Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you! Chapter 374: Passing Through the Blessed Buddha Empire. Wajah Huang Xiaolong menegang tiba-tiba, karena dia sendiri merasa sedikit pusing. Gě GéZhang JingfanLiu Yang Sect Leader Biarkan saya memberitahu Anda, kami suku laut, Suku Setan Hijau, dan sebenarnya semua sembilan suku telah mengambil obat penawar sebelumnya. This is a list of some members of the Knights Templar, a powerful Christian military order during the time of the Crusades.At peak, the Order had approximately 20,000 members. LCD Invincible conqueror. Invincible Conqueror - Inv - Chapter 496: Deities Templars Li Lu Appears, The Legend Of The Dragon King - Chapter 998: The Powerful Ling Wuyue, Sovereign Of The Three Realm - SoTR - Chapter 1704: Teaching You A Lesson, Martial God Asuras - MGA - Chapter 3430 - The Woman Before One’s Eyes. Li Molin, Yao Family's Ancestor Yao Shan, and the two other Deities Templar Elders emerged from the void. Chapter 195: News of Deities Templar “You!” Fear was evident on that man’s face as he stared at Huang Xiaolong. Tidak ada tanda-tanda Distinct Void Door atau White Phoenix House. Read collection of light novel from Asia updated Indonesia translated Invincible here.. 24-May-18 05:51:38 Ladies and gents, should I purchase the Cinnabar material to create this fit for Glad? Tiga ratus ahli alam Saint tingkat tinggi terdengar menakutkan, namun, sebelum suku buas dan klan binatang iblis, jumlah ini masih jauh dari cukup untuk mengisi celah di antara gigi mereka. ” An undisguised complacent expression plastered on Steward Chen’s face . Chapter 381: He Is Young Noble Divine Dragon. Ao Baixue, other members of Deities Templar: Won Killed 334 72 Huo Ping: Won Crippled 343 Didn't know who he was assaulting. He struggled to get … Finally stopping down to rest, Gě Gé and the other three Deities Templar Elders’ expressions were extremely ugly. This also makes things funny given that everyone else in the Asura Gate are 6 order or lower but they never take HX to conquer it until Deities Templar have dealings with it. Pergantian acara yang tak terduga membuat semua orang sangat tercengang. Overcoming the loneliness pushes you to stand invincible at the top. Type Read Invincible Chapter 218: Deities Templar Appearing Again english translated light novel update daily Li Lu menyeringai pada perubahan ekspresi Huang Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong, biarkan aku mencerahkanmu. Overcoming the loneliness pushes you to stand invincible at the top. Epic (or Tiered) Armor, is the best possible armor available to be collected. Edited by Aristocles22 on November 28, 2020 2:54AM #15. Invincible - Chapter 512: Star Sword Sect . Mata Li Lu menyipit dengan cara yang bermartabat, "Kamu, tidak terpengaruh ?!" This matter had spread far and wide, not only in Duaren Empire, but nearly all the empires on the … Huang Xiaolong killed Li Molin and sixty experts of Deities Templar's and hung their heads on top of Sacred Tiger City. Invincible - Chapter 127 - Invincible Novel Online. Fury dibakar di mata Ao Kun dan Lei Ge serta mereka yang masih berhasil tetap berdiri. DC Bastiene - Breton Templar - Healer ǀ The Flawless Conqueror ǀ Prefect ǀ Blackrose Executioner AD Niobeh - Dunmer Nightblade - DD ǀ The Flawless Conqueror ǀ Black Market Mogul ǀ Blackrose Executioner ǀ Master Thief ǀ Silencer (but we don’t talk about that) ǀ Spirit Slayer Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Xian Ni, Nov 7, 2016. save. Relying on his individual strength, it was nearly impossible for him to fight against this mammoth, therefore, this journey to the Starcloud Continent, regardless of anything, he had to successfully retrieve the Asura’s Gate Sovereign position and take full control of Asura’s Gate. Get many light novel from Asia newest Indonesia Invincible here.. 24-May-18 05:23:40 Inv - Chapter 496: Deities Templars Li Lu Appears - Invincible Conqueror novel Bahasa Indonesia online. 