It's also perfect for use in a Hummingbird garden or cut flower garden. I don’t know when you were last surprised with a bouquet of roses and a bottle of wine, as it sure has been a while for me. Height/Spread: Low-growing spreading habit, 1-2 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. Not likely, because Weigela is one of those plants that fades into garden obscurity after spring. 4 to 5 ft. tall and wide. . Spilled Wine is 2' to 3' tall and wide. Shop our Online Shrub catalog today. Midnight Wine (Elvera) also has burgundy-purple leaves. Since the wine and roses weigela is an easy-going shrub, there is not much to do as far as planting goes. Spilled Wine® (syn. Weigela wine and roses is a deciduous shrub that can grow to between 4 and 6 feet tall and is hardy in the USDA Zones 5 to 8. Puts out the occasional pink flower but primarily grown for its deeply colorful, wavy foliage. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. Try combining Wine & Roses with either Shasta Daisy, Siberian Iris, Globe Thistle, or … Wine & Roses is the culmination of nearly twenty years of breeding effort by Herman Geers of Boskoop, Netherlands. Peonies make excellent companion plants to dwarf varieties of weigelas, according to Monrovia. Beds and borders, City, Cottage/Informal, Low Maintenance. It's recognized by its striking wine- to burgundy-colored leaves and pink, trumped-shaped flowers. Weigela Wine and Roses (Weigela florida "Alexandra" Wine and Roses), is a deciduous shrub appreciated for the deep rosy-pink blooms that provide contrast for shiny, dark greenish-purple foliage. ... Wine and Roses- 48-60″ tall, 48″ spread. 4. Unlike our Grandmother, we demand landscape plants with more. Both have that luscious dark purple foliage that contrasts so beautifully with the pink flowers and are easy to grow, deer resistant shrubs that bloom in late spring. Wine & Roses Weigela is a shrub that was cultivated in the North, so its ideal environment is full sun in a cooler climate. It is fast growing and trouble free, making it an easy way to add season long color to the garden. Rosy pink flowers appear in late spring and often rebloom in summer. Still, other types of weigela bushes have golden or lime-colored foliage. Bloom Time: Mid-late spring. The Wine and Roses Weigela is … As a garden shrub Wine & Roses is a strong grower with no serious insect of disease problems. In spring and throughout the summer, rosy-pink flowers are produced in great quantities and make for a striking contrast. Sunlight brings out the dark pigments that gives Wine and Roses it dark purple leaf color. Wine and Roses® is a selection from the Netherlands that merits your attention. A very exciting plant. Wine & Roses shines from spring to fall by combining colorful foliage and intensely colored, funnel shaped flowers. Have you tried its little sister, Spilled Wine®? But Spilled Wine® is just 2-3 feet tall, making it ideally suited to perennial beds, the edge of foundation plantings, or any landscape need. Prune to Shape Your Weigela or you're thinking of planting one, you probably know that it's an especially easy-to-grow shrub.A tough plant that has masses of colorful flowers in late spring or early summer, a weigela is cold-tolerant and grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, depending on the variety. From spring until the first frost, bright pink flowers are produced in great quantities and make for a striking contrast. Not with the introduction of Wine & Roses Weigela florida 'Alexandra'. Growing to about 3 to 5 feet, the Polka weigela is perfect for gardens that need a perennial green cover. Wine & Roses can be found at better garden centers and nurseries. All rights reserved © Spring Meadow Nursery, © 2020 Proven Winners North America LLC. Compact mounded habit. A nice choice for gardeners craving the Midas touch is Golden Jackpot (Weigela florida MonRigney). Geers patiently crossed existing varieties of Weigela, sowing out thousands of seeds each year and selecting out only those with the darkest foliage. Plant in most moist but well-drained fertile soil in sun or part shade. To achieve its best foliage color it is essential to plant Wine & Roses in full sun. Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be balanced by one or two finer or coarser trees or shrubs for an effective composition. Check out our range of plants below. Spring. Pat Burman, Bellingham, WA. Prefers medium-moist, well-drained soil, and has average water needs. Weigela florida Spilled Wine® is a compact, deciduous shrub noted for its striking foliage of narrowly ovate, dark purple leaves all season long. Wine & Roses® weigela remains one of the most requested plants by homeowners and landscapers alike, thanks to its beautiful contrast of dark purple foliage and rosy pink blooms. Weigela Weigelas are an easy to grow shrub that produces masses of delicate trumpet shaped flowers, en masse in early summer. Its foliage, a dark black-purple with an attractive wavy margin, wi These plants will have a lot more details displayed including an image. Wine and Roses® Weigela is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with an upright spreading habit of growth. Suggested uses. But don’t blame my husband; I always request that he give me plants in lieu of cut flowers. By all accounts this is a plant development breakthrough. Hot rose-pink flowers in June. The results will simply amaze you. © Mark Turner. Wine & Roses makes a wonderful cut flower along with its foliage. You can choose other companion plants from the following list of suggestions for some popular weigela varieties: Polka . Weigela florida Wine & Roses® is a striking deciduous shrub noted for its foliage of narrowly ovate, shiny, dark purple leaves all season long. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter. Exposure: Sun. Not likely, because Weigela is one of those plants that fades into garden obscurity after spring. Easy to grow, this flowering shrub is perfect as a focal point in the sunny border or in containers. Pat Burman, Bellingham, WA. A light shearing after it blooms in mid-spring will often be rewarded with a second bloom. Available in many different sizes, there is a weigela plant to suit every garden. 'Alexandra', sold under the trade name of WINE AND ROSES, typically grows 4-5' tall with a slightly larger spread. Bloom Time. Its dark burgundy leaves highlight the profusion of 1–2″ rosy... Buy Weigela WINE Roses - Buy Weigela Shrubs Online. That can be done with any one of these weigelas. When you think of Weigela, most likely you recall pleasant memories of that big old shrub in front of your Grandmother's house. Burpee. It can also be enjoyed as an accent plant or used for a dramatic mass planting. This is a common, garden variety of the weigela in dry areas. Foliage is deep burgundy-purple, full sun produces the best color. Wine & Roses® Weigela, Weigela florida 'Alexandra' PP10772. Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses' (Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses' ) will reach a height of 1.8m and a spread of 1.8m after 10-20 years. Dig the hole, insert shrub, add dirt. If the Wine & Roses Weigela shrub is planted in a warm southern climate it needs to have afternoon shade in order to prevent turning green and getting scorched by … The most important reason for pruning Weigela Wine and Roses is to improve the overall health of the plant which in turn will reward you with a plethora of blooms and berries. in Top Ten Lists and Shrubs, 1203498 Grasses, shrubs & small trees in front-yard garden next to sidewalk [Acer palmatum cv. This is a sun loving plant and should be planted in full sun and be sure it receives at minimum 6 hours of sun a day. Season long color. Cultivation. The breeder of Wine & Roses® weigela also created Midnight Wine® weigela, a super dark leafed, super dwarf variety. You remember the burst of pink or red trumpet-like flowers in spring and the hummingbirds that gleaned its nectar. It is a dwarf version of Wine and Roses, reaching a maximum of 2 feet tall (both sport pink flowers). Help your landscape flow from late winter to fallwithout a lapse in color by choosing a variety of flowering shrubs with different bloom times, including azalea, hydrangea, buckeye, rose and more. Average Size at Maturity. Weigela Polkas develop thick, green-colored foliage, … But can you remember that plant once the blooms had faded? Wine Weigela— The Wine series features burgundy leaves. Spread: 4 Feet. Hardiness Zone: 4. It can be used as a hedge, as a foundation plant or it can be effectively integrated into a shrub or perennial border to provide season long color. Specific epithet would lead one to believe that this plants is native to Florida but it is actually native to North China, Korea and Japan. For more information about this variety of weigela, you can check out HGTVGarden for specifics about hardiness and if it is appropriate for your growing region. If you enter just a plant name, you will see results from the old RHS Plant Finder and Selector databases; If you select any attributes with or without a plant name, you will see a much narrower selection of results taken only from the old RHS Plant Selector database. Exposure: Full sun. Wine & Roses grows 4' to 5' tall and wide. Garden Crossings Online Garden Center offers a large selection of Weigela Plants. Wine and Roses Weigela Care. The Wine and Roses Weigela has an upright habit making it great for planting as a thriller in containers. When you think of Weigela, most likely you recall pleasant memories of that big old shrub in front of your Grandmother's house. Botanical Pronunciation. Wine-dark leaves and weath of hot pink flowers. Fine Wine reaches 2' to 3' tall and wide. Spilled Wine has dark red, wavy leaves and a