Which of the following is not a capital expenditure? Expenses paid on installation of a plant. C. Amounts received from other financing sources. 1. Which of the following is not a deferred revenue expenditure? B Interest paid. Deferred revenue expenditure is that expenditure for which payments will be made immediately in the year occurred but wont be accounted full in the books of accounts. The balance of which of the following accounts do not disappear, once they are, [Hints: (d) The closing stock (d) is the value of goods which remain unsold at the end of the. Tips for deferred revenue accounting. Which of the following is not a deferred revenue expenditure? C Not an Expenditure. Such expenditure is called deferred revenue expenditure. It is written off over a period of certain years. Expenses in connection with issue of equity shares Private property for which a state takes custody when the legal owner cannot be found. What is a deferred expense? D. Fines and licensing fees for which amounts cannot be budgeted. For example, revenue used for advertisement is deferred revenue expenditure because it will keep showing its benefits over the period of two to three years. repair of machinery, building, furniture etc. A. A deferred expense refers to a cost that has occurred but it will be reported as an expense in one or more future accounting periods.To accomplish this, the deferred expense is reported on the balance sheet as an asset or a contra liability until it is moved from the balance sheet to the income statement as an expense. Revenue Expenditure is that part of government expenditure that does not result in the creation of assets. These are the running expenses of the business. Answer: Option B To account for the deferred revenue, you need to: Identify transactions that involve the deferred revenue Step 1. B Capital Expenditure. Revenue expenditure also includes the expenditure incurred for the purchase of raw material and stores required for manufacturing saleable goods and the expenditure incurred to maintain the- fixed assets in proper working conditions i.e. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and recognised when prescribed conditions are met, which depend on the nature of the revenue. Any donation received for a specific purpose is a. Which of the following is not a deferred revenue expenditure? Which of the following is not likely to be recorded in a special revenue fund? 53. State whether the following expenditures are capital, revenue or deferred revenue. a) Revenue Expenditure b) Capital Expenditure c) Deferred Revenue Expenditure d) Not an Expenditure Q5] A firm has reported a profit of Rs.1,47,000 for the year ended 31-3-2014 after taking into consideration the following items. A Salaries account. Revenue Expenditure is that part of government expenditure that does not result in the creation of assets. When a factory is removed to a new and more convenient site, the expenses are treated as deferred revenue expenditure because the benefit from the removal is not temporary. State with reasons whether the following should be considered as deferred revenue expenditure or capitalized expenditure. A. Renewal of magazine subscription fee Rs.75. It is a cost that will be expensed in the accounting period that the purchase was made: If your revenue expenditure was made in June, you’ll expense it in June’s report. Capital Expenditure 2. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, International Financial Reporting Standards. Differences Capital Expenditures and Revenue Expenditures. Benefit of research and development expenses / heavy advertisement for promotion of new line or product / preliminary exp. It is not fully written off in the year of actual expenditure. This preview shows page 49 - 51 out of 224 pages. These Mcqs are very helpful for the Preparation of various posts of Senior Auditor, Junior Auditor, Accountant and for Cost Accountant. A Revenue Expenditure. Property taxes levied in the current fiscal year. Your company is most likely not an exception. Which of the following is not a deferred revenue expenditure a Expenses in, 9 out of 10 people found this document helpful. C Not an Expenditure. D Deferred Revenue Expenditure. c. deferred revenue account. A deferred expenditure is placed on the balance sheet as an asset, since it is something that has been paid a certain amount for, but has not yet been used in its entirety. other accounts sales (a), purchases (b) and Inward Returns (c) are closed once they are, by the Trading Account. A. Back to: Capital and revenue items (quizzes) Show your love for us by sharing our contents. d. All of these answers are correct. A. In business, Deferred Revenue Expenditure is an expense which is incurred while accounting period. Expenditure incurred in acquiring the patent right for the business is an example of: 1.What is deferred revenue expenditure? In accounting terminology, there are three types of expenditure that a business can incur: 1. 133. Vasudevan gives you the following transactions in his business, classify into capital or revenue i. Deferred Revenue Expenditure [Hints: (c) A capital expenditure is a non- recurring expenditure whose benefit lasts for, one accounting period. Which of the following items should not be included as revenue for a state government? Find Jobs I am writing this answer assuming you have basic knowledge of Fundamental terms like-Accrual basis, Materiality, Capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure. deferred revenue expenditures Posted By G.S. To account for the deferred revenue, you need to: Identify transactions that involve the deferred revenue Step 1. Principles of Accounting, Accounting Equation, Analyzing & Classifying Transaction, Journal, Ledger, Banking Transactions, Cash book and Bank Reconciliation Statement, Bill of Exchange, Capital & Revenue, Rectification of Errors, Final Accounts, Adjustments. (b) Registration fees paid at the time of registration of a building. 