Se konsa legliz la montre kontribisyon li nan renouvèlman sosyete -a ak renouvèlman Pèp Bondye-a.». The parish office is closed. Those who attend Mass are reminded to wear a mask and observe social distancing. To address this need, more food pantries have opened, but the resources are now spread out over additional food pantries. The need is greater than ever! The 11:00 Mass will continue to be held at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, as well as the daily Masses at 9:00, but the church will not be accessible to those who cannot go up and down stairs.We will let you know as soon as the elevator is repaired! CLICK HERE To sign up to and receive alerts now through Flocknote.. Envíe la palabra clave JOINOLOS al 84576 para inscribirse automáticamente en Flocknote y recibir comunicaciones de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores.. Keep Our May every husband and wife, every son and daughter feel the same! PLEASE NOTE: New Year's Eve Vigil (4 pm) Mass will be livestreamed on our Parish YouTube Channel: The office will reopen on Monday, December 28. Anvan menm yo te montre-m katechis, mwen te konprann ke Bondye se Renmen. Our Lady of Sorrows Parish would like to invite you to join us each Sunday for Mass. If you receive an email message like the one below. Eligibility. _____ Click a menu heading on the left to reveal related pages. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. In the meantime, the elevator is working at St. Anthony Church, so those needing handicap access can attend Sunday Mass there at 4:00 PM on Saturday, or 9:30 AM on Sunday. Today, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis has declared the year ahead, beginning today, the “Year of St. Joseph.” In an apostolic letter entitled “. Every week, 7 lucky winners will be randomly selected to receive the corresponding amount on the calendar for that week. If you are visiting us, we pray that God will bless you abundantly during your time with us. July 14, 2020 â In response to the guidelines provided by The Archdiocese of Los Angeles yesterday, Our Lady of Sorrows continues celebrating Mass and has moved all celebrations outdoors. During this time, we ask that you bring your own chair as Masses will take place on the lawn and patio under the trees next to the parking lot. Please note: All Masses take place on the patio / lawn area. Manuel De Jesús Rodriguez. Enjoy this week's bulletin! Our Lady of Sorrows School is offering more than 725 retail store and restaurant gift cards for sale through the Great Lakes Scrip Company to the parishioners of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony. But we can’t do it without your help. The 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal is nearly at its end and we still need about $15,400.00 to meet our goal. Thank you. Jou sa, mwen te santi mwen te yon pitit fi ki gen yon kontantaman san parey!» Mwen swete tout mari ak tout madanm, tout pitit gason ak tout pitit fi santi yo menm jan! Nearly forty years ago Pope John Paul II compellingly set forth the Church’s vision and hopes for the family in his exhortation, “Familiaris Consortio”: At the outset of this seminal document, the saintly pontiff wrote: “At a moment of history in which the family is the object of numerous forces that seek to destroy it or in some way to deform it, and aware that the well-being of society and her own good are intimately tied to the good of the family, the Church perceives in a more urgent and compelling way her mission of proclaiming to all people the plan of God for marriage and the family, ensuring their full vitality and human and Christian development, and thus contributing to the renewal of society and of the People of God.”. Participation in a Retreat of at least a day that includes a meditation on St. Joseph. Do you want to receive our news and announcements via text and/or email? Si se sienten enfermos o experimentan señales de infección por el Covid-19, quédense en casa y no asistan a Misa en la iglesia. Eligibility. Our Mission Statement. It will reopen on Saturday, January 2, at 9. To be eligible to prepare for and receive a sacrament at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, participants and their families must fulfill three conditions: As you are planning your Christmas giving, please consider being a Tuition Angel. Please call Linda Campisi, OLS School bookkeeper, at 609-587-4140, ext. A person who has been in direct contact with a COVID positive person within the space of 6 feet for 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period should contact their doctor or local health department and quarantine for 14 days. We reach out to all through prayer, spiritual formation, liturgical offerings, education, a welcoming spirit and service. On 12 July 1939, Bishop Kidd appointed Fr. One step toward this goal is this newsletter. The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the norms of the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. Sent Terèz Calkita te eksprime respè li pou fanmiy lan le li te pataje konfidans sa-a bay Monsegnè Angelo Comastri (ki Kadinal jodia). The elevator at Our Lady of Sorrows Church is temporarily out of order, Mass Intentions, Sanctuary Lamps, and Flowers, Yon Voye je sou lalwa ak Ransèyman Legliz la, Prayers & Hymns for Eucharistic Adoration, Welcome - Information about the Youth Ministry, Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching, On Live-Streamed Holy Week & Easter Liturgies, November: The Month of the Faithful Departed, Instructions on Burial and Conservation of Ashes, Thought-Full Thursdays: Adult Faith Formation, Ministries for the Sick, Elderly, and Homebound,
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