spreading habit. Many times, Weigelia Spilled Wine that have not been pruned in a few years will develop dead or degenerative twigs. © Mark Turner. But can you remember that plant once the blooms had faded? Attracts hummingbirds. Its hot pink-magenta flowers are similar to those of Wine & Roses, but this is a smaller plant that is wider than it is tall. Reaching a mature height of four to five feet, it may be easily trimmed to maintain lower height. Color: Bright pink flowers, deep purple foliage. So is Weigela a shrub that deserves to be a garden memory? After selecting out the best plants, he crossed pollinated those and repeated the process numerous times until he got what he was after, the first, truly purple-leafed Weigela. Unlike our Grandmother, we demand landscape plants with more. Try using Wine & Roses weigela's colorful branches in flower arrangements. Not with the introduction of. 1203501 'Wine & Roses' Weigela [Weigela florida 'Wine & Roses']. Good companion plants for weigela are those that grow in the same USDA plant hardiness zones, have the same care needs, and compliment the appearance of the weigela rather than compete or blend in with it. Try using Wine & Roses® colorful branches in flower arrangements. If you're growing a weigela (Weigela spp.) Our precious garden space is best reserved for plants that not only flower but also earn there keep with additional attributes like attractive fruit, colorful stems or fantastic fall color. It is popular for the characteristic pink shade of its seasonal bloom. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. This will encourage the plant to produce leaves and flowers with more vibrant colors, which will in turn be more effective for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. Peonies (Paeonia sp.) ; Kalmia latifolia; Euonymus alata; Ginkgo biloba; Weigela florida 'Wine & Roses']. Zones: 4-8. Although I adore fresh blooms, I simply can’t justify spending …. Wine and roses weigela is a hybrid of the old-fashioned weigela shrub known as weigela florida. ‘Bokraspiwi’) — Buy now from Proven Winners Weigela florida. wy-GEE-la FLOR-ih-duh. Wine & Roses shines from spring to fall by combining colorful foliage and intensely colored, funnel shaped flowers. Spilled Wine® weigela (front) and Summer Wine® ninebark (back) get their names from the rich wine-colored foliage. Consider using it as a thornless, non-invasive alternative to 'Crimson Pygmy' barberry. Our precious garden space is best reserved for plants that not only flower but also earn there keep with additional attributes like attractive fruit, colorful stems or fantastic fall color. The true secret to having a dramatic garden is decorating it with interesting foliage. WINE & ROSES recently became the first Weigela ever to win the coveted Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Gold Medal Award. So is Weigela a shrub that deserves to be a garden memory? Design Ideas. See Spilled Wine®, Midnight Wine®, and Fine Wine® weigelas for different habits with … It is primarily grown for its profuse reddish-pink spring flowers and its purple foliage. Nov 4, 2016 - A shrub for my tapestry garden. Height: 4 Feet. This is not your grandmother's Weigela. You remember the burst of pink or red trumpet-like flowers in spring and the hummingbirds that gleaned its nectar. Rich dark purple foliage all summer. Height: 1.0 m (3 feet) Spread: 1.0 m (3 feet) Bloom: deep rosy pink, funnel shaped Exposure: full sun Foliage: brownish purple Pluses: long bloom, foliage colour, no pests Weigela are an old-fashioned plant but newer varieties are showing up … Read More, Proven Winners - 10 Great Shrubs To Use In Your Landscape! To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. See more ideas about shrubs, plants, garden. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. Try combining Wine & Roses with either Shasta Daisy, Siberian Iris, Globe Thistle, or Russian Sage. All Rights Reserved. While the Wine & Roses Weigela can be grown in both partial shade and full sun, it is best to grow it in full sun. Spilled Wine® Weigela Wine & Roses® weigela has been a garden classic since we introduced it over 10 years ago. Deer resistant. It can also be enjoyed as an accent plant or used for a dramatic mass planting. Deciduous. Caring for your Wine and Roses Weigela is simple. Wine & Roses makes a wonderful cut flower along with its foliage. Here is a nice comparison of our entire Wine series of weigela. Fine Wine- 24″ tall, 30″ spread. Selections are generally organized by bloom time from early spring to late winter. Midnight Wine forms a mound 10" to 12" tall and 18" to 24" wide. Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses' Weigela florida Wine and Rose® PP10772 Weigela. Hole, insert shrub, add dirt existing varieties of weigelas, according to Monrovia idea Book and 's. 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