The Ponytail Palm Tree, scientific name Beaucarnea recurvata, is well-known because of its stunning trunk that is greatly swollen at the base making this palm look like a giant onion.. These plants are known for their green foliage. So I decided to let this little one live in my office’s atrium for a bit. It doesn't take well to cold weather. GARDENING GUIDES Solve 3 Common Landscape Problems — With More Plants. The Ponytail plant despite its name is technically not a species of the palm nor is it even a tree. You’ll also love my guides on how to take care of monstera plants, how to take care of pothos plants, how to take care of rubber plants, caring for peperomia plants, and how to care for philodendron. The ponytail palm is actually considered a succulent, as it stores water around the base of its swollen trunk. The plant's bulbous trunk stores water and its leaves cascade like ponytails or pom-poms. It had leaves on the top until a few weeks ago when they all fell off. While the ponytail palm is a very easy plant to take care of, it’s not without its problems. This piece focuses on the ponytail palm, we will through the course of this article explore facts For tips on how to grow Ponytail Palm, be sure to check out my Ponytail Palm Care post which includes everything from light, watering, common problems, etc. It a succulent and is a close relative of the agave plant. Start ruling things out one by one. The plant stores water in the swollen trunk base to thrive in dry, hot climates. I couldn’t blame him really. Outdoors growing in the wild in Mexico, the ponytail palm plant is an evergreen perennial that can grow over 15 feet tall. If you accidentally leave your Ponytail Palm’s soil completely dry for too long, you may see leaves go limp, droop, and possibly start to brown and curl. It’s strong! How to care for a ponytail palm is all about the right amount of light and water. If the goal is to get the plant bigger then give the plant a slightly bigger pot. If you don’t have the perfect spot indoors with lots of bright indirect light, you can likely coax your ponytail palm to settle in to a moderate light situation. Use good sharp scissors or yard snips to cut off just the discolored parts. These small pests usually are covered with white, waxy material, and tend to cluster in leaf axils and other protected areas, looking like cottony masses where they feed. For tips on how to grow Ponytail Palm, be sure to check out my Ponytail Palm Care post which includes everything from light, watering, common problems, etc. Crispy brown tips on the ends of the leaves. Ponytail palm trees are commonly grown indoors as a houseplant or out in the landscape in suitable locations. Ponytail palms, also known as elephant foot, are fantastic and cute indoor houseplants, as their caudex makes for a striking appearance…. The Ponytail Palm Tree, scientific name Beaucarnea recurvata, is well-known because of its stunning trunk that is greatly swollen at the base making this palm look like a giant onion.. Ponytail Palm Disease Problems. The ASPCA says they are not toxic to pets. The ponytail palm prioritizes keeping central tissues of the plant hydrated at … And while it isn’t toxic, it was really annoying. This slow growing palm is great for small gardens. That’s because ponytail palms, like snake plants, are happy when they are snug in their pots. If possible, bring your ponytail palm indoors on frosty nights. Problem #2: YELLOWING OF THE LEAVES. A lose-lose situation. Avoid direct sunlight. A desert plant, ponytail palm is adapted to bright light. What Causes the Fronds on a Boston Fern to Turn Yellow or Brown? These plants are preferred over others for two main reasons, one it looks beautiful and unique and two these plants are extremely easy to maintain and care for. Think of it as a boarding school. However, you might hear it called an elephant’s foot or an elephant’s foot palm. Ponytail palm problems Spider Mites are pests that can eat the cells on the plant leaves making the white spots on different portions and it will not stop until this bug eats all your plants. I noticed a week or so ago that the bulb area had a soft spot in it. GARDENING GUIDES Solve 3 Common Landscape Problems — With More Plants. With its bulbous trunk, cascading ponytail of leaves, and endearing proportions, the ponytail palm is a cute plant that happens to be pretty low maintenance. Ponytail palms typically are very low maintenance and do not require pruning. 20. It just won’t grow as quickly, which is just as well considering these plants are adorable when tiny! It’s more closely related to the yucca plant and is a succulent! Not this plant. Got this ponytail Palm last year and he didn't get enough sun for the first few months I had him as winter started. If the tips of your otherwise beautiful curly leaves are browning, it could be a number of things. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. A quick-draining soil mix for cacti is a great choice for ponytail palm, or you can incorporate sand or small gravel into regular potting mix to achieve quick drainage. He would knock things over, including other plants, trying to get to the ponytail palm’s delicious-looking curly leaves. The Ponytail Palm will be perfectly happy being watered every couple of weeks and left alone to soak up the sunlight. Finally, if you fertilize your plants, make sure you’re not giving your ponytail palm too much fertilizer. Indoors as houseplants, ponytail palms stay smaller—though they can still grow to multiple feet tall, with leaves that can grow to many feet long. How Tall Do Ponytail Palms Get? How marvelous. However, it’s a palm in name only—it’s not actually a palm (Arecaceae family). planting in a pot that doesn’t make a drainage hole. This tends to happen with both age and also if the humidity is very low. Its swollen base actually is an adaptation for water storage. How to Paint Terracotta Pots: The Ultimate Guide! The tallest I’ve seen 1 in a container is 9′. However, you might find the classic houseplant pests on your palm — scales, mealybugs, and spider mites. Posted on Last updated: July 8, 2020 Categories Plants & Gardening. Ponytail palms make great houseplants for many reasons, not the least of which is their ability to thrive in low humidity. Often planted as a small landscape palm because of its extremely slow rate of growth, the ponytail can eventually grow to 30 feet...but it takes a very long time. By Benjamin Vogt / Monarch Gardens. That’s because this plant has a rough trunk with an exterior resembling an elephant’s skin. I dug out a bunch of the soil to try and see what exactly was going on there. I have one that I have had since I took it to college in 1984 in a 2″ pot.Here it is today and read about how I up-potted it last year. Want to read more about plant propagation? Ponytail Palm Pruning. Upon close inspection the stem and roots may appear discolored and mushy, rather than firm and, in the case of roots, whitish. The typical ponytail palm consists of a large, domed “stump,” which tapers off into a thinner stem. Overwatering or poor soil drainage frequently is responsible for root and stem rots. Roots cannot absorb moisture when they are subjected to soggy conditions -- oxygen pockets are scarce and rot develops. If you want to actually see me physically repot this plant, check out my repotting video on YouTube! DECORATING GUIDES Palm Trees Take Interiors on … Pony Tail Palm Problems. Ponytail palm grows best in full sun and well-drained soil mix. With time, it can reach a height of 18 feet and spread of 15 feet. The neck has gone soft. Oddly, the ponytail palm is not a palm or a tree, but it is an interesting plant to grow. How Tall Do Ponytail Palms Get? However, if you want to grow multiple trunks on a ponytail palm, you can take the drastic action of cutting off the plant’s growing tip. The ponytail palm is a desert plant. Like most succulents, the ponytail palm prefers dry soil conditions and therefore does not need to be watered very often. The plant stores water in the swollen trunk base to thrive in dry, hot climates. Water thoroughly and let the plant dry out between watering sessions. Like its succulent family members, ponytail palms like a lot of light. Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a subtropical plant that grows best in the southernmost parts of Florida and California, but it can grow anywhere as an indoor houseplant. Ponytail Palm Watering. The most common pest to attack ponytail palm is the spider mites. If you’re underwatering, brown tips on a ponytail palm could be a sign that the plant is too dry. My 3-trunked Ponytail Palm was looking healthy and happy but was going nowhere. Q. large ponytail tree in my front yard I have a very, very large ponytail tree in my front yard. Palm trees grown in the landscape appear carefree, but they are susceptible to many diseases, insects and nutritional problems. In addition to producing the sugary, shiny-looking honeydew that sooty mold grows on, mealybug feeding also can cause a loss of plant vigor, yellowing and wilting. While the ponytail palm is a very easy plant to take care of, it’s not without its problems. Palm trees grown in the landscape appear carefree, but they are susceptible to many diseases, insects and nutritional problems. They tolerate the normal range of household temperatures well. My free 50-page guide will help you get started propagating 7 easy houseplants! Houseplants forum: Ponytail Palm needs help. Like most succulents, the ponytail palm prefers dry soil conditions and therefore does not need to be watered very often. By Benjamin Vogt / Monarch Gardens. Choosing a pot that is about 2 inches wider that then bulbous base of the plant is best. So, what causes Ponytail palm problems like stem/leaf rot and yellow/brown leaves? I can’t emphasize it enough—as with all succulents, do not overwater! Here’s a pic, but full disclaimer, she knows it needs a little trimming and tidying up and is getting cramped in this spot: Want more plant care tips? When he would get to it, he’d nibble on it and then barf it up. Ponytail palm tree pruning. File this plant under the “avoid overwatering this plant, and you’ll probably be able to keep it alive” category. They grow pretty slowly, and you can keep them in one pot for quite a few years if you’d like. . The Ponytail Palm is also known as an Elephant’s Foot because of the bark pattern on its gray bulbous trunk. Oddly, the ponytail palm is not a palm or a tree, but it is an interesting plant to grow. Don’t clip the ends of the leaves—they are the best part! The plant we are considering today is the ponytail palm or Beaucarnea recurvata. The Ponytail