HTML onfocus attribute supports a, area, button, input, label, select, textarea elements. Código HTML: onFocus: focus: Questo handler si attiva quando l’utente entra in un campo ed è l’opposto di onBlur. Evénement onfocus : exemple. Default "onfocus" and "onblur" functionality « on: October 21, 2016, 10:37:34 AM » Without having to "bind" focus or blur, why can't I use the blur/focus built in functions; that is HTML … The onblur attribute fires the moment that the element loses focus. Every serverside control is originally based on html,TextBox is always rendered as input of type textbox,so all events of input are also availabel for TextBox (like onfocus and onblur). Event Attribute. You use the term, in blur, to signify that an element does not have focus. Se desejar trabalhar com estes eventos via JavaScript puramente, pelos event handlers e método addEventListener, os nomes são focus e onblur. When the element gets focus, if onfocus is used, a script is executed. onClick : An object on a form gets clicked. On this page: Test 1 | References | About these tests Nearby: More HTML 4.01 Tests | UAAG 1.0 Test Suite UAAG 1.0 Requirement Checkpoint 1.2 Activate event handlers (Priority 1 ) Provision 2: In order to satisfy provision one of this checkpoint, the user must be able to activate as a group all event handlers of the same input device event type. onBlur is the event handler for when the input field loses the focus. onFocus = "script command(s)" onBlur = "script command(s)" onFocus is the event handler for when the body of the page receives the focus. The onfocus event is mostly used with ,