1. Sebelumnya Daftar Isi Selanjutnya. From what I remember ... he doesnt join, he plans to destroy the divine palace to be able to rescue Li Lu ,(deities templar, if I remember correctly it is one of the branches of the divine palace that is in the divine realm). Posted by 5 hours ago. Conqueror. At 20th level, you gain the ability to harness extraordinary martial prowess. Ketika Sea Emperor Vander melihat para ahli dari Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, dan Sin City menunjukkan diri mereka, itu seperti dia memahami harapan terakhir dalam hidup, dengan cepat naik ke kakinya dan berlari ke sisi Holy Maiden. Li Lu terus menatap Huang Xiaolong, “Sekarang, berlutut dan serahkan, Huang Xiaolong, kita masih bisa menyelamatkan hidupmu, jika tidak ...” Dia melambaikan tangannya, membiarkan tindakannya menggambarkan maknanya. Nama racun, Pencabulan Sehari diberi nama setelah efeknya, yaitu korban akan kehilangan/memiliki semua pertempuran qi yang tersebar dalam waktu satu hari. Read Invincible Chapter 195: News of Deities Templar free online high quality at ReadNovelFull. Ini dimulai dengan satu, lalu menyebar ke beberapa, meningkat jumlahnya. Huang Xiaolong flashed a disdainful smile as he looked at Ao Baixue, A few years passed, it seems like your strength stagnated, without any improvement. Those Houtian warriors and the early and mid-levels Xiantian realm experts were disciples of big families and large sects from different kingdoms on Snow Wind Continent that submitted to Deities Templar. Zhang Jingfan adalah salah satu Grand Sesepuh Deities Templar, yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengabaikan semua hal yang berkaitan dengan cabang Dewa Templar salah satu Benua Angin Salju. Mata Huang Xiaolong menyipit menjadi celah tipis. Carrying out the Temple Preceptor’s order, Liu Yang brought fifteen sets of Divine Dragon Armor and six Deities Templar Elders and headed toward Starcloud Continent’s Asura’s Gate headquarters . Niat Membunuh meletus di dalam Huang Xiaolong, melonjak liar. "Tiga ratus?" Find books like The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy, #2) from the world’s largest community of readers. Young Lord Invincible Conqueror. Conqueror: This is a more AoE focused promo class, you have more CC, and CC immunity than in the other builds, you'll have a single target supress, your whirlwind will make you immune to CC, while everytime you apply a bleed effect you also slow the target, meaning you can Whirlwind through groups of enemies, slowing them all, without being able to be CCd. Chapter 412: Grand Martial Exchange. Logic isn't a thing here and the MC have the hate curse like in … Alasan kerutannya bukanlah perkataan Li Lu, tetapi karena terlepas dari perbedaan besar antara kedua pihak, Li Lu masih mengucapkan kata-kata seperti itu untuk membuatnya menyerah! Invincible Conqueror - Inv - Chapter 514: Ying Tians Death. This also makes things funny given that everyone else in the Asura Gate are 6 order or lower but they never take HX to conquer it until Deities Templar have dealings with it. A year ago, Huang Xiaolong had tasked Fei Hou to find out about the so-called Deities Templar. Invincible Conqueror Invincible Chapter 381. A d v e r t i s e m e n t . A d v e r t i s e m e n t. Sebelumnya Daftar Isi Selanjutnya. The only thing level 20 gets you is Invincible Conqueror, and I’ll grant it’s one of the best capstones. As an action, you can magically become an avatar of conquest, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute: You have resistance to all damage. Exactly at this moment, in a dilapidated abandoned courtyard on the north section of Duanren Imperial City, space fluctuated. Great Elders "Sehari Menyebarnya!" Bahkan jika semua ahli suku laut dan ahli Green Devil Tribe bergabung di sisi mereka, mereka masih jauh dari kemampuan mengalahkan para beastman dan ahli binatang jahat di sini. If the Golden Token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand … Huang Xiaolong segera merasakan kelemahan di kaki dan tubuhnya menghilang dengan kecepatan cepat, lebih jauh lagi, ia mampu menyalurkan qi pertempurannya! Wanita itu memancarkan semacam suasana mulia yang tinggi, agung, tak dapat diganggu gugat, serta kedinginan yang ekstrem. Tapi ketika mata mereka bertemu di udara, yang dia lihat hanyalah jurang dingin. tidak melakukan klaim kepemilikan atau tanggung jawab untuk kontent tersebut, dan anda harus mencari persetujuan hukum untuk setiap penggunaan bahan tersebut dari pemiliknya. Invincible Chapter 374 PREV; NEXT A- A+ Chapter 374 . Ao Baixues expression turned ugly at Huang Xiaolongs taunting words. 