133. IF YOU THINK THAT ABOVE POSTED MCQ IS WRONG. ], 134. Installation charges paid in conjunction with the purchase of office, equipment is an one-time expenditure whose benefit lasts for more than one accounting. View Answer Answer: Not an Expenditure 2 The process of recording financial data upto trial balance is ... 17 Which of the following is not a nominal Account? B. A Revenue Expenditure. Capital and revenue items. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); PakMcqs.com is the Pakistani Top Mcqs website, where you can find Mcqs of all Subjects, You can also Submit Mcqs of your recent test and Take online Mcqs Quiz test. Revenue expenditure does not increase the efficiency of the firm. expenditure on advertisement, sales promotion etc.. Which one of the following is NOT true about revenue expenditure? The two examples of deferred revenue expenditure and their treatment in final accounts are as explained below: Definition of Deferred Expense. A. D. Deferred revenue expenditure is a revenue expenditure whose benefit lasts for more than one accounting periods and is therefore written off during the periods over which the benefit lasts(However, AS 26 requires that Deferred revenue expenditure is expenses wholly in the year of incurrence). Classify the following into Capital, Revenue and Deferred Revenue expenditure, stating reasons in each case: (a) A sum of ₹ 32,000 has been spent on a machine as follows: (i) ₹ 20,000 for addition to double the output, (ii) ₹ 5,000 for repairs necessitated by negligence and (iii) ₹ … In conclusion and to clarify the following Questions is Deferred Revenue Expenditure: Legal expenses incurred in raising a loan. And the result and benefits of this expenditure are obtained over the multiple years in the future. An alternative description for capitalised revenue expenditure is ‘deferred revenue expenditure’. Example of a deferred expenditure: It is written off over a period of certain years. DEFERRED REVENUE EXPENDITURES. Accounting Mcqs for Preparation of various Test announced by Fpsc, kppsc, Nts, ppsc. Reply. They improve the financial position of the business. A D V E R T I S E M E N T. 4 Comments on . Bansal , On November 30, 2011 When a heavy expenditure of revenue nature is incurred for getting the benefit over a number of years, then it is called as deferred revenue expenditure. We find that there is no concept of deferred revenue expenditure under the Income Tax Act except under certain specific, provisions like section 35D. (a) Advertising expenditure, the benefits of which will last for three years. Revenue expenditure is incurred in the current period or in one period of account. Thus (d) is the correct answer.]. Legal expenses incurred in defending a suit for breach of contract for supply of goods does not satisfy the prerequisites of a deferred revenue expenditure. Cost of experimenting with the chemical product which did not result in success B Interest paid. It is not fully written off in the year of actual expenditure. An alternative description for capitalised revenue expenditure is ‘deferred revenue expenditure’. According to Kohler “It is an expenditure charged against operation; a term used to contrast with capital expenditure”. A Salaries account. whose balance appears once in Trading Account and once in Balance Sheet of the business. (b) Registration fees paid at the time of registration of a building. As a rule, the majority of big and small businesses that provide services upon subscription enter into transactions that involve deferred revenue. Deferred revenue expenditure is that expenditure for which payment has been made or a liability incurred but which is carried forward on the presumption that it will be of benefit over a subsequent period or periods. C. Heavy advertising expenses to introduce a new product 13,960 plus Rs. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) Chhavi sharma . 135. 2.Please give some examples for deferred revenue expenditure? Expenditure incurred for the purpose of floating assets i.e., asset for resale purpose such as cost of merchandise, raw-material and stores required for manufacturing process. I think it is better to go through this MCQ’s. A firm spends Rs500000 on … the amount will be written off over a subsequent number of years. © Copyright 2016-2020 - www.PakMcqs.com/. 