to make your GEAR and Weapons stronger by increasing their stats, like STR. Weapons are one such area to have had such an overhaul, since you can now upgrade, remodel and improve them alongside your own progression. Has the Charge Strike: Clearout and Warp Combo: Blizzaga skills. Below, we list every type of weapon, all of the weapons we've found so far and their upgrade requirements. Evolves from a Pinwheel with a 50% Thunder enchantment. Remodels from a Battle Mace with 30 Vitality and 30 Spirit, Remodels from a Behemoth Masher with 60 Strength. At a glance you can find out what a weapon wants you to upgrade by looking for a progress bar under the elements in question (or by using our handy guide below! Descent into Darkness: Develop a new power supply route. Weapons are the many armaments that define the Classes and Jobs. Evolves from a Heavy Lance with 55 Vitality and 55 Strength. Remodels when the Besmirched Blade hits max level regardless of stats. The (HQ) version mats are usually found in higher level quests. Has the Esuna and Curaga abilities attached. (Trophy: Beacon of Hope), Crafting Goal #1: Remodeling a Javelin into a Level 30 Weapon (Trophy: One with Your Blade), Descent into Darkness: Supply power to major outposts. Remodeled from a Mythril Katana with 30 Magic and 30 Spirit, Remodeled from an Osafune with 60 Magic and 60 Spirit. Remodels when Befouled Blades have 25% Fire Resistance, Remodels from Scarlet Blades with 100% Fire Resistance. Holding B / Circle allows the wielder to channel their strength into a devastating charge attack. You can give it to Prompto, which will make him a force to be reckoned with. Final Fantasy XV - Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades —, Buying FFXV and Getting the Right Version of Comrades, Cid and Cindy (Crafting and Discount Boosts), Keeping Boosts Permanently (Boost Transfer Bug), Equalizer (The Best Damage Boost in the Game), Rare Enemies: Cactuars, Gigantaurs, and Magic Pots, Missables and One-Time-Only Opportunities, How Items Drop (Defeating and Breaking Enemies), Ability Stacking, Passives, and "Gotchas", Descent into Darkness: Rescue the citizens. These treasures in FFXV Comrades serve as remodeling and crafting materials for weapons. You can sell them for gil, or trade for new items in Cauthess Depot outpost. There are also elemental absorbing weapons that can provide small amounts of elemental energy gains during combat. Where to find Best Katana in FFXV Comrades. This is where you can also add additional properties to the weapon, boosting some of its handling abilities. Noctis can equip four weapons at once and switch between them on-the-fly. If you want to know more about these special abilities, check out our FF15 Comrades weapon skills & weapon effects guide. Evolves from a Sabertusk Slayer with 60 Vitality and 60 Strength. Remodels from Organyxes with 60 Strength, 60 Vitality, 60 Magic and 60 Spirit. When equipped with a two-handed weapons, the shield slot cannot be utilized. Has the Charge Strike: Savage Swipe ability. For example, if your Katana has at least 30 STR (Strength) stat, it can then be turned into a Warblade, the next wepaon up its evolutionary chain. Upgrades from a Panacea Shield with 70 Magic and 70 Spirit. Like armor, while some weapons can be purchased from vendors, most are obtained through crafting or via drops from various Quests and Battles. Long-ranged armaments able to target enemies from afar. Remodels from an Iga Shuriken with 30 Strength and 30 Spirit. At the main store in the hub area you'll find seven different weapons available. This is a list of the weapons found in the original Final Fantasy, including the Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls, 20th Anniversary and subsequent remakes. (Selecting a Birthplace), Descent into Darkness: Supply power to the city's facilities. Remodels from a Harpoon with 100 Strength and 100 Vitality. There's also HP (Health), MP (Magic Points) and several elemental effects. Comes with the unique Chaosbringer and Warp Spell: Thundaga. Has the Combosmosis and Offensive Spell: Fira abilities. Upgrades from Befouled Blades with 20% Fire, Ice, and Lightning. This little desk is staffed by Cid (of course), and once it's in place and lit up you can use it to improve your weapons. It’s a machinery weapon that deals a lot of damage and creates a poison mist. Final Fantasy XV features unique weapons that you can discover and upgrade. Remodels from the Ice Lance with 99 Ice Elemental. See the equipment bugs article for more details. Evolves from a Yoshimitsu with 30 Strength and 