The following are lesson ideas, instructional cues, instant activities, assessment ideas, bulletin boards and Best Practices taken from PE Central that all have to do with basketball. Behind the Back Pass. To kick off the unit I always start with watching a cool Globetrotters video and explain to the students how important it is to work on the fundamentals of the game even if you are a pro. Progressions: Move further from the basket; Introduce a ball fake, dribble, and then release a shot from inside the key. For players, while there are many great training drills below, you can reference the Basketball Training Drills For Players page so you don’t have to filter through the coaching drills below.. 4 Types of Recommended Shooting Drills These basketball warm up drills are both effective and enjoyable for your players. Basketball Passing Drills Don't let drills become boring. Size 5 basketballs, cones, hoops, basketball posts, bibs, stopwatch, whiteboards Play in competitive games developing throwing, catching, shooting and defending skills Use sprinting, running and dynamic movements Apply the rules of basketball to drills and gameplay The kids really liked seeing NBA players and I think it helped some of the more advanced students buy into doing some basic passing practice – it helps kids to see that even advanced players need to work on basic skills to get better. Thank you for the breath of fresh air and inspiring this PE teacher to start videoing my own lessons to improve! If you want to check out our Basketball Resources you can see an overview of them in the videos below. Basic Basketball Drills Your email address will not be published. This drill is then repeated with player 2 going back across to the left, and releasing a shot from there. How it Works: PE Dept - Basketball Drills & Flashcards (GCSE PE) Basketball Drills & Flashcards - commonly available on the Internet and a handy resource that can be used in practical lessons or for Analysis of Performance in GCSE PE. Elementary PE Dribbling with Basketball Lesson Video – Watch Elementary PE Teacher Tom Winieki teach a lesson on basketball dribbling to his 4th graders. And get the maximum number of reps in the least amount of time. The one-on-one section will help players learn how to cope with a one-on-one situation from both an attacking and defending point of view. See more ideas about Basketball, Basketball workouts, Basketball drills. #physicaleducation #physed #pegeeks #iteachpe #pe #peteacher #elempe #primarype #basketball, A post shared by Ben Landers (@thepespecialist) on Feb 25, 2020 at 10:35am PST. It's March Madness and basketball is here! About 4 weeks? You can purchase my Station Signs at the bottom of this post if you’re interested (see a few examples of the signs below), Warmup Stations today ???? Welcome Coaches! The drills are organized by category. If you'd like MORE basketball drills, check out our FREE 152 page ebook with 72 great basketball drills that are neatly organized and ready for you to print out in PDF format. So your kids move quickly from drill to drill. They should line up facing each other (in parallel lines) along the length of the gymnasium. See an example of me leading a 5th grade class in Follow the Leader below (this actually led to the creation of the Basketball Follow the Leader Pack, which is linked up at the bottom of this post): Teach the drills at the beginning and then do a follow the leader style warm-up to kick off the following lessons with the footwork drills we taught to the students during the first week. Setup Divide your group into two teams per basket. It’s a quick, fun warm-up and the students enjoy it. Here we have a number of basketball drills with video demonstrations including ball handling, shooting drills, passing drills, defence practices and one to one games. They are suitable for years 4, 5 and 6. This basic drill (from allows students to practice passing the ball and to practice different kind of passes using correct technique. Apr 24, 2017 - Explore Kristin Doucette's board "PE Basketball", followed by 157 people on Pinterest. Roles can then be switched. Check Out the Basketball Cues Knowledge Assessment, Check out the Basketball Unit Resource Pack (TPT), Check out the Basketball Follow the Leader Pack (TPT), Subscribe to our Free Newsletter to stay connected, Sample Unit Plan with 50 pages of activities, Create Your Own Basketball Routine Worksheet, 3 Follow the Leader Videos (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced), Powerpoint Slideshows with all Animated GIFS, Create Your Own Ball Handling Routine Worksheet. Basketball is a sport that can be added to any physical education curriculum regardless of your students' ages and abilities. The following are lesson ideas, instructional cues, instant activities, assessment ideas, bulletin boards and Best Practices taken from PE Central that all have to do with basketball. In order to develop basketball skills, you MUST run drills. Drills should account for at least 75% of your practice time. Basketball is a team sport. Swing Passing. The following drills and mini-games will help your […] game – follow the leader – actions based on review and new skills? It's a short, intense contest that's a lot of fun. Walk the Plank is a fun shooting game that you can use in class or a team practice. Be sure to see the 2-minute drill (one of our favorites). 5 Basketball Passing Drills 1. Basketball Handling Drills Control your Moves. However, in ‘Around the Gym Knockout’, when you are eliminated from one goal you move on to the next goal and join that game. Required fields are marked *. Here's several rules/regulations to consider: STARTING THE GAME 1. Feb 21, 2018 - Ideas for basketball lesson plans. Love your website and I’ve used many of your ideas for my pe classes. Below, you'll find 22 very effective shooting drills for basketball coaches to use during team practices or players to use during workouts. No boring drills that put your players to sleep. Glad it was helpful, I haven’t published the footwork drills other than in my membership, but you can think about the basics of footwork with a soccer ball or google it for some ideas (quick taps, insides, rolling and trapping etc). 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook. How long will you cover this unit? Each resource is available to all teachers in our membership program (info on our membership here), just login and download them straight from the membership area. … You can make games and activities out of drills intended to improve basketball skills involving dribbling, defense and shooting. Apr 24, 2017 - Explore Kristin Doucette's board "PE Basketball", followed by 156 people on Pinterest. Further Reading. Jan 3, 2020 - Explore Stephanie McCrary's board "PE - Basketball", followed by 391 people on Pinterest. Teaching Dribbling. Each player must have a basketball to use. Basketball Shooting. The court is divided into two main sections by the mid-court line. These are awesome drills and any of them would help your students. Tried the slaps, flops, flips, etc today and the kids loved it! See more ideas about Basketball, Basketball drills, Basketball workouts. Hi from Canada Ben, The following drills help develop the necessary "habits" in rotating within the 2-3 zone defense, and closing out on the offense. After going over a few of the management protocols and cues we bring all the students into a circle in the middle of the gym and teach them some fun ball handling drills that will help them improve their basketball skills. Improve your ball control with our Basketball Ball Handling Drills. The basic passes including chest pass, behind the back pass and side pass, are covered with small games to put them into practice. Become a better basketball player with these drills and without ever dribbling a basketball. 4 Basketball Ball-Handling Drills for Guards. On the coach's first whistle players sprint on the spot, standing with wide feet and their arms outstretched as if defending.
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