Palm is also known as an Elephant’s Foot because of the bark pattern on its gray bulbous trunk. Since the rest of the palm is in good health can I cut the top off without killing the rest of the palm? For the first time in the last 15 years, it is blooming, very large blooms, four foot long blooms, yellow to a gold and pink in color on five of its eight arms. Can I separate the balls ... Q. Ponytail Bonsai Palm - I have a 36 year old, 5' ponytail bonsai. If you’re planting in a pot that doesn’t make a drainage hole, make sure you build a layer of drainage into the bottom of the pot. Removing a container specimen from its pot and using a sharp, clean knife to cut off infected parts of the plant, then repotting the ponytail palm in a new, well-drained medium and a clean container may allow the plant to recover. So, what causes Ponytail palm problems like stem/leaf rot and yellow/brown leaves? We are lucky to have a lovely atrium in my building that is filled with plants. The ponytail palm has gained popularity in the recent plant as the perfect house plant. For more details, review my privacy policy. Fungal diseases rarely impact this plant, but when they are present, they usually are related to over-watering or poor soil drainage. By the time root rot is noticed, it often is too late to treat effectively. Avoid many of these problems by following the recommended cultural practices that help keep plants healthy and vigorous. Full Story. Water, temperature, and humidity needs are all easy when it comes to how to care for a ponytail palm plant. You get to take advantage of the full spring, summer, fall, and winter growth cycle of this incredible plant. The biggest problem is caused by rot due to the soil being too soggy. So why did I ship my ponytail palm off to live there? Views: 1514, Replies: 3 » Jump to the end. Ponytail palms don’t need a lot of water to thrive and does best in semi-dry conditions. WE have two ponytail palms - one is doing well, the other is not. First, check if your plant is getting too much sun; direct sun can “burn” the tips. As with all houseplants, I do not recommend adults, children, or pets ingest them. If you accidentally leave your Ponytail Palm’s soil completely dry for too long, you may see leaves go limp, droop, and possibly start to brown and curl. In the event that this color shifts to a yellow hue, you may be watering your Ponytail Palm too much. The ponytail palm is no different and will suffer if appropriate care is not given. I dug out a bunch of the soil to try and see what exactly was going on there. Properly grown and cared for indoor Ponytail palms are relatively disease-free. You get to take advantage of the full spring, summer, fall, and winter growth cycle of this incredible plant. A ponytail palm left without water for long enough will start to become stressed, and the leaf tips will begin to turn brown and die. In fact, overwatering is the primary reason why these plants fail to thrive. This can be through misting or more water. They tend to look like perky ponytails. Sorry—no easy answer here! So I decided to bring this now quite large plant home. ives Mar 17, 2019 1:27 PM CST. It’s officially named Beaucarnea recurvata, which you will literally never hear it called. You'll be glad to know that ponytails are relatives of the agave - the heads should root without problems, and you should get sprouting from the trunks just below the cuts. The ponytail palm is actually considered a succulent, as it stores water around the base of its swollen trunk. Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata), also sometimes known as the elephant's foot palm or bottle palm, is prized for a unique-appearing, swollen trunk base and its light-green, thin and cascading leaves. The trunk has a large bulbous appearance at its base. Doing so will force your plant to grow multiple trunks that will begin to emerge at the soil level all around the original base of the plant. Yes! They can get 12 -24′ tall when growing outside in the ground. Sorry—no easy answer here! A member of the agave family, the ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) grows readily outdoors in the ground or in containers. In the Southwest deserts, it grows much smaller. Have you repotted your ponytail palm … The decorative ponytail plant is native to dry, desert regions of Mexico and the southern United States. If you are having problems with yellowing or browning of the tips of the foliage on relatively new leaves, then I would suspect salt damage from fertilizer. Shipped my beloved ponytail palm indoors on frosty nights help a ponytail palm Last year and he did get. 5 ' ponytail Bonsai palm - my ponytail palm is not doing outside. Many of these problems by following the recommended cultural practices that help keep plants healthy and vigorous that bulbous... Desert regions of Mexico and live in the ground or in containers winter started babies become plants their. Amount of light and water the classic houseplant pests on your palm — scales, mealybugs, and was... The leaves—they are the best part carefree, but they are not toxic to pets to give up... Happy when they are very tempting for many kitties, as their makes! Help keep plants healthy and happy but was going nowhere at its base even the ones that won. 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