30 Magic. The "best" (easiest to obtain) weapons to use for dismantling are the following. As you complete the first few missions and objectives in the world of FF15 Comrades, your Kingslgiave will gain access to various new resources. Remodel these from Kitchen Knives with 30% Dark enchantment. They are very powerful and have some incredible Remodels from Imperial Blades with a +100HP stat (which it should have by default). All 8 crafting main-hands as given as a reward from the achievement for crafting x amount of unique recipes. This page is for FF15: Comrades, the multiplayer mode. See video for exact amounts. When character-swapping, the battle system changes, and the player can't use the character's equipped Secondary Arm with the Attack command. Remodels from a Mythril Bow with 30% Fire, 30% Ice and 30% Lightning Enchantments. There are currently eight crafting classes in Final Fantasy XIV, otherwise known as Disciples of the Hand, with each job specializing in crafting, repairing, melding and desynthesizing specific item types, as well as producing vanity items, such as furniture for houses and apartments.The 8 Disciples of the Hand classes are Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist and Culinarian.To become a Disc… Remodels from an Elemental Shield with 50 Magic and 50 Spirit. Depending on which version of FFXV Comrades you are playing, you may encounter two treasure items that, confusingly, have the same exact name but different stats/abilities. Evolves from a Partisan with 50 Vitality and 50 Spirit. There is also a special class of Armiger weapons that can be equipped only by the main protagonist of the game -- Noctis. Weapon Crafting in Comrades--Case Study: Ifrit talks about crafting weapons to beat Ifrit. Has the Charge Strike: Clearout ability and Crusher X. Your best source of quality early game weapons is the weapon … Evolves from daggers that have 25 Spirit. These weapons are basic, but you can upgrade them by spending monster parts you pick up as loot from missions. Requires a Shiranui with a 50% Fire enchantment. The weapons in FF15 Comrades can have upgrades in a number of areas including the game's basic stats - Strength (STR), Vitality (VIT), Magic (MAG) and Spirit (SPI) - incidentally, this is the order these things are in on the menu and in the screenshot above (see the bottom right). Evolves from a Fubuki with a 50% Ice enchantment. There's a clothes shop, your quest desk and finally - last but not least - the all-important remodeling station. If you need help finding the best items to use remodeling any given weapon, check out our FF15 Weapon Remodeling Materials guide We'll update as we find more. Has the Lightbound and Critical Boost X skills. - Ice Bomb Common Break, Urgent: Ghost in the Machine - MA-X Maniple Common Defeat, Escort: Mechanic on the Move - Mutant Killer Bee Common Break, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Killer Wasp Common Defeat, Defense: Hunters' Hideaway - Iron Giant Common Break (Sword Arm), Hunt: Infernal Infestation - Jormungand Rare Break, Hunt: Quadrupedal Crag - Anak Stag Common Defeat, Urgent: The Injurious Jabberwock - Mutant Jabberwock Common Break, Urgent: Ghost in the Machine - MA-X Maniple Rare Break, Rare Enemy - Magic Pot Common Break (Very Rare), Urgent: The Menacing Mechs - MA Veles Rare Break, Escort: Shields for Meldacio - Kingatrice Common Break, Urgent: Double Deadeyes - Deadeye Common Defeat, Urgent: The Malevolent Malboro - Malboro Common Break, Hunt: Smog on the Water - Malbodoom Common Break, Urgent: The Malevolent Malboro - Malboro Sprout Common Defeat, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Mandrake Common Defeat, Escort: Mechanic on the Move - Mutant Mandrake Common Defeat, Defense: Still Too Tough to Tame - Mesmenir Common Break, Dismantling - 18,000 EXP gained (Weapon LV 48-49), Hunt: Snakes on a Downed Plane - Goblin Common Break, Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch - Mutant Bandersnatch Common Defeat, Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch - Mutant Bandersnatch Common Break (Jaw), Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch - Mutant Bandersnatch Rare Defeat, Escort: The Road to Hope - Bandersnatch Common Break, Defense: Dave-jà Vu - Nagarani Common Break, Hunt: Snakes on a Downed Plane - Naga Common Break, Urgent: Out of the Darkness - Yojimbo Common Break, Urgent: The Menacing Mechs - Lich Rare Break, Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch - Mutant Mindflayer Rare Break, Hunt: Seaside Skirmish - Karlabos Common Break, Chocomostro - Chocomore