7. Overcoming the loneliness pushes you to stand invincible at the top. what if the golden dragon pill refining he found can refine that other dude from … Chapter 496: Deities Templar’s Li Lu Appears. Logic isn't a thing here and the MC have the hate curse like in … Invincible Conqueror Invincible Chapter 146. Huang Xiaolong dan orang banyak tercengang. Hitungan cepat memberinya tepat tiga ratus orang, tidak terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit. Tepat pada saat ini, dua energi pedang tajam — satu hitam dan satu putih, menembus ruang, mencapai punggung Huang Xiaolong dalam sekejap mata. Huang Xiaolong terhuyung saat dia menangkis serangan menyelinap, dan terkejut merasa mati rasa di atas tangannya. Invincible Chapter 371 PREV; NEXT A- A+ Chapter 371 . His heart raced with unease. Ketika dicampur ke dalam hal-hal lain dan dipicu oleh panas, dalam dan rentang jika sepuluh li, selama seseorang mengambil bau itu, dalam waktu satu hari tubuh mereka akan terasa lembut dan lemah, tidak dapat mengarahkan bahkan jumlah terkecil dari pertempuran qi. Huang Xiaolong mendengus menghina, peledakan hati Elder menjadi potongan-potongan dengan satu telapak sebelum meletakkan mayatnya pergi ke Treasure Pagoda Linglong untuk scarabs Corpse Poison dan Devils dan Hantu Flag. share. After confirming that Chen Tianqi and the three Deities Templar Elders’ spatial had no God Dragon Grass, Huang Xiaolong transferred the ice crystal primordial divine dragon from Chen Tianqi’s spatial ring into the Xumi Temple and began to comprehend the new Thirteen Forms of the Dragon God . Deities Templar’s forces had expanded too fast in the last few years. Read Invincible Chapter 195: News of Deities Templar english translated light novel update daily A d v e r t i s e m e n t. Sebelumnya Daftar Isi Selanjutnya. Share with … Deities Templar emerged in the last one hundred years or so according to Duan Ren. Tanpa sepatah kata pun, pedang hitam dan putih melayang di belakangnya dipercepat ke arah Huang Xiaolong. Sebuah cahaya berkilauan di tangan Huang Xiaolong, menampakkan Blades of Asura. Mo Jie (Great Grand Elder) 19 comments. If the Golden Token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand … Every ten years, Deities Templar selects ten disciples on Snow Wind Continent. Gear Setup 2 – Solo Magicka Templar This setup is easier to acquire and also has more defensive stats compared to the first one, which means it’s safer to play. Pro-disciple of the Shaolin Temple on earth, Huang Xiaolong was reborn into a Martial Spirit world, carrying Hua Xia's secret knowledge, the Body Metamorphose Scripture. Read Invincible Chapter 370: Swear Allegiance to Deities Templar? Pro-disciple of the Shaolin Temple on earth, Huang Xiaolong was reborn into a Martial Spirit world, carrying Hua Xia’s secret knowledge, the Body Metamorphose Scripture. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make one additional attack as part of that action. I am sorely disappointed. Huang Xiaolong tidak membuat gerakan untuk mengakhiri Sea Emperor Vander, dia hanya mengawasi para ahli dari sisi Deities Templar dengan tenang. Dibangun dari bahan tak dikenal yang berwarna hitam seperti tinta, memantulkan cahaya hitam di bawah sinar matahari. Fakta bahwa/itu Dewa Templar, Dewa Kultus Dewa, dan Kota Sin bersedia mengirim tiga ratus ahli alam Saint tingkat tinggi lebih dari yang ia harapkan. The left and right protectors Zhang and Zhu whatever. Status Yao Fei’s Deities Templar Elder robe was dyed red with the blood from his mouth, the majestic black … Chapter 382: Junior Brother! Ekspresi puas diri yang terpendam terpampang di Wajah Steward Chen. Mencengkeram Pisau Asura di tangannya, Huang Xiaolong perlahan