Would it be possible to change the verbatim package? This article explains how to use the standard verbatim environment as well as the package listings, which provide more advanced code-formatting features. The package also has a \verbatimtabinput command, that honours TAB characters in the input (the package’s listing environment and the \listinginput command also both honour TAB). Just to clarify @Pieter's point, for those new LaTeX users (read:me). \listinginput command also both honour TAB). everything verbatim, sverb and moreverb Lastly, you must not use the \verbatim tag, but rather \begin{lstlisting}. command, which line-number the text of the file. \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \begin{document} In \LaTeX, braces \{\ \}\ limit the scope of certain commands, as in \verb,{\it text},. The fancyvrb package provides a more powerful replacement for the verbatim environment, allowing the font to be specified, the environment to be boxed, an external file to be inclued in a verbatim environment, and much more. finds: of course, this is little use for inputting (La)TeX source This can use colour to highlight your examples based on the language you are documenting — I am using it extensively in the PDF of this book.. A good way is to use Rainer Schöpf’s verbatim package, This is a reimplementation of Latex's verbatim environment. The package provides a means of creating references to labels in another file xspace. You can include solutions in your LATEX le and have these solutions either printed or ignored (or replaced automatically by space in which the students can write their answers) depending on a single command (see section8, section5.5, and section7.7). The examplep package written by the author recently provides sophisticated features for typesetting verbatim source code listings, including the display of the source code and its compiled L A T E X or METAPOST output side-by-side, with automatic width detection … The output looks exactly as it looks in the input file. However, if you really need to disable one of the above commands local… \verb has some downsides, such as not working in moving arguments. I tried using verbatim mode: \begin{verbatim} resting_metabolic_rate=metabolism_of_body_cells + metabolism_of_turnovers + metabolism_of_conversions + ec \end{verbatim} This code doesn't produce equation number and label like equation mode. But I want to be able to create LaTeX comments that go on for multiple lines. The ‘package’ guard here allows most of the code to be excluded when extracting the driver le for testing this package. Other commands, such as \verb,\verb, can use any two identical symbols. See Verbatim_text for more details xr. The package allows to customize the page layout of your LaTeX documents, i.e. (Nevertheless, the tab-expansion code in this package responds to one of the FAQs of comp.text.tex) The package provides things in three broad areas: – Tor Feb 3 '12 at 15:21 verbatim. in 10 in 421.0 lbs 0.001035 in 3.59 "20 in 640.2 lbs 0.001565 in 7.18 "does not give a complete description of how it works, which can be found in the Maybe you are interested in the following packages as well. bundle in the LaTeX required The verbatim package reimplements the LaT X verbatim and verbatim* environments. Here is example that formats the contents of the environment in blue and boldface: It o ers six kinds of extended functionality, compared to the standard LATEX verbatim environment: 1. verbatim commands can be used in footnotes, 2. several verbatim commands are enhanced, L a T e X 's \verb macro treats its argument as an unbreakable unit of text. argument: Another way is to use the alltt environment, which For example, p (paragraph) columns in tabular. The package enables the user to typeset programs (programming code) within L a T e X; the source code is read directly by T e X —no front-end processor is needed. If you printed a very long line, or a long text, this is somewhat annoying. For whatever reason, should you wish to alter the justification of a paragraph, there are three environments at hand, and also LaTeX command equivalents. Context has \starttyping which is equivalent to verbatim environment in Latex. The commands listed are for use within other environments. to the facilities of the verbatim package): The fancyvrb package offers configurable implementations of command \verbatiminput for typesetting the contents of a The short answer is you use \verb where you need to write a small piece of inline verbatim material that contains characters TeX treats (or rather, is currently treating) as special.\texttt is for when you just want typewriter font. The package also provides a This can lead to poor typesetting, especially when the argument is long. Use type="Sinput" if using Sweave, especially if you have customized the Sinput environment, for example using the Sweavel style which uses the listings LaTeX package. 6.1 Add LaTeX code to the preamble; 6.2 Pandoc options for LaTeX output; 6.3 Add logo to title page; 6.4 Include additional LaTeX packages. verbatim and moreverb packages. The package also has LaTeX multiline comments example. This function is useful in several situations, primarily in places where the verbatim environment is otherwise inaccessible (for example, in the midst of a tabular environment). There is the spverbatim package that does it though. The listings package, which we look at more below for display verbatim, also has an inline form. If so, we just stop reading this le. \usepackage{listings} must be added and \lstset{breaklines=true} as well. file, verbatim. have, and more besides. For Latex, the output is formatted using the Verbatim environment, which doesn't insert line breaks. \begin{comment} and \end{comment}), and a The moreverb package extends the verbatim package, providing a listing environment and a \listinginput command, which line-number the text of the file. Abstract This package reimplements the LATEX verbatim and verbatim* envi- ronments. The spverbatim package provides an \spverb macro that is analogous to \verb and an spverbatim environment that is analogous to verbatim with the difference being that \spverb and spverbatim allow L a T e X to break lines at space characters. the input (the package’s listing environment and the (6.6M). Green Button Software for MAC OS X 10.7 and Earlier Green Button Software Download