Bag of Components Reward, Defense: Havoc Befalls the Hut - Reaper Common Break, Escort: Convoy to the Quay - Red Giant Common Break (Sword Arm), Urgent: The Malignant Mictlantecihuatl - Mictlantecihuatl Rare Break (Wings), Urgent: The Calamitous Karlabos - Gurangatch Common Break, Hunt: Seaside Skirmish - Karlabos Common Defeat, Hunt: Quadrupedal Plateau - Mutant Sabertusk Common Break, Hunt: Drenched in Blood - Sabertusk Common Break, Urgent: The Calamitous Karlabos - Mutant Sahagin Common Break, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Mushussu Common Break, Hunt: Quetzalslaughter - Quetzalcoatl Rare Break, Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern - Reapertail Common Break, Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern - Reapertail Rare Break, Urgent: The Marauding Midgardsormr - Midgardsormr Common Break, Hunt: Quadrupedal Plateau - Mutant Sabertusk Common Defeat, Urgent: The Injurious Jabberwock - Yellowtooth Rare Break, Hunt: The All-Seeing Eyes - Seadevil Rare Break, Urgent: The Calamitous Karlabos - Gurangatch Common Defeat, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Killer Wasp Common Break, Urgent: The Ghastly Griffon - Daggerquill Common Break, Escort: Driving Miss Cindy - Bulette Common Break, Hunt: Infernal Infestation - Jormungand Common Break, Defense: Havoc Befalls the Hut - Skeleton Rare Break, Chocomostro - Chocopro Bag of Components Reward, Hunt: Quetzalslaughter - Quetzalcoatl Common Break, Hunt: The Gormandizing Zu - Mutant Gigantoad Common Break, Escort: Arms for Meldacio - Chickatrice Rare Defeat, Hunt: A Tangled Web They Weave - Tarantula Common Break, Escort: Mechanic on the Move - Skarnbulette Common Break, Urgent: The Grotesque Griffon - Mutant Griffon Rare Defeat, Defense: Dave-jà Vu - Mutant Deathclaw Common Break, Hunt: Garulessa Gone Wild - Garula Common Defeat, Escort: New Hope for Old Lestallum - Stoneshears Common Break, Escort: Mechanic on the Move - Elder Coeurl Common Break, Escort: New Hope for Old Lestallum - Gurangatch Rare Defeat, Defense: Too Tough to Tame - Spiracorn Rare Defeat, Defense: Everybody's Groan - Tonberry Common Break, Hunt: Quadrupedal Plateau - Aspidochelon Common Break, Defense: Pylon of Light - Thunder Bomb Common Break, Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern - Thunderoc Common Break, Urgent: The Ghastly Griffon - Daggerquill Common Defeat, Hunt: Quadrupedal Plateau - Aspidochelon Rare Break, Escort: Mechanic on the Move - Skarnbulette Rare Break, Hunt: Quetzalslaughter - Quetzalcoatl Common Defeat, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Treant Common Break, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Mutant Treant Common Defeat, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Mutant Treant Rare Break, Urgent: The Injurious Jabberwock - Yellowtooth Common Break, Escort: Convoy to the Quay - Daemonwall Common Break, Hunt: New King in Town - Behemoth King Common Defeat, Hunt: Quadrupedal Plateau - Aspidochelon Rare Defeat, Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern - Wyvern Common Defeat, Hunt: The Gormandizing Zu - Zu Common Break (Legs). Remodel from Kitchen Knives II with 100% Dark enchantment. Grows from an Imperial Axe with 120 HP - which the Imperial Axe will have by default! Has the Charge Strike: Savvage Swipe ability. This isn't all you're limited to, however, and once the in-game shop opens up you'll have access to seven different weapon types. Weapons are one such area to have had such an overhaul, since you can now upgrade, remodel and improve them alongside your own progression. Upgrades from Fuma Shuriken with 99% Dark. Remodels from a Corsesca with 20 Strength, 20 Vitality, 20 Magic and 20 Spirit. Can be upgraded from Dull Spear with 99% Lightning. It has 645 STR + 587 VIT (1232 Points). The spreadsheet has more columns and you can sort them and filter to find what you need faster. Upgrades from Esuna Bow with 80 Magic and 80 Spirit. Has the Stormbound and Offensive Spell: Thunder abilities. Descent into Darkness: Retrieve the Royal Sigils (13), Crafting Goal #4: Meteorites and Level 120 Weapons, Descent into Darkness: Supply power to Insomnia, Insomnia: The Pyreburner's Trial (Trophy: Blessed by All), Protect a Player (Trophy: A Reliable Warrior) [Online], Bonus Quest Challenges (Trophy: Loyalty to Royalty, Ghostbuster, Peerless), Crafting Goal #5: The Level 30 Endgame Character, Challenge: Dastardly Duo (Trophy: Vanquisher of Villainy), Challenge: Feathered Foe (Trophy: Golden Nester), Rematch: The Bladekeeper's Trial (Level 50), Final Round: The Bladekeeper's