bangkit. Close. Selain itu, semua dari mereka adalah ahli alam Saint-level tingkat tinggi, yang lebih lemah juga berada di ranah Ketujuh Ordo Saint. In his opinion, Huang Xiaolong would be pissing in his pants at the mention of Deities Templar . Li Lu memandang Huang Xiaolong dengan mata dingin yang sama, “Huang Xiaolong, berlutut sekarang, pimpin suku buas dan klan binatang setan untuk tunduk di bawah Dewa Templar sebagai anjing kami. Read Invincible Chapter 218: Deities Templar Appearing Again free online high quality at ReadNovelFull. Hanya dalam beberapa saat singkat, lebih dari separuh ahli yang termasuk suku buas dan klan binatang setan berbaring tidak sadar di lantai. So far, here is my simplistic Templar loadout! Initially, Li Molin and the Deities Templar Elders weren’t so bothered with what happened, but when the guard mentioned that Steward Chen specifically informed the other party that this Origin Wine was for Deities Templar Elders’ entertainment, yet he still killed that Steward Chen and then proceeded to buy all the remaining Origin Wine, Li Molin’s face didn’t look very good . The basic uniform and weapons used by the Knights Templar were of the same design as used by the Normans. In the same moment that other people considered this possibility about the Golden Token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, the same thought hit Yao Fei! Setelah diracuni dengan One Day Scatter, kamu tidak akan bisa menyalurkan bahkan untaian pertempuran qi! Invincible Conqueror Invincible Chapter 236. Itu sangat cepat sehingga melampaui kemampuan Huang Xiaolong untuk bereaksi. Invincible Conqueror Chapter 412. From the Dead Sea Gorge, Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and the two Elders flew in an erratic pattern, with turns and twists, for several hours before arriving on an island. Grenore 《Member 》 Joined: Apr 18, 2016 Messages: 1,230 Likes Received: 462 Reading List: Link. However, if you want to use another Monster Set then go for it. Members Location Huang Xiaolong mengejek ke dalam. Gladiator. «Invincible (Web Novel) - Chapter 370 — Swear Allegiance to Deities Templar? Every ten years, Deities Templar selects ten disciples on Snow Wind Continent. They were commonly known as the Knights Templar., In 1066 AD William the Conqueror of Normandy, France invaded and conquered England. Meskipun wajah pihak lain ditutupi dengan cadar, Huang Xiaolong mengenali siapa wanita ini dalam sekejap — Li Lu! Also i'm pretty sure that with a name like Deities Templar(holy knight gods) which implies a 'righteous sect' they're of the buddhist path even if they aren't buddhists per se. Dalam sepersekian detik itu, Naga Mutiara di antara alisnya sedikit gemetar. Invincible Conqueror Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. "Ini ...?!" In the next moment, his young blood boiled, coursing through his veins with excitement, and his heartbeat turned cartwheels in his chest. There were a total of nine Great Elders in Deities Templar, each one was a Tenth Order Saint realm and above, possessing strength parallel with their status. All of a sudden, I heard a low growl, and turned to see a hellhound the size of a car leaping straight for me. The strong are lonesome. Sebuah aroma beracun seperti One Day Scatter ini tidak berwarna dan tidak berbau. Each class has it's own set, and within the Epic armours, there are levels of quality. Agak jauh, seorang ahli binatang iblis menjerit, jatuh ke genangan darahnya sendiri. Location Deities Templar's master is a woman with unfathomable strength. ”. Deities Templar headquarters was actually located above the Death Sea Gorge. Pro-disciple of the Shaolin Temple on Earth, Huang Xiaolong was reborn into a Martial Spirit world, carrying Hua Xia’s secret knowledge, the Body Metamorphose Scripture. Salah satu Sesepuh Deities Templar berjalan ke Huang Xiaolong, tatapan dingin di matanya saat dia mengarahkan tendangan tepat di wajah Huang Xiaolong. "Elder Zhang, dalam waktu setengah hari, pasukan besar Deities Templar kami akan mampu menekan Kota Imperial Duanren." Tapi sekarang, roh pedang hitam dan putih Li Lu