2. The question of whether expenditure is capital or revenue for tax purposes is one of tax law. the amount will be written off over a subsequent number of years. a. Classify the following into Capital, Revenue and Deferred Revenue expenditure, stating reasons in each case: (a) A sum of ₹ 32,000 has been spent on a machine as follows: (i) ₹ 20,000 for addition to double the output, (ii) ₹ 5,000 for repairs necessitated by negligence and (iii) ₹ … (a) Advertising expenditure, the benefits of which will last for three years. SECTION 7 and 9 _Evidence Gadering _ Documentation _ Evaluation _.docx, Chapter 11 Reporting and Analyzing the Statement of Cash Flows.pdf, Indiana University, Bloomington • BUS A200, University of the Punjab, Quid-e-Azam • ACCOUNTING MISC, 28313584-Accounting-Mcqs-Paper-i-Css-Past-Papers-Solved, pwc-guide-business-combinations-noncontrolling-interests-global-second-edition. Tips for deferred revenue accounting. Deferred revenue expenditure is that expenditure for which payments will be made immediately in the year occurred but wont be accounted full in the books of accounts. Expenses in connection with issue of equity shares B. Preoperative expenses C. Heavy advertising expenses to introduce a new product ... AS 26 requires that Deferred revenue expenditure is expenses wholly in the year of incurrence). B Capital Expenditure. Which of the following is not a deferred revenue expenditure? The expenditure incurred for the following purposes will be treated as revenue expenditure. Nice. A firm spends Rs500000 on … Deferred expenditure in practice. (a) Expenses in connection with issue of equity shares, (c) Heavy advertising expenses to introduce a new product, (d) Legal expenses incurred in defending a suit for breach of contract to supply goods, [Hints: (d) Deferred revenue expenditure is a revenue expenditure whose benefit lasts for, than one accounting periods and is therefore written off during the periods over which the, lasts(However, AS 26 requires that Deferred revenue expenditure is expensed wholly in the, incurrence). C. They reduce the profit of the concern. Rs.1200 fire insurance for the building for business. Your email address will not be published. Deferred revenue, or unearned revenue , refers to advance payments for products or services that are to be delivered in the future. As a rule, the majority of big and small businesses that provide services upon subscription enter into transactions that involve deferred revenue. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ... Debit a receivable and credit deferred inflows. Syed alfaz . Deferred revenue expenditure denotes expenditure for which a payment has been made or a liability incurred which is essentially revenue in nature but which for various reasons like quantum and period of expected future benefit etc., is written-off over a period of time e.g. (iii); Deferred revenue expenditure – (v)] 3. IAS 18 outlines the accounting requirements for when to recognise revenue from the sale of goods, rendering of services and for interest, royalties and dividends. D. Legal expenses incurred in defending a suit for breach of contract to supply goods. Some are considered current assets, if they are used fully within a year. Deferred Revenue Expenditure is an expenditure which is revenue in nature and incurred during an accounting period, however, related benefits are to be derived in multiple future accounting periods. Deferred revenue expenditure is an expenditure which is incurred in the present accounting period but its benefits are incurred in the following or the future accounting periods. PLEASE COMMENT BELOW WITH CORRECT ANSWER AND ITS DETAIL EXPLANATION. Which of the following statements is true? iv. B. Cost of dismantling a building in case a new building is to be constructed on the land C. Legal expenses incurred to defend a suit related to title of patent. accounting mcqs for accountant. ii. Which of the following is an item of capital expenditure? D Deferred Revenue Expenditure. State whether the following expenditures are capital, revenue or deferred revenue. Therefore, Rs. iii. Revenue Expenditure and 3. Purchases of goods worth Rs.7,000 for the purpose of selling. A) Phone fees restricted to supporting the emergency 911 access system. C) Debit a receivable and credit Fund Balance. Preliminary expenses paid in the formation of a company. Required fields are marked *. Reply. B. Preoperative expenses Heavy advertisement expenses paid to introduce a new product in the … Deferred Revenue Expenditure is an expenditure which is revenue in nature and incurred during an accounting period, but its benefits are to be derived in multiple future accounting periods.. D) Debit a receivable and credit revenue ... Revenue or Expenditure. These expenses are unusually large in amount and, essentially, the benefits are not consumed within the same accounting period. View Answer Answer: Not an Expenditure 2 The process of recording financial data upto trial balance is ... 17 Which of the following is not a nominal Account? This expenditure might be written off in the same financial year or over a period of a few years. I will explain it with an example. 2,600 should be put to Suspense Account and a portion, say one-fourth, charged to the Profit and Loss Account every year. Sometimes, some expenditure is of revenue nature but its benefit likely to be derived over a number of years. Revenue Expenditure is that expenditure which is not a capital expenditure. B. 136. (i) The cost of an asset Rs.23,000 has been taken as an expense b. revenue account. Your email address will not be published. We find that there is no concept of deferred revenue expenditure under the Income Tax Act except under certain specific, provisions like section 35D. Your company is most likely not an exception. I will explain it with an example. Deferred Revenue Expenditure Meaning. Legal expenses incurred in defending a suit for breach of contract for supply of, does not satisfy the prerequisites of a deferred revenue expenditure. 137. The question of whether expenditure is capital or revenue for tax purposes is one of tax law. D. They do not appear in the balance sheet. b. its fair value. The firm Auditor, Accountant and for Cost Accountant an example of: 1.What deferred. 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