Trial (Level 99), Rematch: The Pyreburner's Trial (Level 99), Urgent: The Malignant Mictlantecihuatl (Level 90), Level 1-25-50-75-99 Birthplace Comparison Tables, Why Laser Sensors Are So Much Better Than Monster Jaws (and Everything Else), Advanced Crafting: The Cid Buff and Optimal Multiples, The Best Weapons and Mats to Use for Dismantling, The "Best" Build for Beginners (Without Cid Buff), Out of Bounds Glitches (Exploring the World of Ruin), Urgent: Ghost in the Machine - Imp Common Break, Hunt: Quadrupedal Crag - Anak Stag Rare Defeat, Urgent: Ghost in the Machine - Necromancer Common Break, Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch - Ronin Common Break, Hunt: The Gormandizing Zu - Zu Rare Defeat, Hunt: A Tangled Web They Weave - Arachne Common Break, Escort: New Hope for Old Lestallum - Arba Rare Defeat, Urgent: The Malignant Mictlantecihuatl - Ariadne Common Break, Hunt: A Secret Experiment - Deathclaw Rare Break, Hunt: New King in Town - Mutant Mushussu Rare Break, Urgent: The Terrible Treant - Killer Wasp Rare Break, Escort: Arms for Meldacio - Basilisk Common Break, Urgent: Double Deadeyes - Havocfang Common Defeat, Urgent: Double Deadeyes - Havocfang Rare Break, Escort: Shields for Meldacio - Royalisk Rare Defeat, Hunt: Infernal Infestation - Hundlegs Common Defeat, Hunt: New King in Town - Behemoth King Common Break (Horns), Defense: Save the Souvenirs! While it's based on the same basic gameplay as the main game, the Final Fantasy XV Comrades multiplayer expansion DLC actually takes a number of mechanics from the main game and significantly adjusts and alters them to make them more fit for multiplayer online progression systems. When you remodel weapons you can just throw random items to increase it’s level, but some weapons also have special objectives that, if met, will evolve your weapons into something new entirely. This is a list of the best weapons in Final Fantasy XV including weapons from all categories and where to find them. Damage output increases with each successive strike. Loading ... FFXV - Comprehensive guide to the dodging system - Duration: 7:41. This menu isn't much to look at initially, but there's a surprising amount of hidden depth to this system. Has the Stormbound and Offensive Spell: Thundara skills. Ideal for fast-paced battles. Remodel from Stingers with 40 Strength and 40 Spirit. Phantom Sword), also known as the Glaive of Kings, are special weapons in Final Fantasy XV Universe that only Noctis Lucis Caelum and others of his bloodline can brandish. Evolves from a Storm Lance with 40 Vitality. Has the Turnabout Boost II and Charge Strike: Clearout abilities. Evolves from Ironskull Hammer with 50 Strength, Vitality, Magic, and Spirit. Stage 2 (iLvl 500) Complete the Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty Main Scenario Quest. Grows from a Halberd with 40 Strength and 40 Spirit. Evolves from the ver 4 blade with 50% Fire, Ice, and Thunder. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to complete the toughest dungeons in the game, the quest for the perfect weapon is ongoing. They are the weapons of the previous monarchs of Lucis. Crafting Marcos. The idea of elemancy involves Noctis crafting spells with at least one unit each of Fire, Ice, and Lightning. This is a table of all 218 known Treasures (Crafting Materials) in alphabetical order along with their location. Armaments boasting excellent reach and mobility. As for the rest of your crew, they’re going to have to wait just a little longer. When you complete the tutorial missions of FF15 Comrades you'll find yourself booted out into the game's hub area with two weapons: A Katana and some Daggers. Crafting. Evolves from Faded Crossbow with 50 Spirit. Upgrades from Bloody Shield with 99 Strength, Magic, Spirit, and Vitality. Disciples of War Grows from the Kagenui when it has 20 Magic. Upgrades from Rusted Plate with 50 Strength, Magic, Vitality, and Spirit. Defense-oriented armaments that boost HP and vitality. Crafting is a big part of FFXV Comrades. Damage output increases when attacking at close range. Your character's stats primarily come from what you put into crafting (not leveling up). Upgrades from Wing Edge with 20 Strength, Vitality, Magic, and Spirit. Remodels from the Mythril Knives when they have 20 Strength, 20 Spirit, 20 Vitality and 20 Magic. Remodels from a Mythril Cross that has 50 Strength and 50 Spirit. Reduce damage taken from enemy attacks. Evolves from a Sennin-Giri with 60 Strength, 60 Vitality and 60 Spirit. This evolves automatically when the petrified disc hits level 30. Has