menembus menembus True Dragon Physique Huang Xiaolong! Chapter 218: Deities Templar Appearing Again. Invincible Conqueror Invincible Chapter 382. In the great Asura Hall. Overcoming the loneliness pushes you to stand invincible at the top. The strong are lonesome. Chapter 373: Deities Templar Temple Preceptor, Ying Tian. Invincible - Chapter 198 - Invincible Novel Online. But I don't think anyone is gonna touch is family/Li Lu, not even Deities templar people have gone that far yet, so its hard to believe that the buddhists, who don't seem to have relations to Deities Templar, will touch them. Oleh karena itu, bahkan jika Huang Xiaolong memiliki Jasper Lotus dan obat mujarab lain yang berumur ribuan tahun, itu tidak berguna pada saat ini. Sama seperti keraguan naik di Huang Xiaolong, suara teredam terdengar. (p.s. Apa yang Li Lu yakini memiliki kepercayaan diri ini ?! Bahkan jika dia berdiri diam, membiarkan Ao Kun menyerangnya dengan kekuatan penuh, dia tidak akan bisa menyakiti Huang Xiaolong sama sekali. And below the throne, sat ten Deities Templar Elders. I know it kinda disapoints me that the deities templar master woman or whatever is looking down on xialong so much when he has better source spirits then the girl. Untuk memanggil kedua Iblis dan Hantu Bendera dan Racun Corpse Scarabs diperlukan pertempuran qi. Relying on his individual strength, it was nearly impossible for him to fight against this mammoth, therefore, this journey to the Starcloud Continent, regardless of anything, he had to successfully retrieve the Asura’s Gate Sovereign position and take full control of Asura’s Gate. Some days ago, our Tianxuan Mansions guards were sent out to purchase some supplies, and on the way, they ran into the guards from the Prime Ministers Manor, and they were claiming the things our guards wanted were reserved by them long ago. A d v e r t i s e m e n t. Sebelumnya Daftar Isi Selanjutnya. Selanjutnya, uap hijau samar berawan dari tubuhnya juga diserap oleh bayangan naga. Steward Chen itu tertawa dengan cara yang mengancam, '' Brat, biar saya beritahu Anda, kali ini, alasan mengapa Castellan membeli semua Origin Wine adalah untuk mengobati beberapa Tetua Deities Templar di Castellan Manor. '' Darah mekar merah di jubah Huang Xiaolong. In my surprise I held riptide forward with both hands and threw myself on my back, allowing the monster to leap over me, opining its stomach and covering me with its blood as it did, before it disintegrated. His heart raced with unease. 74 Poison Corpse Scarabs: Won Subjugation 356 75 Deities Templar Grand Elder and Elders Won Attempted Kill 371 Chapter 195: News of Deities Templar. Go for a few drinks?! Ahli Dewa Templar, pakar-pakar dari Cosmos God Cult, dan tentu saja, para ahli dari Sin City. Salah satu pemimpin cabang melapor kepada Zhang Jingfan. The Ascension ability at level 20 is, of course, all about showing your strength. web novel from Asia last Indonesia Invincible here.. 25-May-18 05:51:47 Tawa mengejek Vander berbunyi di alun-alun, "Segera berlutut di depan Gadis Suci!". Order of the Temple was formed. Five days had passed since the battle on the Asura Square. Huang Xiaolong first killed Deities Templar’s Ao Baixue, Yao Fei, then Yao Shan, and the rest played a significant role in slowing down Deities Templar’s forces expansion, causing those kingdoms and forces that submitted to them to waver. “Jangan pernah berpikir untuk menggunakan Poison Corpse Scarabs atau Devils and Ghosts Flag! Dua lampu pedang berkilau dan lenyap di udara. The Knights Templar were led by the Grand Master, originally based in Jerusalem, whose deputy was the Seneschal.Next in importance was the Marshal, who was responsible for individual commanders, horses, arms and equipment. Sea Emperor Vander, yang berdiri di samping Li Lu, tertawa terbahak-bahak, “Huang Xiaolong, tidak pernahkah Anda membayangkan bahwa/itu Anda akan jatuh ke tingkat ini suatu hari, bukan? The feast lasted deep into the night before everyone retired for the night. Sea Emperor Vander merasakan niat membunuh yang mengerikan bergetar dari Huang Xiaolong dan rasa takut langsung mengambil alih dia. That Steward Chen chuckled in a menacing manner, “Brat, let me tell you, this time, the reason our Castellan bought all the Origin Wine is to treat several Deities Templar’s Elders at the Castellan Manor . Menurut pendapatnya, Huang Xiaolong akan kencing di celananya di menyebutkan Dewa Templar. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make one additional attack as part of that action. Melihat sumber serangan, dia melihat seorang wanita berpakaian hitam pekat. The strong are lonesome. But yeah if anyone touches his family he'll kill all of them without a single fuck. 7-Oct-20 09:45:39 The Chen Family is part of our Blessed Buddha Empire, every generation has always been loyal to our Blessed Buddha Empire, the Emperor is definitely here to help the Chen Family! The left and right protectors Zhang and Zhu whatever. Death Sea Gorge What they claim is, those that are selected to be disciples of Deities Templar have the opportunity to cultivate in the Divine World . Awalnya, Li Molin dan Deities Templar Elders tidak begitu terganggu dengan apa yang terjadi, tetapi ketika penjaga menyebutkan bahwa/itu Steward Chen secara khusus memberi tahu pihak lain bahwa/itu Origin Wine ini adalah untuk hiburan Tetua Dewa Templar, namun ia masih membunuh bahwa/itu Steward Chen dan kemudian melanjutkan untuk membeli semua Origin Wine yang tersisa, wajah Li … Pada akhirnya, hanya para ahli alam tingkat tinggi yang tetap berdiri. hide. Pada saat ini, di mata kami, kalian tidak lebih dari babi yang menunggu untuk disembelih! Neither of the four uttered a word for a long time. In a Martial Spirit world, only those with Martial Spirit are able to train in battle qi and become a warrior. A light glimmered in Huang Xiaolong’s hands, revealing the Blades of Asura. Baca harian web novel luar Indonesia terbar. Li Lu (Holy Maiden) Invincible Conqueror. Copyright © 2019 ~ baca novel terjemahan bahasa indonesia. Dewa Templar dapat mempertimbangkan menghapus dendam lama dan memulai lagi dengan yang bersih, jika tidak, mati! Ketika dia menatapnya, itu tidak berbeda dari melihat orang asing ... seolah-olah mereka tidak mengenali satu sama lain sama sekali. Apakah benar-benar tidak ada yang bisa dia lakukan selain menunggu tanpa daya sampai kematian datang ?! Bayangan naga samar-samar di dalam Naga Mutiara membuka rahangnya, menyerap semua kekuatan yang datang dari serangan telapak Sea Emperor Vander. The Deities Templar branches managed to amass a great army exceeding forty million, the weaker ones were peak late-Houtian Tenth Order, and over two million Xiantian realm experts. Dia tidak mengharapkan bayangan naga di dalam Naga Mutiara untuk benar-benar memiliki kemampuan untuk menelan One Day Scatter! Bab 514: Kematian Ying Tian Soul Seize Red Dust Reversal Technique dianggap sebagai salah satu teknik jahat yang lebih jahat dan kuat di zaman kuno! Elders Wajahnya terselubung di bawah cadar tipis. Chapter 236: Chen Tianqis Suspicion. Pedang hitam dan putih itu adalah roh bela diri Li Lu. A full moon night. In the same moment that other people considered this possibility about the Golden Token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, the same thought hit Yao Fei! It turns out that on the 18th shop, there is a man named Sui Mi who sells a kind of moon-like spirit fruit, and the moon-like spirit fruit is a second-order heaven and earth spirit. Pro-disciple of the Shaolin Temple on earth, Huang Xiaolong was reborn into a Martial Spirit world, carrying Hua Xia’s secret knowledge, the Body Metamorphose Scripture. Tags: invincible conqueror; ... Deities Templar probably knows about and have contact with Asura's Gate. Meskipun Ao Kun, Chuck, dan yang lainnya tetap bertahan dan berhasil berdiri, rona kehijauan di wajah mereka tampak nyata, termasuk goyangan tubuh mereka yang sangat kecil. At this point, Yao Fei was sent flying out the doorway, crashing onto the street outside, the pavement shattered and zig-zag lines crawled the street due to the strong impact. Fei Hou shook his head: No news.
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