comment environment (that skips everything between Paragraphs in LaTeX are usually fully justified, i.e.flush with both the left and right margins. code…. In a similar vein, the verbatimbox package makes it possible to put verbatim material in a box: a \verbatimtabinput command, that honours TAB characters in The moreverb package extends the verbatim package, I didn't see a way to make Verbatim insert line-breaks. distribution. verbatim* environments. discerning typesetter of verbatim text, but its wealth of facilities The default uses the S alltt environment for latex.function, Set type="verbatim" to instead use the LaTeX verbatim environment. advised. Using the Verbatim Environment Here's how you do longer pieces of text. The second way does not page break, but is flexibly manipulated in the manner of a LaTeX box (i.e., one can apply \centering, etc. ‘fancyvrb’ is the development of the verbatim macros of the ‘fancybox’ package, Section 11 of [1]. Is it possible to use \label{} and equation numbering with verbatim? The sverb package provides verbatim input (without recourse The first way will pagebreak, but adds space above/below the environment. Flexible handling of verbatim text including: verbatim commands in footnotes; a variety of verbatim environments with many parameters; ability to define new customized verbatim environments; save and restore verbatim text and environments; write and read files in verbatim mode; build “example” environments (showing both result and verbatim source). The package also provides a comment environment (that skips everything between \begin {comment} and \end {comment}), and a command \verbatiminput for typesetting the contents of a file, verbatim. The first step is to include the LaTex verbatim package, like this: \usepackage{verbatim} Do that in the LaTeX document preamble. to the box or, as here, frame it) The package is part of the latex-tools bundle in the LaT The package is part of the latex-tools contents “mostly” verbatim, but executes any (La)TeX commands it requires the alltt package. Enhanced inline verbatim. It turns LaTeX into a typewriter with carriage returns and blanks having the same effect that they would on a typewriter. makes it a complex beast and study of the documentation is strongly The memoir class includes the relevant functionality of the It also denes the command verbatiminputto input a whole le verbatim. … which provides a command \verbatiminput that takes a file name as Verbatim content For incremental slides with verbatim content, the following environment should be used instead of the overlays environment: \begin{fragileoverlays}{ total overlay number } slide content \end{fragileoverlays} Note that the \alert, \visible, and \only commands themselves must not contain verbatim commands or environments. The multi – line comments are written using the package verbatim. 最近写一些 latex 代码例子,发现下面的用法会出问题。\begin{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} \documentcl… providing a listing environment and a \listinginput Rather simpler is the verbdef package, whose \verbdef command defines a (robust) command which expands to the verbatim argument given; the newverbs package provides a similar function as well as several related ones. multicol: Intermix single and multiple columns, tabularx: Tabulars with adjustable-width columns, shellesc: Unified shell escape interface for. The environment interprets its LaTeX is widely used in science and programming has become an important aspect in several areas of science, hence the need for a tool that properly displays code. This package uses the facilities provide by the verbatim package in the LATEX2ε tools distribution to provide a number of things that were rejected as unnecessary in the development of that package. The verbatim environment is a paragraph-making environment that gets LaTeX to print exactly what you type in. Verbatim Revisited – the ‘fancyvrb’ Package 159 3. a variety of verbatim environments are provided, with many parameters to change the way the contents are printed; it is also possible to define new customized verbatim environments, 4. a way is provided to save and restore verbatim … Fortunately, once you know that you’re supposed to include the verbatim package, this is pretty easy. Pode exemplo, se você estiver escrevendo um manual sobre LaTeX, linguagens de programação, etc, esse texto vai aparecer como você escreveu, sem ser compilado como comandos. 5.6.1 Show a verbatim inline expression; 5.7 Line numbers for code blocks (*) 5.8 Multi-column layout (*) 6 LaTeX Output. Ainda não tinha tentado inserir um conteúdo verbatim no meio do texto.. O verbatim é aquele conteúdo que o LaTeX não vai interpretar como LaTeX. 1 hpackagei 2 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} 3 \ProvidesPackage{verbatim} 4 [2003/08/22 v1.5q LaTeX2e package for verbatim enhancements] to change page margings and sizes, headers and footers, and to make proper placement of figures and tables (collectively called floats) on the page. It is nowadays the package of choice for the Keywords, comments and strings can be typeset using different styles (default is bold for keywords, italic for … width.cutoff Here are two ways with the verbatimbox package. end we check whether the macro \verbatim@@@ is de ned. In addition it provides a comment environment that skips any commands or text between \begin{comment}and the next \end{comment}. An example is shown below: An example is shown below: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{verbatim} \begin{document} This is supposed to show \begin{comment} this is not supposed to show \end{comment} \end{document} The verbatim package reimplements the LaTeX verbatim and The verbatimbox package allows verbatim material to be placed into LATEX boxes, for later recall. Download the contents of this package in one zip archive Context has \autoinsertnextspace which is equivalent. All text between the \begin and \end of the specified environment will be justified appropriately. 5.6 Verbatim code chunks. fancynum 2000/08/11 15:41:50 A LaTeX package for typesetting numbers, in particular those numbers written by computers. In moving arguments boxes, for later recall macro treats its argument as an unbreakable unit text. The listings package, Section 11 of [ 1 ] by computers creating references labels... 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