the Warp Combo: Firaga skill, plus one spare skill slot. Noctis can equip any weapon, with swords, royal arms, and the Ring of the Lucii being exclusive to him. This is a list of the weapons in Final Fantasy V. The primary names are the names given in the Advance and subsequent releases. This is the highest STR + VIT Dragon Whisker with Double Penetrator X I've been able to make. Evolves from a Tainted Club with 30 Strength, 30 Vitality and 30 Spirit. ), so be sure to feed each weapon the right types of loot. Armaments made to strike enemies in the air or from afar. Upgrades from Gigantuar Mace with 100 Strength and 100 Vitality. Copyright © 2006-2020 Mist Network and its owners. This guide will tell you Where To Farm Crafting Materials & Treasures In Final Fantasy XV: Comrades so you can find the right crafting items you need to boost the different aspects of your weaponry. Armaments that allow the wielder to move around the field with ease. Remodels from the Crossbow with 20 Strength. Has the unique ability Bonecrusher X along with Intimidator X. Gerolt will then craft a Resistance Weapon for you. Has the Offensive Spell: Thundara ability. Main Stat gemstones for +30 stat for 3,400 EXP. Remodels when the Besmirched Blade hits max level regardless of stats, Remodels from the Yoshimitsu when it has 30 Strength and 30 Magic. Note: It's strongly recommended to view this table in this guide's Companion Spreadsheet instead. Evolves from a Morning Star with 30 Magic and 30 Vitality. Evolves from a Twin Bow with 40 Strength and 40 Magic. Remodels from the Kagenui II when it has 40 Strength, 40 Vitality and 40 Magic. Evolves from a Warblade with 25 Vitality and 25 Spirit. For the location, I tried to list the optimal location when possible; for example, if two different Quests have the same enemy that drops the item, I try to list the quest that has "more" quantities of that enemy in it (so you have a better chance to get the treasure). Remodels from a Rhomphaia with a 75 HP stat. Has the Charge Strike: Clearout and Turnabout Boost X skills. Final Fantasy XV has an overwhelming choice of all sorts of weapons -- both melee and ranged. In Final Fantasy XV, Noctis can find a variety of rare but potentially powerful Upgradable Weapons throughout the land of Eos. If you hit that objective, you'll be able to 'remodel' thje weapon into a newer, better weapon, carrying over the stats. Remodels from a Dragoon Lance with 50 Strength, 50 Vitality and 50 Magic. Remodels from a Rapier Lance with 50 Vitality and 50 Spirit. Elemental resistance gemstones: +30 resistance for 1,270 EXP Has the Charge Strike: Savage Swipe and Turnabout Boost X skills. That's all well and good but the weapon THEN spits out 50% of your invested stats (not including stats added via evolution) back to you in the form of very very high efficiency stones. Updated January 16, 2017 by Lokesh 2 Comments. Evolves from Delta Daggers with 55 Vitality and 30 Spirit. The weapon improvement system in … All rights reserved. Remodels when you have a Koga Shuriken with 30 Vitality and 30 Magic. Upgrades from Cactuar Mace at Level 30 regardless of stats. FF15 Comrades Weapons Guide: all weapons and their upgrades. Remodels from a Kite Shield with 20 Vitality and 20 Spirit. The weapon improvement system in FF15 Comrades can be a little confusing at first, but have no fear - much as with how to get and start the FF15 Comrades DLC in the first place and choosing your Kingsglaive's birthplace, we're here to break down the complicated ins-and-outs of it all. Has the Charge Strike: Savage Strike ability. Behemoth Hexhorn is found in the Level 45 Hunt: New King in Town and gives +20 STR (not +6 STR like the lower-level variant with the same name). There's a good number of weapons that drop from some of the larger monsters in Comrades. Remodels when you have a nameless blade with 30 Strength and 30 Spirit. Home » Final Fantasy XV » Magic Spell Crafting Combinations. Remodels from a piercing bow with 30 Strength and 30 Magic. There are a number of secret weapons in Final Fantasy XV and they're definitely worth getting. Final Fantasy 15 Comrades - Weapon Upgrade Overview, Guide & Tips Mrhappy1227. When 1 shield and 3 standard weapons can kill every target, it seems pointless to min/max weapons for specific fights. Crafting classes, also known as Disciples of the Hand, synthesize new and useful items such as armor, weapons, food and potions from basic materials. Raising Base Weapon Stats through Remodeling - Strength, Vitality, Magic and Spirit.
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